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Classifying Crimes in New York State-NY PENAL LAW

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1 Classifying Crimes in New York State-NY PENAL LAW
Name ____________________ due _____________ See directions next page

2 Directions for Classifying Crimes Chart:
Go to the OPHS- LMC homepage. Go to Project Links page. Click Social Studies, Feeley then New York Penal Law link. Find the Penal Law section and open the sections you need to find the crimes listed below. Write a short summary in your own words of the elements of each crime. 3. Use “Types of Crimes notes” or navigate through the site to write down the punishment for each crime. This assignment is due on ______________

3 Crime Definition Class Punishment Murder 1st A felony 25 to life
Premeditated killing of govt officials/pregnant females A felony 25 to life Manslaugter 1st (Voluntary) B felony Vehicular Manslaughter 2nd D felony Assault 1st Stalking 4th B misdem

4 Crime Definition Class Punish Embezzlement (form of larceny) B felony
Stealing property entrusted to you, usually from your business B felony Grand Larceny2nd Steals over: Can also steal using Extortion (def)- C felony Grand Larceny 1st Petit Larceny A misdem Robbery 1st

5 Crime Definition Class Punishment A misdem E felony Burglary 2nd
Unauthorized Use Of Vehicle 3rd A misdem Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 4th E felony Burglary 2nd C felony Criminal mischief3rd Aka Vandalism Arson 2nd B felony

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