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Claude GRALAND (CNRS, Paris) & al.* (Syfacte, Sfax)

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Presentation on theme: "Claude GRALAND (CNRS, Paris) & al.* (Syfacte, Sfax)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Claude GRALAND (CNRS, Paris) & al.* (Syfacte, Sfax)
THE SMALL WORLD OF GEOGRAPHERS Result of the survey realised at IGU Conference Tunis, August 2008 EUROBROADMAP PROJECT - FP7-SHS Visions of Europe in the World Claude GRALAND (CNRS, Paris) & al.* (Syfacte, Sfax) * Prefered to be not present in Tel Aviv

2 FOREWORD Thanks to the Association of Tunisian Geographers for their agreement on the survey realized in Tunis 2008 IGU Congress. Thanks to the Israeli National Comitte for Geography which offers the opportunity to transmit feed-back at the Tel Aviv 2010 IGU regional Conference

EUROBROADMAP PROJECT - FP7-SHS Visions of Europe in the World Characteristic of the 140 IGU members who answered to the Survey at IGU congress of Tunis, August 2008

4 A. Some questions about you (1/2)
a.1) are you: □ A woman x A man a.2) what is your year of birth? ___1963_____ a.3) what was your nationality at the age of 5 ___Tunisian____ a.4) what is the nationality indicated on your passport _ French __ a.5) in which country do you live? ___ France_______

5 140 Answers

6 Survey sample / IGU registration
+ OK -

7 33 Nationalities => 3 Groups

8 A. Some questions about you (2/2)
a.6) do some members of your family live in another country than you? x Yes □ No If yes, where? ___Tunisia, Belgium, Lybia_________________ a.7) in which countries did you lived more than 6 months? _______None________________ a.8) what is the average number of travel outside the country you live in? □ once a year or less □ 2 or 3 times a year x more than 3 times a year a.9) Except this journey in Tunisia, what are the five last different countries you have been? Why? 1) __ Belgium ___ x Work □ Leisure □ other reason: 2) __ Slovenia __ x Work □ Leisure □ other reason: 3) __ Ireland_____□ Work x Leisure □ other reason: 4) __ Lybia_______□ Work □ Leisure x other reason: Family 5) __ USA _______ x Work x Leisure □ other reason:

9 Experience of the World ?

10 Experience of the World ?

11 Experience of the World ?

12 2. HOW DO YOU SEE THE WORLD ? EUROBROADMAP PROJECT - FP7-SHS Visions of Europe in the World What are the countries where IGU members would like to live or not like to live in a near future ?

13 B. How do you see the World (1/2)
b.1) Except your own country, quote 1 to 5 countries you would like to live in. 1) __USA______ 2) __SLOVENIA_ 3) __IRELAND__ 4) __CHINA_____ 5) __SWEDEN__ b.2) Except your own country, quote 1 to 5 countries you would not like to live in. 1) __SWITZERLAND 2) __LUXEMBOURG 3) __FRANCE______ 4) ________________ 5) ________________




17 Synthesis (World)

18 Synthesis (EuroMed)

19 Tunisian / European (UGI, 2008)

20 Tunisian / French (EBM, 2010)

21 Senior / Junior (Tunisia)

EUROBROADMAP PROJECT - FP7-SHS Visions of Europe in the World Does IGU members evaluate properly distances ?

23 B. How do you see the World (2/2)
b.3) Provide an evaluation of the distance between Tunis and the city you live in. Your city: Zagreb Distance to Tunis: in □ miles x km b.4) Provide an evaluation of the distance between the following cities and Tunis. Bombay / Mumbai ___ 7000 __ La Mecque / Mecca ___ 3000 ___ Le Cap / Cape Town ___ 9000 ___ New York ___ ____ Moscou / Moscow ____ 5000 ___ Paris ___ 2000 ___ Pékin / Beijing ___ __ Téhéran / Tehran ___ 4800 ___ Tombouctou / Timbuktu ___????____ Rio de Janeiro ____ ___

24 Distance Tunis-Paris in km ?
Solution = 1500 km 1700 1500 2000 EUROP. OTHERS TUNISIA

25 Distance Tunis-Mekkah in km ?
Solution =3300 km 2600 3000 2300 EUROP. OTHERS TUNISIA

26 Distance Tunis-Moscow in km ?
Solution = 2900 km 3800 5000 4400 EUROP. OTHERS TUNISIA

27 Distance Tunis-CapeTown in km ?
Solution = 7900 km 6600 5900 6200 EUROP. OTHERS TUNISIA

28 Distance Tunis-Beijing in km ?
Solution = 8700 km 9400 8200 8800 EUROP. OTHERS TUNISIA

29 Summary of results General underestimation of distance between Tunis and Mecca or Capetown General overestimation of distance between Tunis and Moscow or Paris Travels that cross Mediterranea are increased (Mental barrier ?)

EUROBROADMAP PROJECT - FP7-SHS Visions of Europe in the World How did IGU members divide the World ? What about Mediterranea ?

31 C. Your divisions of the World (1/2)
c.1) on the following map, draw your own divisions of the world in 2 to 15 regions c.2) what names would you give to those regions ? 1) _Northern Syldavia_ 2) _ZaZania 3) _Southern Syldavia_ 4) _Bermuda_____ 5) _Western Borduria_ 6) _Eastern Borduria_

32 Definition of target groups
NW Europe: 24 answers (14 Germany, 5 UK, …) NE Europe : 22 answers (5 Romania, 5 Poland, 4, Russia, …) N. Medit : 28 answers (12 France, 7 Spain, 5 Italia, …) S. Medit : 68 answers (56 Tunisians) Others : 36 answers (10 USA, 4 Korea, 3 China, …)

33 Definition of archetypes
4 typical archetypes of division: CONTINENT, ECONOMY, CULTURE, CLIMATE with possibility of combinations One particular case : ONE WORLD, which is explicit objection to divide and not missing answer.

34 « Continental» division
Most frequent answer of geographers from N. Medit (FR, IT, ES).

35 « Economic » division Most frequent in eastern and southern peripheries of EU

36 « Cultural » divisions Most often used by North and South Mediterranean countries.

37 « Climatic » division Not very frequent : mainly by Nordic European geographers

38 « One World » vision Not very often used. Mainly by Northern European & Others

39 Specialisation index of answers
Clear common points between both side of Mediterranean sea, in opposition with North and Eastern Europe countries.

40 « Méditerranea» as World Region ?
About 10% of answers has created a world region linking both side of Mediterranea. This answer is more frequent in Northern Medit. than in South

41 What is the originality of the vision of the World of IGU members ?
5. CONCLUSION EUROBROADMAP PROJECT - FP7-SHS Visions of Europe in the World What is the originality of the vision of the World of IGU members ?

42 IGU members are not very originals …
The countries where they would like to live or not to live are the same than non geographers (Cf. EurobroadMap) They are no more objective than others when they evaluate distance (e.g. overestimation of Tunis-Moscow ) They are generally very classical in their criteria of divisions of the World (Continents)

43 … but good mirrors of the diversity of World subjective perception
Variations of perception by country of origin are globally the same in the IGU Survey and the EuroBroadmap Survey. Effect of media determine clearly the perception of the world by geographers as for the others. Personal experience of the world (travel, …) is clearly the most important factor of originality in answers.


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