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Patterns of Estrogenic Activity in Treated Wastewater

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1 Patterns of Estrogenic Activity in Treated Wastewater
A study from Switzerland NICHT vergessen: Paper Sebastian & io 2017 Workshop planar-YES in Wädenswil Feb. 2018 Andreas Schönborn, Tamara Mainetti, Andrea A. Grimmer July 5, 2017 // HPTLC 2017, Berlin

2 Ø 1-3 ng/l EE2 in domestic wastewater Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
Effects observed from > 0,1 ng/l EE2 Photo Michel Roggo,

3 EE2 interferes with reproduction of fish!
Fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) 3 generations, exposed to 0-20 ng/L EE2 In mesocosms and aquariums over 1 year Male survival in the F0 generation was significantly reduced by EE2 F1 parents exposed early in life produced almost no F2 eggs and no larvae Relevanz des Themas: We need affordable and reliable test systems that are able to depict the situation in which the fish are in today The planar-YES is such a system Schwindt et al., Journal of Applied Ecology 2014, 51,

4 planar-YES (state of 2017) LLE 138 x
Schoenborn, Mainetti, Grimmer, Durisch-Kaiser, Sennhauser 2017, Aqua & Gas (5), p

5 Fingerprinting estrogenic activity of STPs
Estrogen standards [pg] MeOH STPin STPin MeOH STPout STPout MeOH Proc. EtOH Key message: the development has reached a point where we can reliably, reproducibly and very sensitively measure profiles of estrogenic activity in water samples

6 Comparison of activity fingerprints
M-A3 P1, AW STP 1 M-A2 P3, AW STP 2 M-A3 P1, AW STP 3 M-A2 P1, AW STP 4 V104 P3, 4.2.16 STP 5 M-A2 P5, AW STP 6 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 E1 EE2 E2 Evtl. BPA 3 distinguishable types. Type 1 (rarest): no activity -> small STPs Type 2: 1 or several of the estrogens E1, E2, EE2 Type 3: multiple activities ARA 1 = Horgen ARA 2 = Dübendorf ARA 3 = Thalwil ARA 4 = Bassersdorf ARA 5 = BfG ARA 6 = Werdhölzli ? E3 E1: estrone EE2: 17α-ethinylestradiol E2: 17β-estradiol E3: estriol BPA: Bisphenole-A

7 Different days – similar fingerprint
EE2 DB day 1 DB day 2 Typ 2: Nur Östrogene Schoenborn, Mainetti, Grimmer, Durisch-Kaiser, Sennhauser 2017, Aqua & Gas (5), p

8 Multiple origin of estrogenicity possible
A EE2 E1 E2 C D Typ 3 -> Typ 2 + multiple unknown substances We started collecting their Rf values This is where it gets interesting for monitoring Schoenborn, Mainetti, Grimmer, Durisch-Kaiser, Sennhauser 2017, Aqua & Gas (5), p

9 Estrogenicity removal by treatment steps
EE2 E1 E2 A L B F Effluent pretreatment C Efluent filter after ozonation Effluent ozonation Effluent clarifier D Overall EA removal > 95% (up to 99.5%) We can follow specific activities through the process In this case it was an experimental STP, with a fourth treatment step using ozonation and subsequent filtartion Substances A and C survived the fourth treatment step and still show activity Keep in mind that the planar-YES is an activity test. A and C are not steroids, they must be something else that binds to the estrogen receptor

10 Identification and quantification
n=73 n=69 n=75 Mobile phase: chloroform, acetone, petroleum fraction 55:20:25 Identification of known substances is quite reliable (+/- 7-8% of Rf-value) However, we can never be 100% sure if a detected signal belongs to a certain substance

11 STP Nr. Code Sampling location Nr of samples Activity bands
EEQ (ng/l) sum 1 RT Filter - < LOD 2 WL < LOQmin 3 DR 4a DB Clarifier 0.7 4b 0.9 5 BS 2.0 6 KO 2.6 7 WR 2.3 8 TA 4 0.8 9 HR 10 IL 0.4 11 WN 0.1 12 RG 13 NE 14 DE 1.4 15 EG 16 GS 17 WT 18 HN 0.2 19 FH 0.6 20 a BL 1 Pretreatment Max. 8 >LOQmax 20 b BL 2 Max. 5 20 c BL 3* Ozonation 20 d BL 4* Ozon./Filtration 20 different STPs, 30 composite 24-hr samples 3 STPs with no activity (Type 1) 50% of all samples > 0.4 ng/l EEQ In 1 case, 6 different active peaks were found

12 Summary: Canton of Zurich
Person equivalents > 100’000 p.e. 50’-100’000 p.e. 10’-50’000 p.e. >100 – 10’000 p.e. Sampling site Filtration Clarifier Estrogenic activity Schoenborn, Mainetti, Grimmer, Durisch-Kaiser, Sennhauser 2017, Aqua & Gas (5), p

13 Challenges for the future (apart from technical details…)
Certification of the planar-YES procedure Wanted: more labs that join in (please contact C. Weins, last speaker of this session) Planned: planar-YES Workshop, Wädenswil, 2/2018 (please leave your name with me)

14 In the name of the fish: Thank you for your attention!
Planar-YES well suited for monitoring wastewater on estrogenicity In the name of the fish: Thank you for your attention!

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