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Chapter 6 The School Health Program: A Component of Community Health

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1 Chapter 6 The School Health Program: A Component of Community Health

2 Introduction The school health program has great potential for affecting health of the community

3 Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP)
An organized set of policies, procedures, and activities designed to protect, promote, and improve the health and well-being of students and staff

4 CHSPs Include but are not limited to: Health education
School health services Healthy school environment School counseling Psychological and social services Physical education School nutrition services Family and community involvement School-site health promotion for staff

5 The School Health Advisory Council
Individuals from a school or school district and its community who work together to provide advice and aspects of the school health program Should include diverse representation Primary role – provide coordination of the CSHP components

6 The School Nurse Can provide great leadership for the CSHP
Has medical knowledge and formal training Has multiple responsibilities Often districts do not have resources to hire full-time nurses

7 The Teacher’s Role Heavy responsibility in making sure the CSHP works
Often spend more waking hours with children than parents

8 The Need for School Health
An unhealthy child has a difficult time learning Health and success in schools are interrelated A CSHP provides the integration of education and health

9 Foundations of the School Health Program
School administration that supports the effort A well-organized school health advisory council Written school health policies

10 School Health Policies
Steps for creating local health-related policies include Identify the policy development team Assess the district’s needs Prioritize needs and develop an action plan Draft a policy Build awareness and support Adopt and implement the policy Maintain, measure, and evaluate

11 Policy Development Should be executed by the school health council
Should cover all facets of the school health program Gain approval from key stakeholders

12 Policy Implementation
Policies only effective if implemented Distribute policies to those affected Distribute with a memorandum of explanation Place in faculty, staff, and student handbooks Present them at group meetings (PTO) Hold a special meeting for explaining policies Place them in the school district newsletter

13 Policy Development Resources
Action for Healthy Kids School Health Index (via CDC)

14 Monitoring Status of School Health Policy in the U.S.
School Health Policy and Practices Study (SHPPS) National survey conducted by CDC every 6 years Assesses: School health policies School health practices at the state, district, school, and classroom levels

15 Components of a CSHP Administration and organization
School health services Healthy school environment School health education Counseling, psychological, and social services Physical education School nutrition services Family/community involvement School-site health promotion for staff

16 Administration and Organization
A CSHP should be administered by a school health coordinator Trained professional at the state, district, or school level who is responsible for managing, coordinating, planning, implementing, and evaluating school health policies, programs, and resources Often not a position required by states

17 School Health Services
Health services provided by school health workers to appraise, protect, and promote health AAP recommends, at a minimum, that schools provide: State-mandated services Assessment of minor health complaints, medication administration, and care for students with special needs Management of emergencies and other urgent situations

18 Healthy School Environment
By law, school districts are required to provide a safe school environment Physical environment Buildings and structures, and the behaviors of those using them Location, age, air quality, food service, temperature, etc. Psychosocial environment Attitudes, values, feelings of students and staff

19 School Health Education
The development, delivery, and evaluation of a planned curriculum Priority health content: Alcohol and other drugs, healthy eating, mental and emotional health, personal health and wellness, physical activity, safety/unintentional injury prevention, sexual health (abstinence and risk avoidance), tobacco, violence prevention

20 Development of and Sources of Health Education Curricula
Many available from national specialists Approved curricula from state departments of education or health Health agencies and associations Commercially produced curricula National Health Education Standards

21 Other CSHP Components Counseling, psychological, and social services
Physical education School nutrition services Family/community involvement for school health School-site health promotion for staff

22 Issues and Concerns of the School Health Program
Lack of support for CSHP School health curriculum challenges School-based health centers Violence in schools

23 Lack of Support for CSHP
Limited success in getting CSHP implemented across the country Need supportive legislation

24 School Health Curriculum Challenges
Controversy Strong opinions on various topics Improper implementation Often provided by individuals other than health education specialists Barriers to school health education

25 School-Based Health Centers or School-Linked Health Centers
Rapidly growing concept Provided in different ways; most common is in school building Common features among various centers “Cultural wars” Funding challenges

26 Violence in Schools High profile incidents of violence in schools
Bullying Electronic aggression Recommendations for improving school climate as it relates to violence

27 Discussion Questions Why is a CSHP so challenging to implement in every school district? How can schools have more effective health programs with limited funding?

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