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Chapter 4 Chapter Involvement
There are _?_ essentials of a Successful FFA Chapter.
Essentials of a Successful Chapter
1. FFA Knowledge 2. Membership diversity 3. Members share responsibilities 4. Capable Officers 5. Program of Activities
Essentials of a Successful Chapter
6. Constitution and bylaws 7. Proper equipment and records 8. Well planned meetings 9. Adequate financing 10. School and Community support
What are six officers for FFA members?
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Reporter Sentinel Parliamentarian Project Sentinel……….Student Advisor
2003 National Officer Team Seth Heinert attended Alabama’s 2003 Convention
2006 National Officer Team
2008 Officer Team
#3. Does Your chapter elect more than six officers?
Yes If so, what are the other officers? Executive Officers
Executive Officers Student Advisor Chaplain Historian Parliamentarian
Project Sentinels
#4. Duties of officers Desire to be a part of a team
Willingness to accept responsibility Work with all members Lead by example Have a knowledge of parliamentary Procedure Learn your part in opening ceremony
5.Specific Duties of Officers
President….. Preside over meeting, Official representative of chapter V. President..Presides over meeting in absence of President Secretary… Takes minutes
5. Duties of Officers Treasurer… Keeps Financial Records
Reporter… Gathers Chapter News Sentinel… Welcomes visitors & guests Advisor… Supervises chapter activities
5. Duties cont. Historian…… Develops scrapbook
Project Sentinel… Coordination special events. Chaplain….. Presents invocation at meetings, banquet, etc.
6. Which officer calls the role of officers?
Vice President
7. Which officer calls the role of members?
8. FFA Members Why are we here?
To practice brotherhood, honor agricultural opportunities and responsibilities, and develop those qualities of leadership which an FFA member should possess.
9. When do we salute the American Flag?
During the closing ceremony.
10. Officers and symbols President………………… Rising Sun
V. President…………….. Plow Secretary………………… Ear of Corn Reporter…………………. American Flag Treasurer……………….. George Washington Sentinel ………………… Shield of Friendship Advisor…………………… Owl
Worksheet #4-2 Program of Activities, Banquet, and Meetings.
1. Program of Activities Is important because it provides a road map or game plan for our chapter.
2. Divisions of the Program of Activities
Student Development Chapter Development Community Development Dr. Roger Lien, Poultry Science Auburn University
Student Development Jeremy Strickland-1st Place Poultry
Student development Concentrates on members as individuals.
Team, leadership, personal growth, and SAE activities.
Chapter Development Focuses on Strengthening the chapter team
Recruitment, Finances, Public relations, chapter leadership, support groups.
Chapter Development Chapter Finances
Community Development
Builds member involvement in school and community. Activities improve economic, environmental and human resources , promote citizenship and build agricultural awareness.
Sweet Potatoes Shared sweet potato crop
Tommie Byrd Baked sweet potato pie for Agriscience Classes
Community Development
3. FFA Banquet Celebrates chapter achievements and recognizes FFA member’s accomplishments.
#4-3 Degrees of Advancement
To receive your Discovery Degree you must be in the 7th or 8th grade.
2. Greenhand Degree Be enrolled in Ag class.
Learn the: Motto, Salute, Creed, emblem, colors and code of ethics, mission statement. Explain the use of the FFA jacket. Know FFA History. Have access to an FFA manual.
3. Earning requirements Chapter FFA Degree………… $150.00
State FFA Degree…………… American FFA Degree………. 7,500.00
Chapter FFA Degree Have your Greenhand Degree
180 hours of in school instruction 3 FFA Functions $ with SAEP Lead a group discussion 5 Parliamentary Procedure Activities Satisfactory Scholastic Record
State FFA Degree Receive Chapter Degree Earn $7500 with SAE Project
5 Activities Above the Chapter Level 6 Minute speech Satisfactory Scholastic Record
4. Parliamentary Procedure Activities to receive the Chapter FFA Degree
5. FFA Meeting Room President Reporter Secretary Treasurer Advisor
Members Members Secretary Treasurer Advisor Vice President Sentinel stationed by the door
Symbol at Officer Stations
Rising Sun……….…President Plow………………..Vice President Ear of Corn…………Secretary Bust of Washington...Treasurer American Flag………Reporter Shield of Friendship...Sentinel Owl………………….Advisor
Symbols Rising Sun Plow Corn Washington Flag Handshake Owl
Parliamentary Procedure
#1. Purposes Focus on one thing at a time Extend courtesy to everyone
Observe the rule of the majority Ensure the rights of the minority
#2. Taps of the gavel in the opening ceremony.
Three One …..sit down. Two…Come to order. Three…Stand up. Series of taps…Get attention & come back to order.
#3. Methods of Voting Voice vote…Acclamation Rising or standing vote
Secret ballot Roll call
#4. What are the four classifications of motions?
Privileged Incidental Subsidiary Unclassified
#4. What are the four classifications of motions?
Privileged Incidental Subsidiary Unclassified
To make a motion… Obtain the floor… Stand up
Mr./Mdm. President , I move to… Describe the action you want to be taken Sit down Second the motion..more than one person agrees with the motion Discussion. Vote
6. How do you change a motion?
Parliamentary Terms Acclamation-Voice Vote Adjourn-To close a meeting
Amend-To change a motion with another motion Amendment-A change made Assembly-Group of eligible voters Ballot-Voting in writing
Terms Continued Chairman-Person presiding over the meeting
Chair-Same as chairman Floor-Any place other than the chair Majority-one over half the votes cast Minutes-Written record of previous meeting Motion-Method of getting matters before the assembly.
