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Revelation 7:1-8.

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1 Revelation 7:1-8

2 1. What are the first four angels holding back
1. What are the first four angels holding back? See Daniel 7:2 for hints on the meaning of the “winds” (verse 1).  They are holding back the 4 winds  They represent the destructive forces of the earth They are held back = the earth will not be destroyed until the Lord says it is time = we are safe from this destruction 2. What is the seal of the living God? (See Ezekiel 9:1-6. Ezekiel saw a vision of God sealing the believers in Jerusalem before God destroyed the city.) A seal was a mark of ownership – like a brand on a cow Why is it comforting that you have been branded by the Lord?

3 3. How can we be sure we are among the 144,000?
Those who are sealed are the elect. What does the number 144,000 mean? Compare this list to the 12 tribes mentioned in Genesis 35:23-26 Read 7:9 – Is heaven limited to 144,000? See Romans 11:25-27

4 Revelation 7:9-17 6:12-17 focused on whom? - unbelievers
7:1-8 focused on whom? – the elect on earth 7:9-17 focuses on whom? – those in heaven 1. What is the focus of worship throughout these verses? The throne of God and the Lamb

5  2. Note the seven words of praise the angels, the living creatures, and the elders give God in verse 12. Compare these words of praise with those in 5:12. Which word is different? Can you venture a guess as to why they made this change? The word “thanks” is substituted for the word “wealth”  Why? Because salvation has been completed

6 3. Meditate on these phrases from verses 15-17
3. Meditate on these phrases from verses What will each mean for you? “They are before the throne of God.” Put your face on one of them “[They] serve him day and night in his temple.” We will serve God in heaven as we do now “[God] will spread his tent over them.” John 1:14 – It pictures God living among His people Protection – persecution over, no threat of false prophets and false Christs no threat of Satan “Never again will they hunger.” “Never again will they thirst.” Famine will be gone

7 3. Meditate on these phrases from verses 15-17
3. Meditate on these phrases from verses What will each mean for you? “The sun will not beat upon them.” “. . . nor any scorching heat.” No danger from nature – earthquakes etc. Isaiah 35:5-7; Isaiah 41:17-19 “The Lamb will be their shepherd.” Jesus is our God and Good Shepherd who laid down His life for us “He will lead them to springs of living water.” Remember Jesus is the water of life John 4:14; 22:1 “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” All forms of grief and sadness will be gone forever

8 4. When we finally arrive in heaven, why will we praise God?
We will have received the all of the promises of God in full and enjoy it forever. What is the Great Tribulation? Some say it is a period of 7 years either, before, during or after the Millennium = Christ’s glorious reign on earth for 1,000 years. We don’t agree! Why? 7:14 “These are they who are coming out (continually) of the Great Tribulation” – Not “These are they who have come…” There are no passages that speak of a “rapture” Matthew 24:40-41 – speaks of eternal destination It is certainly not a reference to this year’s Packers or Bears season

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