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Board of Regents Governance

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1 Board of Regents Governance
Marcia L. Roth, Chair

2 Board of Regents Governance
Roles and Issues Board Membership Committee Structure Meetings Dates Attendance

3 Board Leadership for KCTCS
What is our role? To whom are we accountable? How do we make decisions? How do we communicate? What has worked for us?

4 The Board’s Role To set broad policy
To focus externally: state and community needs, student needs, performance measures, strategic planning Not to manage the System “Ends determination is the pivotal duty of governance.” * * Source: John Carver and Miriam Mayhew in “A New Vision of Board Leadership: Governing the Community College” published by Association of Community College Trustees (1996).

5 The Board’s Mandated Powers and Duties
KRS General Powers and Duties of the Board of Regents: Govern the System Constitute a body corporate, with the usual corporate powers, and with all immunities, rights, privileges, and franchises usually attaching to the governing bodies of educational institutions

6 The Board’s Mandated Powers and Duties
Receive grants of money and expend the same for the use and benefit of the university or college Adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations for the government of its members, officers, agents, and employees, and enforce obedience to such rules Require reports from the president… as it deems necessary

7 The Board’s Mandated Powers and Duties
Determine the number of divisions, departments, bureaus, offices, and agencies needed for the successful conduct of the affairs of the university or college Grant diplomas and confer degrees upon the recommendation of the president and faculty

8 The Board’s Mandated Powers and Duties
Evaluate the institution's progress in implementing its mission, goals, and objectives to conform to the strategic agenda Officers and officials shall be held accountable for the status of the institution's progress

9 The Board’s Mandated Powers and Duties
Develop and implement guidelines for the preparation of biennial budget requests by the administrators of the colleges within the System. The guidelines shall define the processes for review and approval by the boards of directors for the colleges: Adopt a biennial budget request for the Kentucky Community and Technical College System upon the recommendation of the President of the System Adopt an allocation process for distributing funds to the colleges within the System Consider recommendations from the boards of directors of the colleges to improve the overall budget planning and allocation processes

10 The Board’s Mandated Powers and Duties
Designate each college with a name Encourage and accept donations of land and funds to be used in the acquisition, construction, or operations of colleges in the System Accept federal grants when deemed appropriate to be used in the acquisition, construction, or operations of colleges in the System

11 The Board’s Mandated Powers and Duties
Assure that the budget planning and implementation processes are consistent with the adopted strategic agenda and biennial budget and with the missions of the institutions within the System

12 Accountability “ boards exist to own the organization on behalf of some identifiable public to which they are answerable.” * We are accountable to students, taxpayers and those who would be taxpayers if they were better educated and employed—in other words to all Kentuckians * Source: John Carver and Miriam Mayhew in “A New Vision of Board Leadership: Governing the Community College” published by Association of Community College Trustees (1996).

13 Accountability “Regardless of how you got on the Board, once you get there your responsibility as a regent is to the people of Kentucky, not to the Governor who appointed you or the constituency that elected you.” - Sheryl Snyder, External Counsel October 15, 2004

14 Hands On Set Board’s work plan and agenda
Determine Board’s training needs Attend to discipline in Board attendance and following its bylaws Become expert in governance Source: John Carver and Miriam Mayhew Carver in Your Roles and Responsibilities as a Board Member published by Jossey-Bass (1996).

15 Hands On Listen to the “ownership” Establish limits Establish outcomes
Monitor against previously established goals Source: John Carver and Miriam Mayhew Carver in Your Roles and Responsibilities as a Board Member published by Jossey-Bass (1996).

16 Hands Off The Board does NOT:
Establish services, programs, curricula, or budgets Approve CEO’s personnel decisions Instruct any staff member subordinate to the CEO Render judgments of staff activity where no previous Board expectations have been stated Source: John Carver and Miriam Mayhew Carver in Your Roles and Responsibilities as a Board Member published by Jossey-Bass (1996).

17 Decision-making Agenda Committees
Executive Academic Affairs and Curriculum Finance, Technology, and Human Resources Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Accountability Robert’s Rules of Order (current edition) Once a decision is made, we all support it, whether or not we voted for it

18 Communication “The Board speaks with one voice or not at all.” *
Board communication: raise issues to appropriate committee chair or to Board Chair Board – staff communication: should go through committee chair or Board Chair to KCTCS President * Source: John Carver and Miriam Mayhew in “A New Vision of Board Leadership: Governing the Community College” published by Association of Community College Trustees (1996).

