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1 S

2 S Google Chrome OS Seminarby P.Manasa Information Technology,
IV year 2nd semester. Vaagdevi College of Engineering Bollikunta,Warangal S

3 Contents Introduction Google Chrome OS - a Revolution in OS Features
Design goals and direction Tablets Drawbacks Install and Run the New Google Chrome OS on Your Windows PC How Will Google Chrome OS Change Gaming? Chrome OS Screenshots How to run Chrome OS from a USB drive References ?

4 INTRODUCTION Google Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in california Chromium projects The Chromium projects include Chromium and Chromium OS, the open-source projects behind the Google Chrome browser and Google Chrome OS

5 Google CHROME OS Google CHROME
Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google that uses the WebKit layout engine and application framework. Google CHROME OS Google Chrome OS is an open source operating system designed by Google to work exclusively with web applications . The operating system is based on Linux and will run only on specifically designed hardware.

6 Google Chrome OS Hoping to turn that irritation to its advantage. Emphasis on speed, simplicity and security. Google faces enormous hurdles. Google is trying to put the Web browser at the center of people's digital lives .

7 Google Chrome OS .

8 Google Chrome OS Sundar Pichai, a vice president for product management – “We're designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the Web in a few seconds,“ Linus Upson, an engineering director, said in a blog post announcing the project late Tuesday.- "We hear a lot from our users and their message is clear — computers need to get better." .

9 Google Chrome OS - a Revolution in OS
In Google Chrome OS web will have great importance Google Chrome is an OS for NetBooks Google’s operating system will use kernel Google will focus on speed and simplicity of Google Chrome OS Google Chrome OS: Ditch Your Hard Drives, the Future Is the Web .

10 In Google Chrome OS web will have great importance
Google Chrome is an OS extension of Chrome, Google browser Cloud Computing. 3G,WIMAX. .

11 Google Chrome is an OS for NetBooks
Google Chrome OS would focus on ultra-especially to Netbooks with Intel Atom platforms such as x86 or ARM. "most of the user experience takes place on the web.“ Underneath lies security architecture that's completely redesigned to be virus-resistant and easy to update .

12 Google’s operating system will use kernel
Google will focus on speed and simplicity of Google Chrome OS . simple operating system, focuses on efficiency and speed. The Chrome operating system will have Linux at its core, and like Linux it will be open source, meaning outside programmers will be able to modify it. Impact of netbooks

13 Google Chrome OS: Ditch Your Hard Drives, the Future Is the Web
7seconds to login Purchase a Chrome OS device-Netbooks. Rely on non-volatile flash memory and internet-based storage for saving all of your data. On average, netbooks cost between $300 and $500. .


15 Features

16 Key Feature s of Google Chromium OS
Google Chromium OS will be the faster OS ever. It will load up in 3-4 seconds and will arise the biggest challenge for Microsoft Windows OS which takes about seconds to start up. It will be the next generation OS, with complete focus on internet activities. Google Chrome OS will feature almost everything that a common internet user demands. .

17 Key Feature s of Google Chromium OS
Chrome OS will store all user data online, instead of the local hard disk. All user files and data will be stored online for more safety and security purposes. Since files will be stored online, there will be no data loss in case of  Chrome OS crashes. Users can format the system and re-install Chromium OS and all stored data can be recovered from the online storage .

18 .

19 Security: No worries, fear
The OS will only be available in netbooks with software and hardware designed to provide very good user experience. This is because its security and other features that would allow fast boot-up time, for one, are built in the computer itself. Sophisticated users such as developers, however, may download the core and use it in all kinds of computers, with no guarantee though for the same speed and security .

20 Simplicity: All in the cloud
Google wants users to think of the way they use Gmail, Friendster or Facebook right now. Chrome OS-powered netbooks will have no hard drive, only solid state drive because it is faster and more stable. .

21 Chrome OS FAST BOOT We get a blank screen with just the Google logo and space for user name and password.

22 Continuity: Completely in the open
Sengupta -“We want people to look at the internal core, to examine the products and want security experts to go in and find every vulnerability before we launch it. Not completely free of cost. In Philippines share of the Chrome is it is 9.41% this is bcozz 24 million- Internet users. 83% - members of social networks . average of 17.8 hours per month on the Internet. . .

