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Unit: Chemical Reactions

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1 Unit: Chemical Reactions
Day 2 - Notes Unit: Chemical Reactions Balancing chemical equations Upper left: Thermite reaction, Fe2O3 + Al => 2Fe +2Al2O3 + HEAT!!! Upper right: potassium in water, K + H2O => KOH + H2 + HEAT Bottom right: potassium chlorate and sugar, C12H22O11 + 8KClO3 => 12CO2 + 11H2O + 8KCl + HEAT!!! Bottom left: magnesium reacting with oxygen, Mg + O2 => MgO

2 After today you will be able to…
Explain the Law of Conservation of Atoms Balance equations using the “tally method” heat Pt

3 Law of Conservation of Atoms: There must be the same number of each type of atom before the reaction as after the reaction.

4 Coefficients: Are numbers that go in front of each substance to indicate the number of atoms or molecules that are reacting or being produced.

5 Let’s try some examples! 
We will be using the “tally method” to balance equations in this class.

6 If the numbers match on either side… You’re balanced!
Examples: Balance the following equation: ___ Al + ___S  ___Al2S3 2 3 2 1 Al 2 3 1 S 3 If the numbers match on either side… You’re balanced!

7 ___ Li + ___O2  ___Li2O Examples: Balance the following equation: 4 2
1 Li 2 4 2 O 1 2

8 Do not separate polyatomic ions!
Examples: Balance the following equation: ___Fe2(SO4)3 + ___Na3(PO4)  ___Fe(PO4) + ___Na2(SO4) 2 3 Helpful tip: Do not separate polyatomic ions! 2 2 Fe 1 2 3 (SO4) 1 3 6 3 Na 2 6 1 (PO4) 2 1 2 YES!!!! Are we balanced?

9 Do now: Complete “Exit Ticket”
Then: Begin WS 2 (Homework)

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