19 Qualities of High Performing Regents
Attendance Preparation Knowledge of mission and vision Decision-making based on mission Ability to make best decisions for System as a whole—not just one’s role group or region Sense of humor helps

20 Board Membership 2016-2017 Mary R. Kinney, Gen. Ed. Staff
Barry K. Martin Mr. Porter G. Peeples, Sr. James L. Stevens Donald R. Tarter Tammy C. Thompson, Occ./Tech. Staff Mark A. Wells, Occ./Tech. Faculty Marcia L. Roth, Chair Gail R. Henson, Vice Chair _________________, Secretary Ellen Braden, Student Regent Robert G. Cooper Lisa V. Desmarais Angela Fultz, Ph.D., Gen. Ed. Faculty Montre’ale Jones, Student Regent One Student Regent will serve as the General Education Student Regent, and the other will serve as the Occupational Technical Student Regent.

21 Committee Membership Executive
Ms. Marcia L. Roth, Chair Dr. Gail R. Henson, Vice Chair _________________, Board Secretary Robert G. Cooper Dr. Angela Fultz Mr. Barry K. Martin Mr. Porter G. Peeples, Sr., Past Chair Academic Affairs and Curriculum* Dr. Angela Fultz, Committee Chair Dr. Gail R. Henson, Committee Vice Chair Montre’ale Jones Ms. Mary R. Kinney Mr. James L. Stevens Ms. Tammy C. Thompson Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Accountability* Mr. Barry K. Martin, Committee Chair Committee of the Whole Finance, Technology, and Human Resources* Mr. Robert G. Cooper, Committee Chair Mr. Barry K. Martin, Committee Vice Chair Ms. Ellen R. Braden Ms. Lisa V. Desmarais Mr. Porter G. Peeples, Sr. Mr. Donald R. Tarter Mr. Mark A. Wells *The KCTCS Board Chair Marcia L. Roth is an ex officio, voting member of each of the Board’s standing committees.

22 2016-17 Meeting Dates December 1-2, 2016
KCTCS System Office, Versailles March 9-10, 2017 June 8-9, 2017 Somerset Community College September 14-15, 2017 Madisonville Community College November 30 – December 1, 2017

23 Overview of HB 15 Program Development Summer, 2016 Program launch : Early Fall 2016 Directs the Council on Postsecondary Education to develop, in cooperation with each public university and KCTCS, a comprehensive orientation and education program for new members of the Council and governing boards and continuing education opportunities for all Council and board members.

24 Overview of HB 15 New Members – To include 6 instructional hours on the following (list not inclusive): Role of CPE and governing boards The CPE strategic agenda and accountability system The respective institution's mission, budget and finances, strategic plans, and priorities

25 Overview of HB 15 New Members – To include 6 instructional hours on the following (list not inclusive): Institutional policies and procedures Board fiduciary responsibilities Legal considerations including open records and open meetings requirements and Ethical considerations arising from board membership

26 Overview of HB 15 For All Board Members
Offer, in cooperation with public universities and KCTCS, continuing education opportunities for all Council and governing board members

27 Overview of HB 15 Delivery Method: In person or electronically.
Time Frame: New members must complete within one year of appointment. Board Eligibility: Completion of the orientation program is a condition of board service and eligibility for a second term.

28 Overview of HB 15 Accountability: CPE must notify legislature of new board members who do not complete training requirements. AIKCU: Private governing board members must be invited to participate.

29 Overview of HB 15 CPE must review and approve the orientation programs of each public university and the KCTCS for their governing board members.

30 Current Statewide Program
KY Postsecondary Education Trusteeship Conference Began in 1989 – annual conference In 2011, changed to biennial conference Next conference planned - September 2017 Sponsored equally by CPE and public institutions. Other attendees pay registration fee.

31 Current Statewide Program
Two-day conference featuring national speakers & local experts on relevant and time-sensitive topics. New member orientation session (led by AGB) generally offered at the conference. Open to all public and private board members, campus leadership, and policy, government leaders. Conference packets generally include: Conference program Bios of conference presenters CPE Board Member Orientation Booklet Reports on relevant Trusteeship topics from AGB or other nationally-known groups Kentucky’s current Strategic Agenda & accountability data

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