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Docent Material & Setup List: Docent Clean up List:

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Presentation on theme: "Docent Material & Setup List: Docent Clean up List:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Docent Material & Setup List: Docent Clean up List:
Clay Pinch pots Docent Material & Setup List: Docent Clean up List: FROM CLAY AREA: Make sure names are on base of art Check that each clay piece is labeled with student # and class # Place clay in the blue trays and store in clay drying area remember to label with teachers name & lesson date Shake off excess clay (outside) from canvas sheets and put away, and return to bins as you found them Close the lens cap to turn the projector off Send to parents about the lesson – thanks for doing this and leading the lesson! Cover each table in canvas sheet From clay rack give each student: 1 piece of clay Wooden stick (for designs) Water cup (2-3 per table) Docents, please use a cocktail stick to label the bottom of clay pieces, student # and class # and store to dry in blue trays at back of room. =================================== In part 2 you will GLAZE your clay pinch pots so you will have special materials for this (Glaze, craft sticks, paint brush, water cups) and your clay pieces will be fired a second time before they are complete. PLEASE BOOK A 2ND 30 min slot for this This will be a 2 part lesson, today you will make the clay pinch pot – this must be one solid piece, do not have students remove pieces – a pinch pot is created using motor skills to mold a bowl shape from one solid piece of clay. There should be no need for any clay tools out for students to use. Once complete, store the finished pots in the blue trays and leave to dry. Our clay docents will fire these and have them ready for you to glaze. We have this planned for April* but if you want to do this earlier then let us know so we can arrange for them to be fired sooner. NOTE this grade gets to GLAZE so you will have special materials for this and your clay pieces will be fired a second time before they are complete.

2 Clay Pinch Pots Art@Booksin
Welcome in the students. State the lesson name.

3 Today’s Lesson Skill Development:
Clay Pinch pots Today’s Lesson Skill Development: Today is a ceramic art lesson you are going to create your own clay Pinch pot. In part 2, you will glaze your Pinch pot. An opportunity to use a new material clay, build texture and create a three-dimensional form. To introduce different methods of molding clay, in this case, molding and pinch-and-pull building. Explain the lesson objective and description. Note this will be a 2 part lesson, the clay needs approx. 2 weeks to dry before it can be fired in the kiln.

4 What is Clay and ceramic art ?
Clay Pinch pots What is Clay and ceramic art ? It requires a 4 step creative process of: Clay is a special kind of earth which is made by the decomposition of rocks through the action of weathering. ‘ceramics’ - derived from Keramos, Greek for potters clay refers to items made from clay bodies and fired in a kiln (or oven) to obtain the finished art form. Forming (i.e. shaping) Firing (baking in a kiln) Glazing/decorating (coating the object with a glaze, or applying to it various decorative techniques) Refiring (rebaking) to harden the glaze.

5 Why is clay so important?
Clay Pinch pots Why is clay so important? Pottery is our oldest handicraft. Fired clay is one of the few materials on earth that does not change with time, and clay has always been an abundant resource. The earliest function of clay was to line baskets as a way to waterproof them. Ask students how we use clay today –

6 Process to make Pinch pot (part One):
Clay Pinch pots Process to make Pinch pot (part One): Make a ball with the clay. Drop the ball of clay 3-4 times to release air bubbles Have students make a deep hole in the clay using their thumb. Have students pinch around the hole to make a bigger opening. Next, students should pinch around the outside edge to shape their pot. Draw designs in your pinch pot using the wooden sticks DOCENTS - Put student # / Class # name on bottom of piece This is part one of the lesson. this must be one solid piece, do not have students remove pieces – a pinch pot is created using motor skills to mold a bowl shape from one solid piece of clay. There should be no need for any clay tools out for students to use other than a wooden stick to draw designs. To smooth out the clay gently dip fingertips into water and then blend / smooth the clay. Don’t use too much water! Docents, store the pieces in the blue clay trays and then leave along the wall to dry. Please put teacher name and date of class on a label on front of each tray. Have students finish any uncompleted projects.

7 In a month or two we will … Glaze our pots :
Clay Pinch pots In a month or two we will … Glaze our pots : After pinch pots have been fired in a kiln so the clay will not soften up with water.  Now we will glaze our pinch pots with glaze and then they will be re-fired so the colors POP! Here are some ideas on how to decorate your pot: Docents here are some tips about glazing, this You Tube is helpful: Most glazes require two to four coats. It dries fast. Be sure not to put it on too thick, especially near the bottom where it can drip down and stick to the kiln shelf. Do not leave any glaze on the bottom of their piece (wipe off if necessary). Glaze is not like paint. Do not leave brush in the jar, and only dip as far as the bristles. Clean off your brush before dipping into another glaze. PLEASE make sure students understand and follow this, glaze is very expensive. Thank you! When finished, clean your brushes under running water very well. Store the pieces in the blue clay trays and then leave along the wall to dry. Please ensure the student# and class # are still visible. Clay docents will re fire these as they have been glazed and will let you know once they are ready.

8 GLAZING – Part 2 of lesson Supplies Needed:
Clay Pinch pots GLAZING – Part 2 of lesson Supplies Needed: Clay Glazes Paint brushes Craft sticks to stir glazes Water cups Clay pencil (optional) CLAY GLAZES ARE VERY EXPENSIVE so please do not throw away any extra – carefully pour any excess back into the glaze pots (unless colors have been mixed – thanks) Docents here are some tips about glazing, this You Tube is helpful: Most glazes require two to four coats. It dries fast. Be sure not to put it on too thick, especially near the bottom where it can drip down and stick to the kiln shelf. Do not leave any glaze on the bottom of their piece (wipe off if necessary). Glaze is not like paint. Do not leave brush in the jar, and only dip as far as the bristles. Clean off your brush before dipping into another glaze. PLEASE make sure students understand and follow this, glaze is very expensive. Thank you! When finished, clean your brushes under running water very well. Store the pieces in the blue clay trays and then leave along the wall to dry. Please ensure the student# and class # are still visible. Clay docents will re fire these as they have been glazed and will let you know once they are ready.

9 Lesson plan adapted from
Art history lesson slides are original and built from various sources. By Tara Button November 2015, updated November 2016, updated Sept 2017

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