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Welcome to Mrs. Scarfo’s Class!!! ☺

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Scarfo’s Class!!! ☺"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Scarfo’s Class!!! ☺
Please find your child’s desk. *Remember to sign up for Conferences and Mystery Reader at the back table. Welcome to Mrs. Scarfo’s Class!!! ☺ Back-To-School Night September 21st 2016 1

2 Our Class Representative
Sharon Prince Thank you very much for volunteering your time! ☺ 2

3 Tour the Classroom Classroom Helpers (a.m. and p.m.)
Check-In Area and Check List Classroom Rules - Our 5 Words Marble Fun!!! And Personal Points Marble Jars Centers and station Classroom Library & Book Baskets Cubbies Mailboxes and Chromebook Storage 3

4 Let’s Get Organized!! Color-coded (and labeled) folders
Homework planners (Sign Nightly!! And check online) Set-aside time for planner and packing Periodic organizing of desks Various reference sheets sent home Get into the habit of getting ready the night before! ☺ 4

5 Curriculum Corner Independent Reading Guided Reading
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS: Consists of reading, writing, grammar, and spellling (word work) Independent Reading Strategies learned in whole group and focus lessons are applied to each individual’s personal reading selections Literary Exposure & Enrichment Novels Author Studies Read-Alouds Poetry Guided Reading Homogeneous small group instruction on each group’s instructional level Flexible grouping Focused mini-lessons Common Assessments SRI (Scholastic Reading Inventory) Post Writing Benchmarks 5

6 The Writing Workshop Model
* Mini-lesson: Demonstrate the skills and strategies through explicit whole-class instruction * Independent Writing Time and Teacher Conferencing: Students write independently. They practice or try out what was modeled in the mini-lesson and make decisions about their writing. Teachers confer with students individually or in small groups to help the writer move forward. * Group Share: Class gathers back together and students share writing and reflect on the ideas presented.

7 The Writing Process * Immersion * Generating Ideas * Selecting
* Collecting * Drafting * Revising * Editing * Publishing

8 Grade 3 Writing * How Writers Work: Launching Unit
Establishes routines for the workshop model, view mentor texts and see that authors use experiences from their lives as a basis for writing. * Patricia Polacco Author Study: Narrative Unit This author is the consummate storyteller who draws upon family history and ritual for many of her tales. Personal narratives tell the stories of our lives. Writers will study her craft to help broaden their writing and publish a personal narrative of their own. * Non-Fiction: Informational/Explanatory Unit A non-fiction book can be a reference book, or it can share information through a story. Writers will discover the features of NF writing; fact based, informative purpose, uses data and specific details, compiles research, uses visuals and content specific vocabulary. Writers will conduct age-appropriate research on a self-selected topic. * Biography: Opinion Unit Biographers write about people who interest and inspire them. Writers will explore the features of this genre and how different biographers present important events, accomplishments, struggles, character traits and how they use word choice to convey their admiration or opinion of the person. 8

9 Word Work/Spelling Programs: Vocabulary Workshop by Sadlier-Oxford & Spectrum Spelling--Grade 3 Provides an integration of spelling and vocabulary Correlated with grammar lessons Application of rules to daily writing Super Challenge opportunities *Vocabulary Workshop units and weekly spelling lists alternate. 9

10 Mystery Reader!!! What: A chance for parents, grandparents, older siblings, or other special people to come in and read to the class When: Fridays from 2:45 - 3:10 Details: Readers are asked to bring a book to read or a book chosen by the teacher can be provided. When it gets closer to your time to read, I will you a reminder and ask you to provide 5 facts about yourself that will be used as clues for the students to help them guess who will be reading to the class!! Please see your letter for more information and sign up using the Chromebook in the back! 10

11 Social Studies & Science
Geography Map reading skills Scientific Method -Simple Science Experiments Units of Study Matter, Force and Energy Life Cycles New Jersey History – “The First People” Natural Resources Communities---Chester Native Americans Customs How they utilized the environment ***Science also offers opportunities to practice and apply reading & math skills!! ☺ 11

12 Math Concepts Place Value Multiplication & Division Money & Time
Addition & Subtraction Measurement Multiplication & Division Geometry Data & Probability Fractions Problem Solving and Mad Minutes Throughout the Year! ☺ **Don’t forget---Reflex Math!! ☺ 12

13 CAAP (Chester Academic Assistance Program)
Formerly called ASAP at Dickerson and FSI at Bragg Schools, consistent name, consistent literacy and math intervention program. CAAP program has been established to assist students who need supplemental instruction to improve and maintain proficiency, both inside and outside the classroom. Bragg CAAP Team: Debbie Foster: (Literacy Intervention through Title 1 Funds) provides literacy intervention in the classroom 3x week Meryl Furhman: Literacy Intervention inside and outside the classroom (3x week) Erica David: Literacy Intervention inside and outside the classroom (2-3x week) Jane Ellen Furlong: Math Intervention inside and outside the classroom (2-3x week) Through careful assessments and teacher input, your child may be eligible for this intervention. You will receive a call from the classroom teacher. For more information please contact: Danielle Meekings, Literacy Coach 13

14 Grade 3 Writing How Writers Work: Launching Unit
Establishes routines for the workshop model, view mentor texts and see that authors use experiences from their lives as a basis for writing. Patricia Polacco Author Study: Narrative Unit This author is the consummate story teller who draws upon family history and ritual for many of her tales. Personal narratives tell the stories of our lives. Writers will study her craft to help broaden their writing and publish and personal narrative of their own. Non-Fiction: Informational/Explanatory Unit A non-fiction book can be a reference book, or it can share information through a story. Writers will discover the features of NF writing; fact based, informative purpose, uses data and specific details, compiles research, uses visuals and content specific vocabulary. Writers will conduct age-appropriate research on a self- selected topic. Biography: Opinion Unit Biographers write about people who interest and inspire them. Writers will explore the features of this genre and how different biographers present important events, accomplishments, struggles, character traits and how they use word choice and to convey their admiration or opinion of the person.

15 Homework HW is assigned Monday-Thursday HW Routine
How long should it take? Intended to support lesson taught that day Notify me of any difficulties: note on the HW or in the planner Time should be set aside daily for independent reading and math fact practice. Homework includes bringing it into school and having the planner signed. 15

16 Assessment Multiple methods of assessing progress:
-Teacher observation -Quality of participation -Written responses -Cooperative learning experiences -Projects and activities -Reports -Tests & Quizzes **The above items contribute to the authentic assessment of your child. 16

17 Our Class Website Feel free to visit our classroom website at
Updated regularly: calendar, announcements, suggested websites, test alerts, etc 17

18 Incidentals Absences: call the office for HW to be picked up or sent home with a friend/neighbor Pick-ups: please send me a note Planners: signed nightly (not usually on Fridays) Healthy Snacks: no tree nuts/peanuts and no candy please Donations: Tissues and wipes are always helpful! See my website for additional information. 18

19 Questions or Concerns Please contact me as soon as you have any concerns about your child. Feel free to call, write a note or send me an . My address: 19

20 Before you leave…… *Interested in being a Mystery Reader??

21 It’s going to be a GREAT year!!
Thank you very much for your attention! It’s going to be a GREAT year!! Feel free to peek inside your child’s desk or look around the room. Don’t forget to jot a note in your student’s folder ☺ 21

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