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…and these are the comments from current pupils

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1 …and these are the comments from current pupils
The thing that’s amazing about being a pupil at Hady Primary School is the opportunity to go to lots of different sporting events like football, cricket, tag rugby, athletics and basketball. -Noah The amazing thing at Hady is the wide opportunity of sports and clubs with the great teachers at Hady because they make learning fun. If we didn’t have teachers then who would give us a good education? -Tyne

2 …and these are the comments from current pupils
The reason why I love being at Hady Primary is the history they do. The next history topic Year 5 do is ‘Titanic’ and I’m buzzing with excitement! -Isaac What is amazing about Hady Primary is that this school does perfect education for children and the children’s work will be superb. -Elston The reason why being a Hady Primary pupil is so amazing is because they give you a chance at any activity and club that you can do like football, basketball and pace ball. -Mason

3 …and these are the comments from current pupils
Being a Hady pupil is amazing because we go on a lot of trips like London or France. Also we do lots of sport events. -Melissa The thing that is amazing about being a pupil at Hady is that they make sure we’re happy and they take us to a lot of events out of school. -Macey You have a lot of friends. There are a lot of sporting activities and everyone is nice to you. -Jayden The amazing thing about Hady is that we all do a lot of competitions and get to a lot of finals too. -James

4 …and these are the comments from current pupils
The amazing thing about Hady Primary School is the amount of sports we have, but the best thing is lesson time because we do clubs. -Ellis Being a pupil at Hady Primary School is good because of school clubs. -Ben What I like about Hady Primary School is that they give you challenging maths! -Jack

5 …and these are the comments from current pupils
I like being a pupil at Hady because of all the sporting events like football, dodgeball and basketball. You should join Hady! -Oliver I love being in Hady Primary School because we get to do loads of fun things like go to France on a residential. -Olly The amazing thing about being at Hady Primary is that we have lovely teachers! They make us feel safe, and we are. I love coming to school! -Ruby

6 …and these are the comments from current pupils
I love being a pupil in Hady Primary because the teachers make sure that we are doing as best as possible and listen to us if we have a problem. I also love all the sporting championships and competitions that we have a chance to go to. -Summer The best thing about being at Hady Primary is that you get lots of opportunities to do things before we leave Hady, e.g. sporting events, cooking, card games and much more every Friday. -Hannah

7 …and these are the comments from current pupils
The most amazing thing about being a pupil at Hady Primary is the kind and helpful teachers in the school that will help you when you are stuck! -Matilda Whenever I have had a horrible day, my teacher and all of the staff (including Mrs Chapman) make me smile. All I want to say to them is, thank you!!! -Emma We are all safe at Hady Primary School with all of the amazing teachers that work here. -Ella-Mae

8 …and these are the comments from current pupils
The staff and teachers at Hady are really friendly and help the pupils learn. -Thomas The thing that is amazing about being a pupil at Hady Primary School is that the lessons are very fun and exciting, especially maths! -Arnav

9 …and these are the comments from current pupils
Hady Primary School is magnificent because they give me harder maths, which I love. I also think art is amazing because I love drawing, colouring and painting. To be honest, I think everything is amazing! -Nicole

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