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Maude Clare Christina Rossetti Learning Outcome:

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Presentation on theme: "Maude Clare Christina Rossetti Learning Outcome:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maude Clare Christina Rossetti Learning Outcome:
To understand how Rossetti presents character and situation through analysing the poem Maude Clare

2 Arrange these words from the poem under headings of your choice
lofty maid smiles tears true pale strife pride kissed bride gift bless marriage bed golden chain waded lilies budding scorn fruit blooms flowers fickle paltry spurn wash worse wise fair What do you think the poem is going to be about?

3 Read the Poem Who do you think the central protagonists are?
Record the words that relate to: Love Relationships Religion Feelings Body parts (!)

4 Discuss these Questions
What do you think the plot of this poem is? How would you describe the poem’s point of view? Whose voices are absent in the poem? What might these voices have to say?

5 Discuss these Questions…
What perspective is this poem told from (1st, 2nd , 3rd person) What is the effect of labelling ‘her’ and ‘them’? What comparisons are made between the two women? What does Maude hint at in lines ? Who is the victim? How does Rossetti use nature in this poem? Is Thomas a strong hero of this story? What does Maude mean by ‘wash my hands’ line 40? What does Nell tell Maude in line 43? In the final stanza what does Nell reveal? How does this make you feel about her and her situation? What does she imply?

6 Structure and Form What is the effect of using dialogue?
What is the pace of this poem? Why do you think this is? Think about the story being told. Consider any poetic techniques you can find; alliteration, similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, etc.

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