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Understand parliamentary procedure

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1 Understand parliamentary procedure
Objective 1.02

2 Parliamentary Law Basics
Robert’s Rules of Order is the book of authority Assures that all sides of an issue are treated fairly and that everyone has an opportunity to discuss and vote

3 Parliamentary Law Main objective Focus on one item at a time
Extend courtesy to everyone Observe the rule of the majority Ensure the rights of the minority

4 Requirements for meeting
Quorum: number of members required to conduct business Chairperson- can be the president or vice-president Secretary

5 Parliamentary Law Methods of voting:
Voice: aye (pronounced “I”) for yes, or no Rising: standing or show of hands Secret ballot: written vote or paper ballot often used for elections and nominations Roll call: secretary asks each member to state vote

6 Parliamentary Law Single majority: one vote more than 50% or ½ of votes cast Two-thirds majority: 2/3 of members voting must vote for motion, usually used when motion will limit the rights of members

7 Gavel Symbol of authority Meaning of taps of gavel:
1: be seated, meeting is adjourned or the result of a vote has been announced 2: meeting is called to order 3: members should stand on 3rd tap Series: be quiet and orderly

8 Parliamentary Law Abilities
Main Can only have one main motion on the floor at a time. Presents an idea, opinion or action for consideration to the group of members. Requires a second. Can be debated. Can be amended. Can be reconsidered.

9 Parliamentary Law Abilities
Amend Changes the intent of the original motion. Allows members to add strike and/or substitute words to the original motion. Requires a second. Can be debated. Can be amended. Can be reconsidered.

10 Parliamentary Law Abilities
Refer to Committee Secures more detailed information to the motion by assigning a group of members to: Investigate and report the facts. Investigate and make a formal recommendation. Investigate and act for the group. Motion to refer to a committee must include: Number on the committee. Powers to act. When to report back. Requires a second. Can be debated. Can be amended. Can be reconsidered.

11 Parliamentary Law Abilities
Point of Order Avoids breaking parliamentary procedure rules. Can be called anytime during a business meeting. Does not require a second. Cannot be debated. Cannot be amended Cannot be reconsidered.

12 Parliamentary Law Abilities
Division of Assembly Requires a re-vote on an inconclusive vote (and in some cases hand vote) until the chairperson has stated the question on another motion. Does not require a second. Cannot be debated. Cannot be amended. Cannot be reconsidered.

13 Parliamentary Law Abilities
Previous Question Member calls for previous question when motion on the floor has been discussed and no new ideas are being presented. Requires 2/3 majority vote. Does require a second. Cannot be debated. Cannot be amended. Can be reconsidered.

14 Parliamentary Law Abilities
Lay on the Table Enables the group to delay a motion to allow members to attend to more urgent business, allow members additional time to consider the motion, etc. Requires majority vote. Does require a second. Cannot be debated. Cannot be amended. Can be reconsidered if negative only.

15 Parliamentary Law Abilities
Suspend the Rules Allows members to do something it needs to do that it cannot do without suspending the rules. Requires a 2/3 majority vote. Does require a second. Cannot be debated. Cannot be amended. Cannot be reconsidered.

16 Parliamentary Law Abilities
Extend or Limit Debate Allows member to limit or extend debate to a specified time frame. Requires a 2/3 majority vote. Does require a second. Cannot be debated. Can be amended. Can be reconsidered.

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