Terms, Cont. New Business-Matters not discussed
Nomination-Suggesting the name of a person for an office Obtain the Floor-Secure the right to speak Parliament-Law making body of England Plurality-Most of the votes cast. Quorum-A sufficient number of member s present at a meeting to transact business.
Terms, Cont. Resolution-A formal type of motion
Second-at least 2 people approves of a motion Special Committee-Committee chosen for a particular purpose. Standing committee- Committee appointed for a long time. Standing Vote-Voting by standing. Unfinished Business-Matters discussed but not voted on. Voting-Determining the wishes of the group
Duties of Chapter Officers
A genuine desire to be a part of a leadership team. A willingness to accept responsibility. A sincere desire to work with all chapter members in meeting their leadership, personal and chapter goals. A commitment to lead by example. A knowledge and understanding of the chapter, state and national FFA constitutions, bylaws and programs. A working knowledge of parliamentary procedure. An ability to memorize and recite their parts in the official ceremonies.
Elect Officers The floor is now open for nominations for “office”
Mr. Chairman I move to close the nominations. Mr. Chairman I 2nd that motion. Any discussion Vote.
President "The rising sun is the token of a new era in agriculture. If we will follow the leadership of our president, we shall be led out of the darkness of selfishness and into the glorious sunlight of brotherhood and cooperation."
President Preside over meetings according to accepted rules of parliamentary procedure. Appoint committees and serve on them as an ex-officio (non-voting) member. Coordinate the activities of the chapter and evaluate the progress of each division of the Program of Activities. Represent the chapter in public relations and official functions.
Vice President "The plow is the symbol of labor and tillage of the soil. Without labor, neither knowledge nor wisdom can accomplish much. My duties require me to assist at all times in directing the work of our organization. I preside over meetings in the absence of our president, whose place is beneath the rising sun."
Vice President Assume all duties of the president if necessary.
Develop the Program of Activities and serve as an ex-officio (non voting) member of the POA committees. Coordinate all committee work. Work closely with the president and advisor to assess progress toward meeting chapter goals. Establish and maintain a chapter resource file. Recite the 1st paragraph of the Creed at the Peanut Boil!
Secretary "I keep an accurate record of all meetings and correspond with other secretaries wherever corn is grown and FFA members meet."
Secretary Prepare and post the agenda for each chapter meeting.
Prepare and present the minutes of each chapter meeting. Place all committee reports in the designated area Be responsible for chapter correspondence. Maintain member attendance and activity records and issue membership cards. Keep the Program of Activities wall chart up-to-date. Have on hand for each meeting: Official FFA Chapter Secretary's Book including minutes of the previous meeting. Copy of the Program of Activities including all standing and special committees. Official FFA Manual and the National FFA Student Handbook. Copies of the chapter constitution and bylaws
Treasurer "I keep a record of receipts and disbursements just as Washington kept his farm accounts-carefully and accurately. I encourage thrift among the members and strive to build up our financial standing through savings and investments. George Washington was better able to serve his country because he was financially independent."
Treasurer Receive, record and deposit FFA funds and issue receipts.
Present monthly treasurer's reports at chapter meetings. Collect dues and special assessments. Maintain a neat and accurate FFA Chapter Handbook: Secretary, Treasurer & Program of Activities Workbook or the computer software. Prepare and submit the membership roster and dues to the National FFA Organization in cooperation with the secretary. Serve as chairperson of the earnings and savings committee.
The floor is now open for nominations for “office”
Mr. Chairman I move to close the nominations. Mr. Chairman I 2nd that motion. Any discussion Vote.
Reporter "As the flag covers the United States of America, so I strive to inform the people in order that every man, woman and child may know that the FFA is a national organization that reaches from the state of Alaska to Puerto Rico and from the state of Maine to Hawaii."
Reporter Plan public information programs with local radio, television, newspaper and service clubs and make use of other opportunities to tell the FFA story. Release news and information to local and regional news media. Publish a chapter newsletter. Prepare and maintain a chapter scrapbook. Send local stories to area, district and state reporters. Send articles and photographs to FFA New Horizons and other national and/or regional publications. Work with local media on radio and television appearances and FFA news. Serve as the chapter photographer.
Sentinel "Through this door pass many friends of the FFA. It is my duty to see that the door is open to our friends at all times and that they are welcome. I care for the meeting room and paraphernalia. I strive to keep the room comfortable and assist the president in maintaining order."
Sentinel Assist the president in maintaining order.
Keep the meeting room, chapter equipment and supplies in proper condition. Welcome guests and visitors. Keep the meeting room comfortable. Take charge of candidates for degree ceremonies. Assist with special features and refreshments.
The End
Essentials of a Successful FFA
FFA Knowledge Membership diversity All members share responsibility Capable officers Challenging Program of Activities
#8. Continued Constitution and bylaws Well Planned meeting
Adequate financing School and Community Support
3 Divisions of the POA Student Development Chapter‘Development Community Development
#10. Awards at Chapter Banquet
Career Development Event Teams Proficiency Awards Honorary Chapter Degree Others
Advantages of an agenda when organizing a meeting.
So that the meeting will move along smoothly.
6. Who is the Executive committee.
Officer Team
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