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Presentation on theme: "People will ask WHY READ GRAPHIC NOVELS ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 People will ask WHY READ GRAPHIC NOVELS ?
Superb texts– exciting, fun, varied Fast– so re-read for deeper analysis literary content: theme, character, mood Media is complex

2 What is A Graphic Novel? Define: Long, sequential, comic-style narrative. Medium not a genre

3 CONVENTIONS Panels Frames Gutter Speech bubbles/ Thought Captions
Sound effects Perspective Transitions

4 Caption Panel Gutter Thought Bubble Scream Frame Sound Effect Dialogue Bubble

5 Speech and Thought Bubbles
Different types of speech bubbles (what does each indicate?) 1. thinking 2. explosive idea/anger 3. whispering

6 PERSPECTIVE: Camera Lens
Same vocabulary as film and photography Distance: Zoom, Close-up, medium-shot, long-shot Camera Movement: Panning and tracking (dolly)

7 Transitions Moment-to-moment 2. Action-to-action 3. Subject-to-subject
Panel to panel transitions: from one panel to the next: Moment-to-moment 2. Action-to-action 3. Subject-to-subject 4. Scene-to-scene 5. Aspect-to-aspect 6. Non-sequitur (

8 The Walking Dead Moment-to-moment: little change takes place between panels. -an important moment is “slowed down”

9 Star Superman Action-to-action: The actions of a single subject are shown. Fast action and dialogue is used.

10 Transitions between different subjects
The Walking Dead Subject-to-subject: Transitions between different subjects Used for conversations.

11 MAUS Scene-to-scene: “significant distances of time and space.“ a flashback or a switch of perspective, a new idea

12 Who Killed Retro Girl? Aspect-to Aspect: “Bypasses time and sets a wandering eye on different aspects of a setting, mood, idea.” Develops point of view, character, mood

13 ORIGINAL NON-SEQUITUR no logical connection they are juxtaposed with one another experimental or abstract– rare.

14 Transitions: ACTIVITY
Part 1- Create a moment-to-moment six panel sequence that shows you waking up and getting ready for school Part 2- Create an aspect-to-aspect panel sequence of the same event. Metacognition: Which do you prefer and why? Which shows emotions and details best? Which is more exiting to you, why?



-Look at the faces and choose feeling that best represents your mood. Draw a picture of yourself (Choose an appropriate perspective/ camera lens to further your mood) -Include a variety of conventions of graphic novel: thought bubble, speech bubble, and caption. Use at least two kinds of transitions and use different perspective (distance and angle) in each panel. -What is the biggest challenge to this task? -What can you do to make it easier?

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