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Substance Abuse in Utah

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1 Substance Abuse in Utah
What Hurts Us Most Substance Abuse in Utah

2 What Drug: Causes more brain damage than other drug?
Costs our society the most money? Is the leading drug associated with very poor decisions made by those using it? Kills more than all other drugs combined?

3 Alcohol DID YOU KNOW: Alcohol is the leading cause of brain damage in the United States DID YOU KNOW: Alcohol causes over 230,000 cancer deaths a year DID YOU KNOW: Alcohol affects a teen brain differently than an adult brain DID YOU KNOW: Alcohol damages a teen brain! Researcher Paolo Boffetta of the International Agency for Research on Cancer said that in 2002, there were 389,100 cancer cases attributed to alcohol consumption, and 232,900 deaths. Most of the alcohol-related cancers were in the upper digestive tract among men, and in the breast among women. The research was published in the Aug. 15, 2006 issue of the International Journal of Cancer. Reference: Boffetta, P., et al. (2006) The burden of cancer attributable to alcohol drinking. International Journal of Cancer, 119(4): See for a lengthy discussion about alcohol and the teen brain

4 These images show functional activity levels in the brain of a healthy 15-year-old male nondrinker (left), and that of a 15-year-old male heavy drinker (right). 15-year-old male nondrinker (left), 15-year-old male heavy drinker (right).

5 Parents Empowered Print Ad (Newspaper, magazines, etc)

6 Peaks of Development “Plasticity” Peak =14-15 yrs. Peak = 2-3 yrs.
Birth 6 years 12 years 18 years 24 years Peak =14-15 yrs. Peak = 2-3 yrs. Karen Williams (Williamsgroup) has come to Utah several times to explain the developing teen brain. Parents like to see that their own observations of how teens “act differently” is now backed up by science. Plasticity has to do with how easily something can be changed- in this case, at high peaks of development, the brain is easily “changed”. Karen Williams uses the metaphor of downloading information on a computer (your brain). If a virus (alcohol) is introduced during the downloading process, the information isn’t stored correctly and the computer wont work as well. Williamsgroup, 2003: Please credit Protecting You/Protecting Me (PY/PM)

7 Alcohol Damage Teens who drink alcohol are more likely to:
Develop Social Problems Use poor Judgment Get into Trouble Struggle in School Experience Failure Disrupt Normal Brain Development Experience Long Term Severe Consequences to Youth and Family Be harmful to others- Car crashes, violence, etc Experience failure- help participants see failure isn’t just tied to issues today. Failure in school is just one of the many issues young drinkers will face. Think of disruption of goals, and failure to learn how to nurture relationships with others- State dependent learning ties into this and if you understand this complex issue, this would be a good place to discuss the ramifications of learning how to interact with others while drunk (kids that get drunk before school dances miss out on learning how to deal with the opposite sex, as an example)

8 Join a Youth Advocacy Group such as the GYC
What Can Students Do? Realize that most students in Utah choose to avoid alcohol- It isn’t “cool” to drink Help your friends understand that alcohol is a drug with devastating consequences Don’t drink alcohol until at least legal age Have discussions about alcohol with your parents Notify your parent, another adult, or police if you are aware of teen drinking Insert contact information for GYC or Peer Leader type group in your area Most don’t? Although sometimes it is hard to believe, most kids in Utah schools do not drink alcohol, and most never have. This is why it is so important to survey our kids on a regular basis so we know what they are doing. Plug the SHARP at this point and let everyone know the stats are available for everyone to see at Some have found that prodding the kids to have conversations with their parents is a very effective way of opening the conversation between parents and kids. Some may resist involving police. If we ignore the fact that underage drinking is against the law and protect those breaking the law, our community norm needs to change- In addition, you may want to help participants understand underage drinking can cause accidents, death, and a host of other negative consequences- so drastic measures (calling police) is not over reacting. Join a Youth Advocacy Group such as the GYC

9 Insert “Interference” television commercial here
Insert “Interference” television commercial here. See instructions/ help on your Town Hall DVD. Interference 9

10 Three things for Parents
3 A simple message, one that parents can take home consists of no more than 3 items.

11 1 Set Clear Rules and Expectation About No Underage Drinking!
Every child comes with two anti-drinking devices 1 Parental attitudes about underage drinking is a risk factor, proven by research. If parents even marginally accept underage drinking, the drinking rates of their children will be higher. Also, we need to extend this message throughout our home, neighborhood, community and state. Adults should not tolerate neighborhood “party houses”. 11

12 8.3% If you need assistance reading or learning how to explain these graphs, please contact Craig PoVey or 4% 12

13 78 % 52% 20% 8 % 13

14 84% Crack Crack 52% 19% 5% 14

15 two anti-drinking devices
Monitor 2 Every child comes with two anti-drinking devices 15

16 Monitor Your Kids Know where they are Know who they are with
Know your son or daughter’s friends Know their friend’s parents Know that the social events they attend have NO ALCOHOL! Make the call! Make sure other adults know your expectations about NO ALCOHOL Drop in unannounced View this slide in “presentation mode” to make sense of it.

17 Monitor Your Kids Out of site isn’t out of mind. Parental disapproval is the #1 reason kids choose not to drink, so set clear rules and expectations about no underage drinking. Visit for more information on the proven skills to prevent teen drinking.

18 Parents Empowered Billboard

19 Crack Crack 19

20 Insert “Know their friends” television commercial here
Insert “Know their friends” television commercial here. See instructions/ help on your Town Hall DVD. Know Their Friends 20

21 Parents Empowered Billboard
Some neighborhoods need to change the norm/ culture. The risk parents may feel about being an embarrassment to their child is worth keeping their child alcohol free. Youth need to know and understand that their parent or another adult may check in on parties unannounced to ensure there is no alcohol or other drugs at the party. This understanding should be a part of setting clear rules- step 1 21

22 Insert “Hang Glider” television commercial here
Insert “Hang Glider” television commercial here. See instructions/ help on your Town Hall DVD. Many people like to watch this clip more than once. Give them the opportunity to hear the pterodactyl screech as the hang glider flies away. Hang Glider 22

23 3 Bond It’s about -time- Talk with your kids - Know them
Every child comes with two anti-drinking devices 23

24 Parents Empowered Billboard

25 No Dinner is 0 times per week (2,323 or 6%)
Some Dinner is 1 to 4 times per week (14,702 or 36%) Most Dinner is 5 to 7 times per week (23,940 or 58%) 25

26 Insert “Elephant in the Room” television commercial here
Insert “Elephant in the Room” television commercial here. See instructions/ help on your Town Hall DVD. The Elephant in the room is a nice metaphor of ignoring the many signs/clues that a child is at high risk of using alcohol. It is also a good representation of families/loved ones who ignore the fact that someone they love needs help in overcoming addiction. Elephant in the Room

27 State of Utah, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
What IF? Never lose hope Recovery is possible The earlier the better 211 State of Utah, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health 211 is the phone number to an info base set up for the state of Utah. Resources for treatment can be found by dialing 211. Include local resources on this slide, including phone numbers.

28 Parents Empowered Billboard

29 Parents Empowered Billboard

30 Insert local contact person/ agency.

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