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Future Ground Based Solar System Research:

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1 METIS, the Thermal Infrared Instrument of the E-ELT Hans Ulrich Käufl, European Southern Observatory
Future Ground Based Solar System Research: Synergies with Space Probes and Space Telescope

2 Mid-IR E-ELT Imager and Spectrograph
METIS the Mid-IR E-ELT Imager and Spectrograph Who is Metis? According to Greek mythology, METIS was the first spouse of Zeus and mother of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. What is METIS? At the E-ELT METIS shall cover the frequencies < 100 000 GHz (or in conventional units λ > ~3000nm : the L , M, N and Q-band) It shall be a multimode instrument Selected by ESO for a Phase-A-study (May 2008 – Sept. 2009) Relating to the VLT-Instrumentation Suite: METIS = NAOS-CONICA long-wave + CRIRES long-wave VISIR short-wave METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 2

3 The Collaboration and Heritage
E-ELT \ \ \ METIS The Collaboration and Heritage VISIR TIMMI TIMMI2 Saclay HERSCHEL PACS CONICA JWST-MIRI MICHELLE METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 3

4 METIS The People standing behind it ( from Bernhard Brandl's SPIE presentation ) E-ELT \ \ \ METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 4

5 The Basic Modes under Study
E-ELT \ \ \ METIS The Basic Modes under Study Conceived as a multi-mode instrument with clear priorities: Diffraction limited filter imaging, FOV 20” x 20” - bands: L, M, N, (Q) standard broad and narrow-band filters - coronagraphy, classic and 4-quadrant phase masks Low-resolution long slit grism spectroscopy High-resolution cross dispersed spectroscopy: ν / Δν ~ 1-2 * GHz aka 4.8μm or CO2 fundamental band All modes will work with AO - self referenced “classic” AO incl. IR – wave front sensing - more complex modes, e.g. LASER guide star assisted under study METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 5

6 METIS in the λ / Δλ plane: E-ELT vs. VLT
Claim of METIS in frequency / wavelength / resolution space set by physics and not by detector technology: Wien's Law: λmax ≈ 2898 μm / TBB molecular vibrations: h * ν / c ≈ μm METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 6

7 METIS in Imaging Mode E-ELT \ \ \ METIS, diffraction limited at a 42m telescope will have a diffraction limited high Strehl PSF: Thermal-IR-special AO-unit: * IR wavefront sensor * atmospheric dispersion compensation * control of humidity induced seeing Some Imaging modes taylored for very high contrast imaging: * coronagraphy * pupil masking * 4-quadrant phase mask METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 7

8 METIS in Imaging Mode (II)
E-ELT \ \ \ How 10 μm will image Io's hot spots (disk diameter 1.2”) 10 μm will have the same PSF as today's K-Band adaptive optics imagers at 8 m -class telescopes (data, J,H,K false color from CRIRES-MACAO commissioning, Paufique and Marchetti, SPIE 2006) METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 8

9 METIS in Imaging Mode (III)
E-ELT \ \ \ There will be various METIS imaging cases reviewed or discussed in great detail in this conference, so just 2 more examples close to this workshop topic not covered in the program: Direct detection of extra-solar planets (Brandl et al., 2008) METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 9

10 METIS in Imaging Mode (III)
E-ELT \ \ \ Star Formation and Planetary Systems Formation, simulated METIS data: From METIS Proposal Science Case a 20AU a flaring disk with inner gap “foot-print in dust disk” coronagraphy helps METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 10

11 METIS in Imaging Mode (IV)
E-ELT \ \ \ Exo-Planetary Systems, simulated METIS performance at 30 000 GHz (aka 10μm): From Brandl et al. METIS at SPIE 2008 METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 11

12 METIS in Spectroscopy Mode
E-ELT \ \ \ Again, there will be a variety of specialized contributions, so I picked from what is left over my favorite choice: TIMMI2 low resolution (ν/Δν~200) spectro-astrometry: spatial structures down to 30 mas: extrapolated to METIS one could resolve structures down to at least 3 mas (less than 1AU at Chameleon) METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 12

13 star formation: W33A CO gas and ice features slit centered on Maser region (data courtesy Siebenmorgen & Menten) black: W33A gray: telluric absorption - CRIRES as an AO imager K-band (logarithmic intensity scale) allows for slit registration with ~100 mas precision METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 13

14 METIS, the Site Matters ... more than Instrument Technicalities
E-ELT \ \ \ Performance Simulations have been done for various spectral bands as a function of site comparisons is between Paranal: low altitude, hot and humid site and Cerro Macon: ~ 4800m, a lot colder and dryer ( probably one of the most extreme “realistic” sites ) While K-band low-res spectroscopy profits most from this site selection, it is not part of METIS but we have natural allies there Example shown here is the CO-fundamental band Detailed simulations can be done using the ESO E-ELT exposure time calculator METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 14

15 MM5 ►Radiances M-band: comparison Paranal vs. 5050m
Ulli Käufl, Towards the European ELT Dec 1st slide 15

16 Schematics of METIS imaging part
E-ELT \ \ \ METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 16

17 Additional Modes under Trade-Off Studies
E-ELT \ \ \ medium resolution IFU spectroscopy larger FOV for both imager and IFU spectrograph extended wavelength coverage to include red Q-band (site!) linear polarimetry for both imaging and spectroscopy spectral differential imaging mode parallel observing modes METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 17

18 Expected Performance of METIS
E-ELT \ \ \ Expected Performance of METIS Calculations based on atmospheric model for Cerro Macon (high,dry and cold) assuming over-all back-ground-noise limited performance. Keep in mind, IR-atmospheric windows are “Venitian Blinds”; a detailed view in an ETC based on realistic spectroscopy always pays off METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 18

19 E-ELT \ \ \ Road Map for METIS Phase-A-study till end of in the general context described by d'Odorico detector selection: * baseline design assumes for N,Q: the availability of 1k x 1k AsSi detectors with ~25μm pixel pitch L,M,N: InSb or HgCdTe, many options * in the context of VISIR upgrade, ESO does the prototyping for λ > 5μm * fall-back solutions exist read-out electronics, data-flow etc. are in the extrapolation range of today's systems and the VISIR/CRIRES upgrades Background subtraction techniques need some prototyping which is – unfortunately – only partially covered by VISIR METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 19

20 METIS conclusions E-ELT \ \ \ frequency coverage: < 100 000 GHz or in conventional units λ > ~3000nm : very well suited to the Solar system spectral resolution: ν / Δ ν ≈105 and ν / Δ ν ≈ very well suited to study gas and dust spatial resolution: ☞ classical imaging matches in-situ space craft cameras ☞ spectroastrometry opens up the μ-arcsec domain Calibration (see Delbo, Fernandez & Müller): thermal IR-fluxes can be absolutly calibrated in a meaningful way: Itokawa – observations, the “coming-of-age” of thermal IR-photometry! METIS, thus has the portential to be a very powerful instrument for future Solar system research; the higher, the dryer and the colder the site, the better and more ideas on the science case more than welcome! METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 20

21 More Conclusions METIS extra solar planets Extra-terrestrial life
E-ELT \ \ \ METIS extra solar planets Extra-terrestrial life Earths in habitable zones an outsiders view ... METIS, E-ELT-Thermal Infrared, Future Ground-based Solar System Research, Elba Ulli Käufl, Elba 2008 slide # 21


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