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Men Should Weep by Ena Lamont Stewart

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1 Men Should Weep by Ena Lamont Stewart
By Amber, Molly, Yasmine and Jacqueline

2 What issues does Men Should Weep highlight?
Men Should Weep is set in 1930s Glasgow. At this time most of Glasgow was living in tenements and life was cramped and smelly. Most people didn’t have their own clothes, everything was second-hand, even underwear. Poverty was common and extreme.

3 Scottish History Glasgow had the worst of the depression in the 1930s and got lots negative stereotypes. Unemployment, sub-standard housing and poor levels of health had a dramatic effect on Scotland. Men returning from the war found that woman had taken on jobs because of the shortage of men and these then became labelled as female jobs. After the war ended there was no need for weapons, which resulted in a huge loss of jobs, and unemployment for those who had fought in the war.

4 Sectarianism (religious discrimination) was common in Glasgow
Sectarianism (religious discrimination) was common in Glasgow. Although the country was mainly Protestant, Irish immigrants had established a large Catholic community. Unemployed, skilled Scottish labourers complained bitterly about Irish immigrants taking 'their jobs' and this brought discrimination into the labour yards. The Church of Scotland encouraged this anti-Catholic behaviour at the time. Children went to either Catholic or Protestant schools, they lived in different streets and areas of the city, and the rivalry was played out on the football field, between Rangers and Celtic.

5 Historical Timeline 1916: David Lloyd George, became Prime Minister: he introduced pensions in 1908, which is highlighted in the play. 11 November 1918: The First World War comes to an end. Many are dead or have lost loved people because of it. 1928: The National Party for Scotland is founded.

6 1928: All women over 21 are given the vote
1928: All women over 21 are given the vote. Married women over 30 got it in 1918. 1929 : the global Great Depression, Britain was particularly badly hit. 1930: Unemployment in Scotland reaches 25% during the depression years. April 1934: The Scottish National Party is founded. 3 September 1939: The Second World War is declared.

7 Issues The Play Deals With
Poverty Unemployment Gender Roles Stereotypes Scottish History

8 More Issues… Social conditions Living environment Urban Scotland
Deprivation Social divisions Impact on characters and relationships Economic decline Post war Depression Characterisation and portrayal.

9 The Setting Men Should Weep is set in the 1930’s, when Glasgow was mainly tenements

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