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Imperialism: The Scramble for Africa

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1 Imperialism: The Scramble for Africa
Good afternoon! Please get out a half sheet of paper and something to write with.

2 Imperialism Quiz- for practice! 
a country or territory governed internally by a foreign power a country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power an independent but less developed country controlled by private business interests rather than other governments an area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges Economic imperialism Sphere of influence Colony Protectorate Do you know examples of each form? Great! Next to your answer choice write an example for extra credit!

3 Imperialism Quiz- for practice! 
List as many causes of imperialism as you can! List as many effects of imperialism as you can! Up to five for each… extra credit for having all of them!

4 Primary Source Analysis: African Imperialism
In addition to answering the specific questions for your reading, every group member needs to describe the following on a separate sheet of paper. You can make a chart like the one we used for our DBQ: Document info (name, author, date) Outside information and knowledge (using notes we took today) Point of view/bias Main idea: how does your document show a cause and/or effect of European imperialism in Africa? (use the questions you answer for your doc to arrive at this!)

5 Cornell Note Summary Use this structure to build your summary:
Europeans were motivated to imperialize Africa because…(describe causes)… Some of the effects of African imperialism included… (describe effects). Jules Ferry’s speech (or whatever source you had) illustrates… (mention one cause or effect your source discussed)… because… (use evidence from the document for support)

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