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By Abdul Wahhab Khalid UEL ID

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1 By Abdul Wahhab Khalid UEL ID1255270
NETWORK ADMIN By Abdul Wahhab Khalid UEL ID

2 Network Administrator
A person who manages a local area communication network( LAN) or wide area network (WAN) for an organization”

3 Relationship the Market
Hellman, 2013 Computer Systems Administrator “Job Overview” states “As its low unemployment rate of 4.1 percent indicates, this is an in-demand profession” Network administrator job is considered one of the best jobs according to (“Jobs Rated 2014: Ranking 200 Jobs From Best To Worst.” The job is Ranked 19th in terms of best jobs. An article by Nathan


5 Responsabilities Designing and planning the network
Assembling of new systems Budgeting of equipment and their assembly costs Implementing, monitoring and up gradation of network security Monitoring the Network

6 KEY EMPLOYERS IT Companies Government Security agencies

7 Required Skills Networking Computer applications Network Security
Team working skills Familiarity with different Operating systems

8 Qualifications Minimum Bachelor's degree in computer science
Computer Networks Information System Computer Science Information Technology Systems Engineering

9 Certification and Experience
Cisco Certifications Microsoft Certifications Juniper Certifications Experience Minimum of 2 years

10 JOB Application Stay in contact
Stay connected to the latest job listings Approach companies Keep your C.V up to date

11 Applying for the job Cover letter and C.V

12 Interview Questions What port does HTTPS use? It used TCP port 443.
What is port forwarding? If for some reasons you want to allow access to your network from outside the networks for example WAN, we can forward a port through which communication can be done. Why would you virtualize systems? Virtualizations has many advantages, IT is basically to utilize the same hardware for different operation systems. In networks there may be some machines that are running on old operating systems; to facilitate them compatible software can be installed on same server machine alongside the new which helps in reducing cost. What is the difference between a Forest, a Tree, and a Domain? Let me start from the bottom firsts. In Active Directory we create certain Organizational Units(OUs) to apply policies on. These OUs are member of Domains so Domains are the one that Contain OUs. In some organizations we sometimes need different Domains for different departments. In that case Trees contain different domains and forests are the one that contain trees. In simple words Forests contain Trees; Trees contain Domains and Domains contain OUs. Which port is used by SSH? Secure Shell uses TCP port 22. What is a HUB? HUB is a networking device that broadcasts the each signal to all the ports. What is the difference between HUB and SWITCH? The HUB broadcasts everything to all the ports while switch is able to do unicast as-well. Can you Define DHCP? DHCP stand for Dynamic host Configuration protocol. It is used to give dynamic IPs to the clients.

13 Conclusion The coursework has enabled me to search specifically for one of the jobs that I later wish to acquire. The search and work done for the compilation of the assignment has given me a specific approach towards finding my weaknesses and the key skills needed for the profession.

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