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University of East London Students’ Union

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1 University of East London Students’ Union
Proposed Byelaws: 2017/18

2 Introduction In 2015/16 UELSU underwent a statutory Governance Review
In this item a new set of Byelaws will be presented to members to review and approve. The Byelaws are concurrent governance instruments which underpin what the fundamental ‘rules’ and ‘regulations’ of UELSU are and how these rules are enacted. The Byelaws are a critical aspect of self-governance and provide facilities for students to lead seamlessly and on the basis of electoral mandate

3 Background Following the outcome of the 2015/16 Governance Review, UELSU’s approved intention to incorporate meant the adoption of a different model of its articles of association (constitution) was to be carried out. The Memorandum and Articles of Association is much like the current constitution in that it is the overarching instrument of governance for UELSU and is supplemented by a set of Byelaws. The new Memorandum and Articles of Association has already been noted by last years AGM and approved by both the Board of Trustees and University Board of Governors.

4 Outline of Proposal Members are asked to review, comment and ultimately approve the new set of Byelaws to supplement the Memorandum and Articles of Association These Byelaws are in draft form and have received the approval-in- principle of the Board of Trustees (17 Jan) on the basis members are consulted Members are presented with a draft version at this meeting with access prior via Roosevelt Avi shall summarise each Byelaw at the AGM and take questions from members

5 Students’ Union Members
Byelaw 1 (Summary) Classification of who students’ union members are Membership duration Description of how students’ union membership is validated Process for membership withdrawal Outline of how Honorary Memberships are proposed

6 Referendums Byelaw 2 (Summary)
Outline of the process for calling and administering UELSU referendums The threshold for calling a referendum shall be; Petition of 5% students’ union members Resolution by the Board of Trustees Two-thirds majority of the Student Council The threshold for a referendum vote to be binding shall be 10%

7 Elections Byelaw 3 (Summary)
Outline of the process for calling and administering UELSU elections including: Powers of the Returning Officer Electable Positions Schedule By-Elections Nominations Hustings Polling Publicity Manifestos Online Voting The Count Complaints and Conduct

8 Societies and Associations
Byelaw 4 (Summary) Byelaw 4 provides a broader scope through which student groups can form in the shape of societies and associations. 4.6 and 4.7 provides a description of the proposed distinction between each term for students to follow when forming and both will be underpinned by guiding policy documents No reference or relation to the current changes in how societies are supported, operationally are made within the byelaws. Outline the proposed composition of society and association committees Outline of how societies and associations are democratically organised and how memberships are administered.

9 Student Council Byelaw 5 (Summary)
Adjustments made to the current membership of student council following from NUS research and low success record of consistent student council meetings. Research indicated that students wished for more appointed positions to be in place in order to make decisions. It is proposed that Student Council membership reduces to 36 members to comprise of both elected and appointed members. Quoracy shall remain as the majority1 meaning that 19 members are required in order for Student Council to be binding It is proposed that the advent of 3 appointed lay members provide an external voice to ensure that research findings are reflected in new model Advent of a Democracy Chair, elected annually to oversee the chairpersonship of Student Council (with no voting or speaking rights).

10 Student Council (cont.)
Byelaw 5 (Summary) Positions that have been proposed to be removed from the membership of Student Council under the new Byelaws: First Year Representatives Rationale: these positions have not consistently been elected in the previous two sessions and positions such as these are not based on sector practice. Volunteering Representatives Rationale: UELSU has not proceeded to offer distinct volunteering services as such a service exists within UEL. It has been deemed that representation on matters relating to volunteers falls under the Executive Officers and not part-time office as currently designed

11 Student Council (cont.)
Byelaw 5 (Summary) Positions that have been proposed to change or reduce in numbers from the membership of Student Council under the new Byelaws: International (EU/Non EU) Officer to a single International Officer Rationale: International student numbers have dropped in recent years and for the purpose of emboldening one representative voice it is proposed to merge both remits to represent both EU/Non-EU students. Society Representatives Rationale: Representational matters of UELSU Societies can be addressed via the democratic facilities afforded to Societies, however it is important to ensure this voice is heard at council proportionately in relation to other large student groupings (for e.g. school reps).

12 Student Council (cont.)
Byelaw 5 (Summary) Positions that have been proposed to be added to the membership of Student Council under the new Byelaws: Democracy Chair Rationale: To provide consistency across all Student Council meetings it is proposed that a Democracy Chair is elected to oversee all Students’ Council meetings as an impartial office. X3 Lay Members Rationale: Based on NUS research and examples of other developed union’s the appointment of three lay members to sit on council and to contribute to the debate and decision making could broaden the profile of Student Council, the range of issues presented and tackled and longitudinal outcomes.

