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A Science-Writing Culture in the Research University: Curricula, Collaborations, and Student Opportunities Chris Thaiss University Writing Program UC Davis.

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Presentation on theme: "A Science-Writing Culture in the Research University: Curricula, Collaborations, and Student Opportunities Chris Thaiss University Writing Program UC Davis."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Science-Writing Culture in the Research University: Curricula, Collaborations, and Student Opportunities Chris Thaiss University Writing Program UC Davis CCCC Convention Las Vegas March 16, 2013

2 At UC Davis… California Diversity in a Rural Ecology
Began as “University Farm” (1906) in the agricultural Sacramento Valley Has grown to largest UC campus, with 100+ major fields, 80 PhD programs, in all areas, from sciences to arts Population reflects CA diversity in ethnicities and languages; geographic diversity of students from urban to rural to suburban, coastal, valley, mountain Increasing number of transnational, multilingual undergrad and grad students With “land grant” mission, retains the character of its rural locale: with ag and environmental sciences, wine-making, med and vet med among signature programs WAC culture has grown up over 30 years in concert with this diversity and these emphases

3 Building a Writing Culture from Undergrad First-Year through Graduate School
First-Year Seminars “Writing for Transfer” in UWP 1 “Writing Experience” (WE) in STEM majors—hundreds of lower division and upper-division courses Upper-Division “Writing in STEM” courses in UWP Focus on Undergraduate Research Undergraduate Publications The Interdisciplinary Writing Minor Conversations with Writers and Scientists Discuss Writing GradPathways: Workshops, Courses, Retreats, Tutoring CETL courses for TAs, the PHCA, and UIIP grants

4 Collaborations for Writing in STEM
University Writing Academic Technology Program (UWP) Services (ATS) Center for Excellence in STEM Departments Teaching and Learning (CETL) Univ. Libraries Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) Univ. Committees (e.g. Gen Ed)

5 Example 1: First-Year Seminars (Elective)
19 students max 200 seminar topics per year, about 1/3 in STEM Must be highly interactive, project-based, writing- and speaking-driven Administered by the UCD Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning: Some current seminar titles: Rocket Propulsion Color in the Winter Landscape Insects in Industry Making a Science Film Animals and Veterinary Medicine in Egypt

6 Example 2: Intro to Biotechnology
Large-enrollment course (120 students) needed by majors in several biosciences fields Meets GE science requirement, but not the WE requirement; nevertheless, uses writing to deepen learning; one of many science courses that fit this profile Multi-stage, team research project challenges first- and second-year students to apply course concepts to (1)develop new technologies, then (2) build business plans to test viability, then (3) give oral presentations Student feedback cycle includes online peer review system created by course faculty Writing assignments designed by sciences faculty (Yoder, Dandekar) with consultation from UWP

7 Example 3: “Writing in Science” in the University Writing Program
Popular course (20 sections) for Math, Physical Sciences, Biosciences, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences majors Pre-professional emphasis for students wanting careers in research, medicine and veterinary medicine, public service, and industry Draws many L2 English writers and int’l students (50%) Provides practice in research genres, popular scientific writing, and oral-visual presentations Contributes to increasing number of science majors in the Professional Writing Minor Science writing featured in UCD student publications and Undergraduate Research Conference


9 Example 4: Undergraduate Publications
Explorations Published by the Undergraduate Research Center, which also sponsors the Undergraduate Research Conference Prized Writing Annual contest sponsored by UWP 20+ essays—1/2 in STEM—chosen from 400+ submissions Honors students and their teachers

10 Example 5: GradPathways
7-year, expanding collaboration among: Office of Grad Studies Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning University Writing Program Academic Technology Services Includes writing workshops on many topics dissertation writing retreats pedagogy courses for TAs and grad student instructors workshops for faculty supervisors tutoring by Grad Writing Fellows, etc.

11 Example 6: The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Promotes “active learning” and “flipping the classroom” “Seminars in College Teaching” for TAs across disciplines In collaboration with Academic Technology Services and UWP, offers workshops and consultations for all disciplines Large and small “instructional improvement” grants spur new courses, changes in teaching style, new teaching tools Expanding venture: Provost’s Hybrid Course Awards (PHCA) Student writing is seen as part of the mission to enhance interaction, metacognition, and creativity in learning.

12 Pertinent Websites University Writing Program UC Davis General Education UC Davis Undergraduate Research Center UWP Conversations with Writers UC Davis Scientists Discuss Writing Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Office of Grad Studies “GradPathways” Academic Technology Services

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