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Alessandro Spinuso, Andreas Rietbrock, Andrè Gemuend,

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Presentation on theme: "Alessandro Spinuso, Andreas Rietbrock, Andrè Gemuend,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EPOS/VERCE: Virtual Earthquake and Computational Earth Science e-science environment in Europe
Alessandro Spinuso, Andreas Rietbrock, Andrè Gemuend, Daniele Bailo, Federica Magnoni, Giuseppe La Rocca

2 What is EPOS ? EPOS is a long-term plan for the integration
of research infrastructures for solid Earth Science in Europe EPOS integrates the existing (and future) European facilities into a single, distributed, sustainable infrastructure. Builds on new e-science opportunities to monitor and understand the dynamic and complex solid-Earth System. The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

3 EPOS Timeline The EPOS Preparatory Phase project had the ambitious goal of creating the conditions for the integration of existing and future national and international research infrastructures (RIs) in Europe with the final goal of improving access to data, products and services. The EPOS Implementation Phase project will deliver not only a suite of domain-specific and multidisciplinary services in one platform, but also the legal and governance, and financial frameworks to ensure the future operation and sustainability of the platform. The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

4 EPOS Computational Earth Science
CES Computational Seismology Satellite Data processing Anthropogenic Hazard The European Open Science Cloud for Research pilot project is funded by the European Commission, DG Research & Innovation under contract no

5 Virtual Earthquake and Seismology Research Community in Europe

6 The Forward Modelling Use Case
Earthquake Simulation: Synthetic Seismograms for public and custom Earth models and Earthquakes via the execution of HPC simulation codes called solvers (SPECFEM3D - SPECFEMGLOBE) Raw data acquisition & Misfit: The synthetic data may be compared with real observations adopting Data Intensive methods

7 Earthquake Simulation
Simulation setup and control

8 Misfit between SYNTHETICS and DATA
Misfit Calculation Misfit between SYNTHETICS and DATA Simulation Runs FDSN Data Download Runs Stored in VERCE and Reusable!! Sensors’ data with common properties for Misfit analysis (time-range, event) Simulated Synthetics Data/Synt Processing Misfit Analysis Data Download (FDSN)

9 Misfit between SYNTHETICS and DATA
Misfit Calculation Misfit between SYNTHETICS and DATA Pipeline Sequence Activation / Visualisation / Storage Processing Element's Parameters Setup Toolbox of Processing Elements Simulated Synthetics Data/Synt Processing Misfit Analysis Data Download (FDSN)

10 Provenance Validation and Monitoring Generates W3C-PROV
Misfit Calculation Provenance Validation and Monitoring Generates W3C-PROV Simulated Synthetics Data/Synt Processing Misfit Analysis Data Download (FDSN)

11 The EPOS/VERCE Science Demonstrator objectives
Expand the VRE to: - Compute realistic scenarios of earthquake shaking and, - Visualise and compare results to address the needs of civil protection agencies. Data challenges: - Each experiment involves 100s of GB of data and 20TB of metadata - Raw data is open

12 Requirements The EPOS/VERCE Science Demonstrator will benefit of the following EOSCpilot services: - Reliable and scalable cloud Infrastructure where simulations can be performed. - Three EGI cloud providers are configured for supporting this SD: IN2P3-IRES, SCAI and GRNET - Data services exposed by the EUDAT e-Infrastructure (e.g. B2STAGE and B2SAFE) to store datasets produced during the simulations.

13 Platform’s Interactive and Data Flows

14 Goals to be achieved after the first year
Readiness for FedCloud integration Post-processing workflows on Cloud resources to be available Integration of B2STAGE between HPC/Cloud Resources and self-managed iRODS instance completed Improvement of the provenance model and associated reproducibility and validation services done First test with large data post-processing and concurrent users successful realized on the Cloud

15 Thank you for your attention
Andreas Rietbrock – University of Liverpool, Alessandro Spinuso – KNMI, Andrè Gemüend – Fraunhofer SCAI Giuseppe La Rocca – EGI Foundation, Michael Schuh – DESY,

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