13 Committees of the Board of Trustees
Byelaw 6 (Summary) Supplementary to Part III of the Articles of Association the Board of Trustees shall establish five new committees to oversee the work of the Students’ Union: Executive Committee Leadership Committee Finance Committee Appointments and Remuneration Committee Audit Committee

14 Executive Officer Trustees
Byelaw 7 (Summary) Supplementary to Part III of the Articles of Association where the provisions for elected officers (Executive Officers) are outlined the composition of the Exective Officer Trustees shall be: President Vice-President Arts & Digital Industries & Combined Honours Conditions Vice-President Business and Law & Psychology Vice-President Cass School of Education and Communities & Health, Sport & Bioscience Vice-President Social Sciences & Architecture, Computing & Engineering

15 Executive Officer Trustees (cont.)
Byelaw 7 (Summary) The (Vice President) Executive Officer Trustees shall accept a portfolio role to as a approved by the Board of Trustees. Portfolios can be amended as per Byelaw 16 (Amendments) and are effectual as the incumbent officer ‘s term of office: Education Welfare Societies and Communications Community Development

16 Executive Officer Trustees (cont.)
Byelaw 7 (Summary) A Deputy President shall be elected to serve in the absence of the President (as per 7.29 of the proposed byelaw 7) Executive Officer Trustees are subject to democratic removal from office in accordance with of the Articles of Association

17 Students’ Union Representatives
Byelaw 8 (Summary) The Students’ Union shall appoint representatives to sit on the University of East London Board of Governors: Students’ Union President Student Governor Trustee For Academic Board: The President shall be the Students’ Union’s ex-officio delegate for NUS National Conference

18 Complaints Procedure Byelaw 9 (Summary)
The updated complaints policy sees a broader outline of entitlements to complain, procedural actions for out of scope complaints such as UELSU staff or the elections Classification of Complaint Types: Members *including those holding elected office Services Appeals of complaints raised via these procedures can be raised to the Leadership Committee. Further to this the University.

19 Membership Disciplinary Procedure
Byelaw 10 (Summary) The membership disciplinary procedure is vastly improved and broadened in order to provide UELSU much greater scope to investigate, determine and carry out proportionate sanctions in cases of member disciplinary Key Highlights: The scope of what constitutes member disciplinary has broadened significantly The process for investigating matters has also been amended to ensure that impartiality is at the centre of all investigations The process for applying due sanctions has been expanded to provide facility for proportional penalties to be applied to subject members An appeals process has been introduced so as to meet sector standards and to ensure fairness

20 Member Meetings Byelaw 11 (Summary)
As UELSU is a membership led organisation there are no changes to how AGM and GM takes place. A new proposed addition to the Byelaws is the advent of UELSU Working Groups and Forums to be formally constituted and to tasked to organise and deliver work related to policy set by Student Council. The Membership of Working Groups shall be set by Student Council.

21 Debating Procedures Byelaw 12 (Summary)
To enrich the democratic debate between members, a revised member debating procedure has been proposed as Byelaw 12 so to reflect the proposed advent of a democracy chair and to ensure he facilities for discussion and debate are lean and purposeful. It is proposed that the core procedure changes to be as follows: 12.6 The Democracy Chair can decide, at their own discretion or at the request of any member to have an open discussion before the motion is formally heard and debated. This must not last for more than 5 minutes. 12.7 (i) Proposer Speech For - 2mins (ii) Open Speech Against – 2mins (iii) Every subsequent speech for or against will be 1 min (iv) Open - Summation Against – 1min (v) Proposer - Summation for – 1min (vi) Move to vote

22 Financial Procedures Byelaw 13 (Summary)
The financial procedures are currently being proposed to the Board of Trustees and will be included in the full set once approval is gained. For the avoidance of doubt, these procedures will be made available for members to comment on and such commentary shall be passed to the Board of Trustees for consideration

23 Conflict of Interest Byelaw 14 (Summary)
A conflict of interest byelaw has been introduced to the set of UELSU byelaws so as to provide greater levels of articulation of what conflict of interest is. This is essential to install within this set of byelaws so as to ensure that measures are in place to: A) educate members on conflict of interest types B) Advise on how declarations can be made C) Advise on monitoring and how failure to declare conflicts of interest will be handled.

24 Policy Byelaw 15 (Summary)
Byelaw 15 outlines that policy can be set by: Referendum Student Council Member Meetings The Policy lifecycle shall remain at three years (unless overturned by the Board of Trustees) Policy proposals outside of a referendum, member meetings or the Student Council are subject to the BoT

25 Amendments Byelaw 16 (Summary)
Byelaw 16 is new and outlines the processes for amending these Byelaws

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