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Introduction to the Course and Your Teaching Team

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1 Introduction to the Course and Your Teaching Team

2 Academic Progression Expertise Time Senior CU Grad Junior Sophomore
Freshman Time

3 Academic Foundation The challenge of business school should equal the challenge of business itself.

4 Course Foundation Introduction to Operations and Information Management is “basic training” for running a business.

5 Instructor – Jim Marlatt, PMP
25 years of experience in IT and business operations Software design, development and implementation Partner in global accounting firm International business startup and operations Healthcare internet startup and operations M.S. in Information Systems B.S. in Accounting

6 Recitation Leaders Section R101: F 9:00 – 9:50 AM – Noah Zikmund
Section R102: F 10:00 – 10:50 AM – Whitney Crotty Section R103: F 11:00 – 11:50 AM – Whitney Crotty Section R104: F 12:00 – 12:50 PM – Jason Cashdollar Section R105: F 12:00 – 12:50 PM – Nitin Malhotra Section R106: F 1:00 – 1:50 PM – Vimi Shukkoor Section R107: F 1:00 – 1:50 PM – Brian Hacsi Section R108: F 2:00 – 2:50 PM – Brian Hacsi Section R109: F 2:00 – 2:50 PM – Nhan Le Section R110: F 3:00 – 3:50 PM – Addison Villanueba

7 Course Description Introduces the processes and information needed to create products and services in a business organization. Explores the importance of managing the transformation of inputs (materials, labor and capital) into outputs (products and services) and how the availability of the right information, at the right time, in the right hands is critical to making better decisions faster.

8 Course Description Focus Information Management Operations
Business intelligence Data management Process mapping Operations Forecasting Supply chain management Operations management E-Commerce

9 Course Objectives – Information Management
Understand how business intelligence can improve an organization’s ability to increase revenue and decrease costs Identify areas of opportunity where business intelligence initiatives can have the most significant impact

10 Course Objectives - Information Management
Examine a business process, identify deficiencies and how these deficiencies can be addressed Model this process using Microsoft Visio to develop process maps Identify the data needed to measure key performance indicators and how the data would be modeled in a database Analyze data using advanced Microsoft Excel tools and techniques

11 Course Objectives - Operations Management
Learn how forecasting is the key first step in managing supply chains and operations Understand how a supply chain works to produce and deliver products and services Become aware of how the components of operations management add value Understand how e-commerce can be used to improve quality, eliminate waste, reduce time and reduce total costs

12 Course Objectives – Professional Development
Work in a project team to plan and execute a project that reinforces and connects the topics covered throughout the semester Understand the importance of asking effective questions Learn how to utilize a number of different resources made available to you to develop professional deliverables Learn how to present your ideas in both verbal and written form

13 Course Materials Books Other Material
Vitt, Elizabeth, Luckevich, Michael, and Misner, Stacia.  Business Intelligence: Making Better Decisions Faster, Microsoft Press. Redmond, WA. 2008 ISBN: Damelio, Robert. The Basics of Process Mapping, Productivity Press. NY, NY. 1996 ISBN: Kilby, Jim, Fox, Jim, Lucas, Anthony. Casino Operations Management, John Wiley & Sons, NY, NY. 2004 ISBN:  These three books are available at the CU Bookstore and on Other Material On-line quizzes, lecture slides, handouts, data files, etc. will be available on CULearn

14 CULearn on-line quizzes (17.5%)
Course Deliverables CULearn on-line quizzes (17.5%) Brief, 10 question multiple choice and T/F quizzes – six minute time limit Test your knowledge of the assigned readings Eight quizzes spread through the first 10 weeks of the course. Top seven of eight quiz scores count toward semester grade Quizzes will be held on Wednesdays and available on CULearn from 7:30 – 11:30 AM

15 Performance Plan Exams (40%) Midterm – 15% of your final grade
March 1st (NOTE: This exam will be held in CHEM140 from 7 to 8:30 PM) Final Exam – 25% of your final grade May 1st (NOTE: This exam will be held on Saturday, May 1st from 7:30 to 10 PM in MUEN E050, our normal lecture classroom)

16 Performance Plan Project (42.5%) A key component of this course
Incorporate concepts/tools into a real world business case Three to four person teams within your recitations (four person teams will have to produce more work) The focus of the recitations will be on preparing for and conducting your project work

17 Performance Plan Project (42.5%)
This semester we focus on casino operations Integration of business intelligence and operations into a consultant’s report on opening a new casino operation in Central City/Black Hawk, Colorado Interim project submission – 10% due on March 12th Final project grade – 27.5% due on April 28th Peer evaluation – 5%

18 Scoring Requirement Parts Points Total Possible Quizzes 7/8 25 175
Midterm 1 150 Project Interim Review 100 Final Project 275 Project Peer Review 50 Final Exam 250 Total Points 1000

19 Grading Criteria A 934-1000 points C 734-766 A- 900-933 C- 700-733 B+
C A- C- B+ D+ B D B- D- C+ points F <600 Note: In keeping with the Leeds School of Business grading policy, the maximum grade point average of the class will be Adjustments to the grading table above may be necessary to achieve this requirement. Students are encouraged to consult the Leeds grading policy, accessed by the following link. Grading Policy 2009 (

20 Contact Information Phone (cell/work) Office Hours Monday: 10:00 – 11:30 PM Wednesday: 2:00 – 3:00 PM KOBL S450G

21 For This Week Read pages 43-52 of Casino Operations Management
Preparation for Friday’s Recitation

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