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Prevent & Your Role Within it

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1 Prevent & Your Role Within it
ANDREW MASON - (Gwent Police) SHEREEN WILLIAMS - (Newport & Monmouthshire Councils) Gwent Prevent Partnership

2 CONTEST PREVENT is one of the four strands of the Government’s national counterterrorism strategy (CONTEST); CONTEST PREVENT– Prevent Violent Extremism PROTECT– Protect Infrastructure PREPARE– Emergency Planning PURSUE- Special Branch/Police Footer

3 What is PREVENT? Prevent is short for ‘Preventing Violent Extremism’
The overall aim of Prevent is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting violent extremism by raising awareness of the issues and supporting people who may be vulnerable. PREVENT ‘Health Warning’ Prevent is not about catching terrorists. That is the role for our security services It is not about ‘spying on communities’. There is no checklist/profile of what a terrorist looks like. Footer

4 The objective of PREVENT
To respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it; To prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support; and To work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to address. Footer

5 Facts about Prevent PREVENT covers ALL forms of extremism i.e. Islamist, Far-Right, Militant Animal rights etc It is about protecting and safeguarding those who are vulnerable It operates in the pre – criminal space Work around PREVENT is on a multi-agency level It is intervening to stop people moving from extremist groups or from extremism into terrorist-related activity. Prevent is about working with communities to help them support vulnerable people and build resilience to groups or individuals who seek to create divisions and cause harm Footer

6 The Public Sector Duty Section 26(1) of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 imposes a duty on “specified authorities”, when exercising their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism Footer

7 What does this mean for Public Sector Employees?
1) Staff understand the PREVENT agenda and participate in the relevant training 2) Staff have the knowledge of PREVENT related safeguarding concerns and know how to make a referral 3) Staff knows who the PREVENT SPOC is 4) Those providing services to public sector organisations e.g. foster carer, accommodation provider, substance misuse agencies etc are provided with PREVENT training and understand the importance of sharing concerns 5) Checks are carried out to ensure that external service providers do not hold extremist views and/or involved in extremism/terrorism 6) Participate on the CHANNEL Panel (intervention panel) Footer

8 ISLAMIST Nasser and Aseel Muthana Reyaad Khan Siful Haque Sujan Footer

9 Extreme Far RIGHT Swansea Footer

10 Your Role in PREVENT Work together to identify situations or people who could be vulnerable and at risk of becoming radicalised also those who exploit them Do not ignore information /warning signs such as behaviour changes that may present to you in relation to extremist views of individuals Most importantly, SHARE your concerns. Footer

11 PREVENT Duty If you have a concern, speak to your line manager or your organisations SPOC Advice on how to manage the concerns will be provided If the situation requires a PREVENT referral and, if appropriate, a CHANNEL Panel will be convened to consider intervention/support options for the individual Footer

12 Channel Panel Multi-agency Protects people at risk from radicalisation
Using existing collaboration between local authorities, statutory partners, the police and the local community to:- a) identify individuals at risk of being drawn into terrorism b) assess the nature and extent of that risk; c) develop the most appropriate support plan for the individuals concerned. Participation in Channel is voluntary Footer

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