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ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions

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1 ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions
Felix Schlander on behalf of the ESS cryomodule collaboration 22 February, 2017

2 F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions
ESS cryomodules Spokes Medium β High β DTL MEBT RFQ LEBT Source HEBT & Contingency Target 2.4 m 4.6 m 3.8 m 39 m 56 m 77 m 179 m 75 keV 3.6 MeV 90 MeV 216 MeV 571 MeV 2000 MeV MHz MHz ... two presentations following … Add INFN and STFC logo – I can further describe our collaboration too/ Design & Fabrication: (also responsible for cavities) Design: Fabrication: F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions

3 F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions
Spoke cavities Full cryomodule incl. cavities to be delivered by Most cavity interfaces are ’internal’ with IPN Orsay High level requirements from ESS to be obeyed: Beam aperture Cavity parameters (R/Q, …) Performance parameters Indeed, by IPNO is the WP leader so they/we set those requirements at the early stage together.. F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions

4 Elliptical cavity prototypes
Design of medium and high beta cavities & Prototyping (for prototype cryomodules): For the series this is different: Medium beta cavities: INFN-LASA High beta cavities: STFC …this causes additional challenges! Medium beta cavities High beta cavities Some tested and integrated in He-vessel Fabrication launched with RI Add also the cavity, which will be presented by Thierry, and CM by stephane F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions

5 F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions
Logistics Logistics Raw Material: Nb sheets will receive quality control at DESY Cavity fabrication: Material has to be shipped to cavity manufacturer Testing: finished cavities to be shipped for testing (either DESY Mβ or STFC Hβ) Tested & accepted cavities: shipping to CEA Documentation: which documents are needed by CEA for CM assembly and which shall be stored at ESS Good if you speak about Documentation storing and sharing.. F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions

6 Organisation – … to cavity
Administrative challenges Call for tenders: administrative steps may require more time than estimated VAT + customs: contributions to ESS within the EU should be exempt, but legislation not in all countries in place Exchange rate: UK £ to € is floating Further organisational challenges: Pre-series: manufacturing and treatment may need to be (re-) qualified at winning vendor Schedule: all steps up to full cryomodule assembly take place ‘remotely’ – good communication needed to stay on track Acceptance: based on the deliveries and the fulfillment of relevant requirements agreed in verification plan Pre-series: due to prototyping has been done differently (other lab, other vendor, …) Acceptance: cavities will not pass by ESS ‘physically’ before shipped to the vendor = Schedule: all steps up to full cryomodule assembly take place ‘remotely ++> definitively F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions

7 Interface cavity <> cryomodule
Interfaces of cavities with cryomodule have to be well defined: drawings provided by designing partner (CEA) are ‘as designed’ Manufacturing drawing from cavity vendor has to be reviewed by LASA/STFC & require feedback from CEA Any changes in the ‘as built’ compared to the design has to be carefully analysed by all partners, to identify possible impacts to handling, installation tooling, etc. >> support by designing partner (CEA) needed during cavity manufacturing process by executing partner (LASA/STFC) Good to develop the challenges of the interface requirements definitions F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions

8 F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions
Interface examples Definition of excentricity Tuner assembly blocks Pickup dimension Diphasic tube (high beta) P. Michelato F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions

9 Summary/Outlook Cavity production ‘distribution’ among various labs/countries leads to organisational and communication challenges In addition, the external interfaces of the cryomodules ‘with ESS’ are a challenge due to different constraints compared to a test stand: Electronics (arc detectors, quench detection) Vacuum systems, control system, … For more information: See talks from T. Trublet (yesterday), S. Berry, M. Ellis, P. Michelato (today) + plenary by C. Darve on Fri. 24th Acknowledgements: Thanks to all colleagues within the ESS cryomodule collaboration, in particular those who contributed (knowingly or not) to this presentation. F. Schlander, ESS cavity procurement via in-kind contributions

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