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Presentation on theme: "FUNCTIONS OF DIFFERENT LWMI OFFICERS & LEADERS"— Presentation transcript:



3 Sec. 4 – Duties of the Officers shall be as follows: 1. President a
Sec. 4 – Duties of the Officers shall be as follows: 1. President a. The President shall be the Chief Executive of the Corporation. He shall preside over all meetings of the corporation and that of the Board of Trustees.

4 b. Execute all contracts authorized
by the Board of Trustees in the name of the corporation. c. Countersign all checks drawn by the Treasurer against the funds of the corporation.

5 d. See to it that all rules and
regulations of the corporation are properly executed e. Keep in custody the corporation’s seal

6 f. Perform such other duties and powers as the corporation may deem proper and necessary.

7 2.Vice-President a. The Vice Chairman performs the powers
and duties of the President in the case of absence or vacancy of the position of the latter, if qualified. b. Perform such duties which the President may prescribe from time to time.

8 3.Secretary a. Prepare the notice and agenda of all
meetings and circularize copies to all concerned, on or before the meeting. b. Prepare the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees as well as the Organization as a whole

9 c. Furnish all officers a certified
copy of all minutes of the meeting. d. Monitor an up-to-date list of active and honorary members

10 e. Keep members informed of
the organization’s activities and important policies. f. Have direct charge/supervision of all secretarial work.

11 g. Act as ex-officials member of
all standing committees of the organization. h. Perform the duties and powers in the absence of or the vacancy of the position of the Treasurer.

12 g. Perform such other functions
and duties the President may prescribe from time to time.

13 4. Treasurer corporations on their receipts and disbursements.
a. Take charge of the funds of the corporations on their receipts and disbursements. b. Deposit all money in such a bank as may be specified by the Board of Trustees.

14 c. Submit monthly financial report
and results of operations and Annual Report at the end of the calendar year. d. Make disbursements as may be authorized by the Board.

15 e. Sign with the President all checks
drawn against the fund of the corporation. f. Perform the powers and duties of the secretary in her absence or vacancy of the position.

16 g. Shall post a bond in such
amount to be determined by the Board of Trustees for the faithful performance of his/her duties.

17 5. Auditor books of account of the corporation from
a. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to Audit books of account of the corporation from time to time or at any time he deem necessary under the circumstances. b. He shall countersign all financial reports of the Treasurer.

18 6. Assistant Secretary a. The Assistant Secretary shall perform typing work for the Board of Trustees and other works related to the ministry’s affairs, as may be delegated by the Board. b. Perform the powers and duties of the Secretary in her absence or vacancy of the position.

19 7. Bookkeeper a. Keep the financial records of the ministry.
b. Render financial report to the Board of Trustees. c. Maintain the books of accounts for the Securities and Exchange Commission.

20 ARTICLE VII STRUCTURE Section 1. Living Word Ministries International, Incorporated shall be divided into clusters; clusters shall be composed of not less than two (2) local churches.

21 Section 2. Each Cluster shall be under the direct supervision of the Cluster officers composed of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor.

Section 1. Departments and Ministries The following departments and ministries shall be created and organized: a.) Membership and Screening Department

23 b.) Records Department c.) Cluster Department d.) Missions Department
e.) Light Bearers for Christ (LBC)Ministry f.) Dorcas Circle for Christ (DCC)Ministry g.) Christian Fathers for Christ (CFC)Ministry h.) Other similar departments or ministry that will promote genuine growth to the body of Christ.


25 Section 2. Pastor: Functions and Responsibilities
a.) He shall perform all duties and functions inherent in the position of a pastor, clothed with corresponding authority. b.) He shall coordinate and supervise all departments, ministries, and church activities; and c.) He shall act as chairman in all meetings of the Local Council/Core Members.

26 Section 3. Associate Pastor: Functions and Responsibilities
a.) He shall perform all the duties and responsibilities of a Pastor, as may be delegated to him by the Senior Pastor. b.) He must be loyal and submissive to his Senior Pastor.

27 Section 4. Church Workers: Functions and Responsibilities
a.) Perform the administrative and other related field work as directed by the Pastor.


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