23 Design goals and direction
User interface Architecture Hardware support Integrated media player Link handling

24 User interface Minimal ScreenSpace. Full Screenmode Split Screen Secondary tasks-Floating windows(chat,MusicPlayers). Split Screen. Google chrome OS follows chrome HTML 5’S offline mode,backgroundprocessing,Notification. .

25 2) browser and window manager,
Architecture 3-Tier Archiecture. Chromium OS consists of three major components: 1) firmware, 2) browser and window manager, 3) System-level software and userland services. .

26 Chrome OS Software Architecture

Chromium OS consists of three major components: The Chromium-based browser and the window manager System-level software and user-land services: the kernel, drivers, connection manager, and so on Firmware

28 Hardware support solid-state drives due to their higher performance and reliability. Lower capacity requirements- Google Chrome OS consumes one-sixtieth as much drive space as Windows 7. The devices could possibly be configured for mobile broadband .

29 Chrome OS Installation ?

30 Integrated media player
Google will integrate a media player into both Chrome OS and the Chrome browser, enabling users to play back MP3s, view JPEGs, and handle other multimedia files while offline. .

31 Link handling One unresolved design problem related to both Chrome OS and the Chrome browser is the desired behavior for how Web applications handle specific link types. .

32 Tablets Glen Murphy - A user interface designer at Google,posted mock-ups of a tablet ,video demo. Acer has said, this year, it plans to offer a million netbooks running Chrome OS. Better fit-tablets. ABI Research defines media tablets as having a Touch-screen interface, 5-11 inches in size, Wi-Fi Internet connectivity, Video and gaming capabilities. .

33 .

34 Hardware Design of tablet similar to ipad
Virtual keyboard at bottom an d can float in control panel. Icons for quick access to facebook,gmail,twitter,pandora ………… Supports multitouch,scrolling,zoom. .

35 TRADITIONAL OS BROWSER Antivirus Invisible Start Up application
Login Random Stuff Splash Screen Hardware Initialization Load and start kernel Load and Start Boot Loader Splash screen Initialization Video Hardware Initialization CPU and Memory Init PRECI0US TIME


37 The Absence of a Desktop. Google Centric OS. It Feels to Early.
Drawbacks The Absence of a Desktop. Google Centric OS. It Feels to Early. .

38 Install and Run the New Google Chrome OS on Your Windows PC
Uncompiled open source code for the Chromium project (a.k.a. Chrome OS), available as a VMware image (.vmdk) file, which requires a virtual machine setup in order to work. Install steps: Step 1: Download VirtualBox Step 2: Download the Chrome OS .vmdk file (you'll easily find a download source within the first five search results on Google) and unrar/unzip it, as required. If you're using Linux, you can also download it from Softpedia. Step 3: Install VirtualBox and start it. .

39 .vmdk file containing the Chrome OS image.
Step 4: Create a new Virtual Machine (choosing Ubuntu Linux as an OS type). Step 5: When selecting the Virtual Hard Disk, select the "Use existing Hard Disk" option and then click the "browse" button, while leaving the <no media> option in place. Step 6: In the virtual media manager menu, click "Add" from the top menu and select the .vmdk file containing the Chrome OS image. Step 7: Click finish and then start the resulted virtual machine. .

40 Gmail username and password.
More than a simple browser. Extra functionalties Related to netbooks such as. Connect/disconnect the Ethernet and Wi-Fi networking options, Relevant information regarding the built-in battery's charge status.

41 How Will Google Chrome OS Change Gaming?
Introduced clever method for online gaming. Integrates O3D which is 3Dgraphics plugin into chrome browser by end of this year. No of developers are working to create games for O3D. Games are available at the expense of windows pc games and web based games powered by flash. .


43 How to run CHROME OS from USB drive?
How to run Chrome OS from a USB drive How to run Chrome OS from a USB drive How to run Chrome OS from a USB drive How to run Chrome OS from a USB drive How to run Chrome OS from a USB drive How to run CHROME OS from USB drive? Google Chrome OS that can be installed onto a USB drive has appeared and details on how to use this are already doing the rounds. You'll need a spare 4GB USB. First, grab the torrent. This is packaged as a drive image and comes with a utility called Win32DiskImager. Once you've got the torrent, unzip its contents and use the Win32DiskImager utility to copy the IMG file to the spare USB drive. .

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