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Mutli-Sensory Reading Julie Stukesbary, 2017

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1 Mutli-Sensory Reading Julie Stukesbary, 2017
Orton-Gillingham Mutli-Sensory Reading Julie Stukesbary, 2017

2 Do you know a student who has a difficult time. . . . .
Increasing vocabulary Following mult-step directions Reading single words Confusing small words such as at and to Rhyming Connecting letters and their sounds Letter reversals / word reversals

3 History of Orton-Gillingham
Developed and utilized since Dr. Samuel T. Orton (neurologist) and Anna Gillingham (educator) at New York Neurological Institute Multi-Sensory approach to Literacy (IMSE : Institute for Multi-Sensory Education) Relies on Direct Instruction of fundamental structures – Reading, Writing, and Comprehension Mutlisensory, Systematic, Sequential, Cumulative and constant Review of skills (Reciprocal Spiral always reviewing previous skills taught) 5 Part Lesson is presented using visual, auditory and kinesthetic pathways Historic Belief Foundation: Designed to capitalize on understanding of language that beginning readers need to develop important literacy skills

4 Orton-Gillingham Model of Reading
Word Meaning Vocabulary Word Decoding/Encoding Fluency Automaticity in word rec. Prosody Surface Level Deep Level Writing Reading Comprehension Motivation

5 Research Early Identification and intervention is the key in helping students learn to read. 74% of students who are poor readers in 3rd grade, remain that way without intense interventions IMSE 70% of learners obtain knowledge with implicit learning, however 30% of learners obtain knowledge with explicit learning IMSE US Department of Education, dyslexia accounts for about 85% of all learning disabilities.


7 How Orton Gillingham Connects with Students Abilities
Autism: Repetitive, routine and sensory exposures Deaf-blindness: multiple modality instructional delivery Deafness and Hearing Impaired: Tactile exposures delivered in every lesson Emotionally Disturbed: Consistently encourages positive interpersonal connections with peers and teachers, predictable routines, and expectations are clear Intellectually Delayed: Delivers instructions at a rate that is encouraging to academic ability Orthopedic Impairments: Geared to specific movements that, along side your PT/OT consult, will be adaptable to student success

8 Speech/Language Impairment: Oral and auditory everyday, special attention is given to the sounds produced by each individual sound TBI: Design will attain focus on memory, attention, problem-solving Learning Disability: Increases visual, hearing, and tactile exposure through direct instruction. Utilizes oral expression, writing and fluency daily. Gifted: Program is designed to take etymology as far as students will go. Delving into Latin, Greek, and Anglo-Saxon roots

9 Beliefs of the National Reading Panel
For children to become good readers they must articulate: Phonemic awareness – ability to manipulate the sounds that make up spoken languages. Phonics – the understanding that there are relationships between letters and sounds Fluency – reading with accuracy, speed, and expression Application – of reading comprehension strategies to enhance understanding and enjoyment of what they read.

10 The Program Overview Orton-Gillingham

11 Orton-Gillingham : Institute of Multisensory Education

12 Five Lesson Components
Three Part Drill Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Blending Teaching a New Concept Multi-Sensory, Finger Tapping, Pounding Decoding & Learning Centers Decoding Multi-Syllabic Words, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Fluency Red Word Review previous Red Words, Introduction of new Red Words Comprehension Reciprocal Reading and Oral Reading

13 Three Part Drill Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Blending
Vowel Tents or Sticks Sand Tray / Sensory Tray Teacher Card Pack

14 Three Part Review Drill

15 Decoding & Learning Centers
Decoding Multi-Syllabic Words, Phonemic Awareness, Vocabulary, Fluency Affixes Syllabication Rapid Reading Chart

16 Syllabication Method

17 Multi-Sensory, Finger Tapping, Pounding
Teaching a New Concept Multi-Sensory, Finger Tapping, Pounding

18 Review previous Red Words, Introduction of new Red Words
Red Word Extension

19 Reciprocal Reading and Oral Reading
Comprehension Reciprocal Reading and Oral Reading Vygotsky

20 Reciprocal Reading in Action
Prediction Questioning Summarizing Clarifying

21 Orton Gillingham IMSE: Institute for Multi-Sensory Education

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