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The Middle Colonies Chapter 3, Section 4.

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1 The Middle Colonies Chapter 3, Section 4

2 Middle Colonies

3 The Middle Colonies Consisted of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Located between the New England and Southern Colonies. Hudson and Delaware Rivers encouraged shipping and commerce. Rich soil and mild winters were good for farming.

4 New Netherland Dutch West India Company set up a patroon system to attract more settlers. A patroon was person who brought 50 settlers to New Netherlands. In return a patroon received a large land grant which included hunting, fishing, and fur trading privileges. A patroon brought great wealth to the colony.

5 A tolerant society New Netherlands welcome dissenters.
Quakers, German Lutherans, and French Protestants all settled the colony. Jewish settlers soon followed. New Netherlands became the most diverse and tolerant colony in North America.

6 The English take control
The English saw the Dutch as a threat. King Charles II, sends his brother the Duke of York to drive out the Dutch. 1664, the Dutch surrender to British ships. New Netherland is renamed to New York after the Duke of York. The Duke of York becomes the largest single landowner.

7 William Penn Penn was born into a rich family who had loaned Charles II money. To pay of his debt, King Charles gave his family land in North America. Pennsylvania= “Penn’s woods.” Penn became a Quaker and opened his colony to Quakers, and other religions who wanted freedom. Valued hard honest work and the management of money. Long growing seasons and rich soil made Pennsylvania one of the wealthiest colonies.

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