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From Republic to Empire

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1 From Republic to Empire
Rome’s 500 Years of Expansion Mrs. Earl

2 Rome’s Four Periods of Expansion
Rome defeats the Latins and Etruscans to gain control of the Italian Peninsula 509 B.C.E. – 264 B.C.E. Rome defeats Carthage in a series of Punic Wars spanning over 100 years Rome conquers the Mediterranean world from 145 B.C.E. to 44 B.C.E. Empire period – expansion to natural boundaries

3 #1 Rome Gains Control of the Italian Peninsula
Almost 200 years of constant warfare Rome conquered the Latins, then the Etruscans Allies made of these former enemies The Romans had control of the Italian Peninsula by 263 B.C.E. A permanent army made up of plebeians was established.

4 # 2 The Punic Wars First Punic War
Rome and Cathage fought for control of the western Mediterranean Sea for over 100 years. Three major periods of fighting: First Punic War Fought at sea. Carthage had a powerful navy. To defeat Carthage, Rome copied the Carthaginian navy and won in 264 B.C.E. Rome gained Sicily, as well as other islands.

5 Second Punic War General Hannibal of Carthage marched his army across the Alps to Rome for a surprise attack. Hannibal’s men fought on the Italian peninsula for 15 YEARS – but never attacked the city of Rome! Rome attacked the city of Carthage Hannibal returned to defend Carthage Carthage lost/Rome gained Spain and control of important Mediterranean trade routes

6 Third Punic War Lasted 3 years.
The Roman Senate demanded the total destruction of Carthage Rome won/Carthaginians became slaves. Rome now the greatest power in the Mediterranean Rome now controlled North Africa, Spain, Greece and Macedonia. 50 years of peace between the Second and Third Punic War

7 Cost of the Punic Wars Rome’s new power came at a price
Families mourned soldiers who had died Farms destroyed or in ruins Small farms were replaced by large estates with slaves

8 #3 Final Years of the Republic Rome Controls the Mediterranean
Wealthy Country with Problems Non-citizens rebelled against taxes Slave Revolts Spartacus’ Revolt -Thousands of slaves were hung as a punishment. Mobs in cities unhappy- too few jobs “Armies” fought in civil wars One civil war changed history…

9 Pompey vs. Caesar Pompey had Senate’ s Support
The Senate forbade Caesar from bringing his army into Italy. Caesar crossed Rubicon River in 49 B.C.E. Caesar fought Pompey for three years and won. Caesar named dictator for life, ending the Republic Caesar created many reforms: Started public projects to give thousands jobs He kept the poor happy by offering free gladiator fights

10 #4 Rome Becomes an Empire
Julius Caesar murdered.-10 years of Civil War followed. Octavian, Julius Caesar’s grandnephew and adopted son, ultimate winner. Octavian allowed the Senate authority in Rome. The Senate named Octavian, Augustus. – honored Emperor Augustus : Encouraged art, education, and literature Sponsored major building projects (Temples/Libraries) Created the first police force, first firefighters Refined the calendar (the same one we use today!) Ruled over 50 million people Created a solid economic system Trade routes reached as far as China. Punished people for being unfaithful to husbands/wives.

11 PAX Romana – Roman Peace
Augustus' reign started a period of peace which lasted for 200 years. This time is known as the Pax Romana (Roman Peace) Defending the large empire became increasingly hard and costly as it went on…

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