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Life Cycles- Unit 3 Judaism

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1 Life Cycles- Unit 3 Judaism
Directions- As we discuss each slide, answer the question on the slide on the lines next to the slide. Open your text book to page 59. Be ready to share your answers and show them for a daily grade. You should be able to describe the meaning and purpose of rituals at birth, teens, marriage, death, and also the teachings of life after death and compare them to Christian rituals and elements.

2 UNIT 3 Judaism BIRTH Boys- Circumcision Girls- Name
Describe the purpose and meaning for both rituals. What rituals do Christians have at birth?

3 Coming of Age page 59-60 Bar Mitzvah
Bat Mitzvah (created in 20th Century) Describe what a young person is expected to do and understand. What rituals do Catholics/Christians have in the teen years?

4 Marriage page 60 3 elements (there are more) Chupphah or huppah
Blessings Breaking of the glass Explain the significance of each of the elements. What elements do Catholic/Christians use?

5 Death - Read page 60 Dignity and Simplicity
No cremation or embalming/burial done as soon as possible No open casket Mourning periods (Shiva)

6 Olam Ha-Ba – The World to Come
*“Gan eden,”- you are reunited with your loved ones * and/or one will be resurrected from the dead and united with the “messiah” when he comes. Gehinnom -where the wicked go, tormented, not for eternity. (12 month limit) And/or wicked souls just stop existing. There is room for belief in re-incarnation.

7 Olam Ha- Ba More focus on how you should be a moral person in this life. Afterlife is in God’s hands, and God is good so it is sensible to assume that something good will happen. Source on life after death : accessed 9 Sept 2016 Describe several similarities and differences between the Jewish and Christian view of life after death.

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