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1st & 2nd Samuel Dig Site 2 Blue Level Questions.

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1 1st & 2nd Samuel Dig Site 2 Blue Level Questions

2 What did Eli’s sons have their servant do when someone offered a sacrifice? (2:15-16)
Rob him when he came in Threaten to take the sacrifice by force Say that the sacrifice was not big enough All of the above

3 What did Eli’s sons have their servant do when someone offered a sacrifice? (2:15-16)
Rob him when he came in Threaten to take the sacrifice by force Say that the sacrifice was not big enough All of the above

4 How were Eli’s sons treating the Lord’s offering? (2:17)
With respect With honor With love With contempt

5 How were Eli’s sons treating the Lord’s offering? (2:17)
With respect With honor With love With contempt

6 When did Hannah give Samuel a robe she had made him? (2:19)
When she went with Elkanah to offer the annual sacrifice Twice a year On Samuel’s birthday When the Lord told her to

7 When did Hannah give Samuel a robe she had made him? (2:19)
When she went with Elkanah to offer the annual sacrifice Twice a year On Samuel’s birthday When the Lord told her to

8 What did Eli do for Elkanah and Hannah when they came up annually
Give them a sacrifice Bless them Cook them dinner All of the above

9 What did Eli do for Elkanah and Hannah when they came up annually
Give them a sacrifice Bless them Cook them dinner All of the above

10 How many more children did Hannah have? (2:21)
Ten Seven Five None

11 How many more children did Hannah have? (2:21)
Ten Seven Five None

12 What did Eli say to his sons when he found out about their sins
“Why do you do such things?” “I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours.” “If anyone sins against the Lord, who will intercede for them?” All of the above

13 What did Eli say to his sons when he found out about their sins
“Why do you do such things?” “I hear from all the people about these wicked deeds of yours.” “If anyone sins against the Lord, who will intercede for them?” All of the above

14 Who grew in stature and in favor with the Lord and people? (2:26)
Samuel Eli Hophni Phinehas

15 Who grew in stature and in favor with the Lord and people? (2:26)
Samuel Eli Hophni Phinehas

16 What did the man of God tell Eli about his sons? (2:34)
Hophni would be appointed head priest. Phinehas would be appointed king. They would both be priests after he died. They would both die on the same day.

17 What did the man of God tell Eli about his sons? (2:34)
Hophni would be appointed head priest. Phinehas would be appointed king. They would both be priests after he died. They would both die on the same day.

18 Who did the Lord say he would raise up? (2:35)
A faithful priest Eli’s sons Eli All of the above

19 Who did the Lord say he would raise up? (2:35)
A faithful priest Eli’s sons Eli All of the above

20 What word describes the word of the Lord when Samuel was ministering under Eli? (3:1)
Common Rare Obeyed Heard

21 What word describes the word of the Lord when Samuel was ministering under Eli? (3:1)
Common Rare Obeyed Heard

22 Who finally realized that the Lord was calling Samuel? (3:8)
Hophni Phinehas Eli Elkanah

23 Who finally realized that the Lord was calling Samuel? (3:8)
Hophni Phinehas Eli Elkanah

24 What did Samuel say the fourth time the Lord called him? (3:10)
“Speak, for your servant is listening.” “Eli, did you call me again?” “Who is calling me?” “Lord, what do you want?”

25 What did Samuel say the fourth time the Lord called him? (3:10)
“Speak, for your servant is listening.” “Eli, did you call me again?” “Who is calling me?” “Lord, what do you want?”

26 Why was the Lord going to judge Eli and his family forever? (3:13)
Eli stole from the people. Eli and his sons offered the wrong sacrifice. Eli knew about his sons’ sins, but did not restrain them. All of the above

27 Why was the Lord going to judge Eli and his family forever? (3:13)
Eli stole from the people. Eli and his sons offered the wrong sacrifice. Eli knew about his sons’ sins, but did not restrain them. All of the above

28 What was Samuel afraid to tell Eli? (3:15)
The sins of Hophni and Phinehas The vision from the Lord That he slept in the Tabernacle All of the above

29 What was Samuel afraid to tell Eli? (3:15)
The sins of Hophni and Phinehas The vision from the Lord That he slept in the Tabernacle All of the above

30 What did Eli say after Samuel told him about the vision from the Lord
“He is the Lord; let him do what is good in his eyes.” “I don’t believe what the Lord said.” “Why is the Lord going to do this to my family?” “I don’t think you heard the Lord correctly.”

31 What did Eli say after Samuel told him about the vision from the Lord
“He is the Lord; let him do what is good in his eyes.” “I don’t believe what the Lord said.” “Why is the Lord going to do this to my family?” “I don’t think you heard the Lord correctly.”

32 What did the Lord not let fall to the ground? (3:19)
Eli’s words Samuel’s words The ark of the covenant The lamp in the Tabernacle

33 What did the Lord not let fall to the ground? (3:19)
Eli’s words Samuel’s words The ark of the covenant The lamp in the Tabernacle

34 What did the people of Israel recognize about Samuel? (3:20)
He was a good boy. He was going to be king. He was a prophet of the Lord. He was a shepherd.

35 What did the people of Israel recognize about Samuel? (3:20)
He was a good boy. He was going to be king. He was a prophet of the Lord. He was a shepherd.

36 Where did the Lord continue to reveal himself to Samuel? (3:21)
Ephraim Shiloh Ramah Edom

37 Where did the Lord continue to reveal himself to Samuel? (3:21)
Ephraim Shiloh Ramah Edom

38 How did the Lord reveal himself to Samuel? (3:21)
Through Eli’s sons Through Elkanah’s advice Through the Lord’s word All of the above

39 How did the Lord reveal himself to Samuel? (3:21)
Through Eli’s sons Through Elkanah’s advice Through the Lord’s word All of the above

40 What came to all Israel? (4:1a)
Eli’s word The Lord’s judgment Peace Samuel’s word

41 What came to all Israel? (4:1a)
Eli’s word The Lord’s judgment Peace Samuel’s word

42 Finish this verse: “Those who honor me…” (1 Samuel 2:30d)
“… I will remember, but those who stray from me will be lost.” “… I will honor, but those who dishonor me will be cast out.” “… will find peace, and will rest in my strength.” “… I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.”

43 Finish this verse: “Those who honor me…” (1 Samuel 2:30d)
“… I will remember, but those who stray from me will be lost.” “… I will honor, but those who dishonor me will be cast out.” “… will find peace, and will rest in my strength.” “… I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.”

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