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Swimming kit requirements

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Presentation on theme: "Swimming kit requirements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Swimming kit requirements
Simon Rigg

2 The 6 Ps Proper Planning Prevents Pretty Poor Performance

3 Training Kit Costume (s) Goggles (s) Hat (s) Hair clips/bands etc.
Towel Kick Board Pull buoy Fins Drink, at least 1 litre of water/squash, not energy drinks

4 Gala Kit Minimum 2 costumes Minimum 2 pair of goggles Minimum 2 hats
Chamois leather T-shirt Shorts Tracksuit top and bottoms

5 Cont. Flip- Flops Coins, lockers and snacks
Mobile? With credit!!!!!!!!!!!!! Parents contact details Stretch bands Towels Drinks, food, not bags of sweets

6 Food and drinks for a gala
Sandwiches Fruit Dried fruit Plenty of fluids, not sports drinks Some sweets? Cereal bars etc

7 Costumes Separate costumes for training and racing
Downgrade racing costumes when they wear Buy cheap for training – a costume will only last 3 months, tops Try. or Correct size for racing Correct style

8 Speedo Fast Skin 3 Super Elite

9 The good

10 The Bad

11 The Ugly

12 Goggles Ensure correct size and design for your child
Separate pairs for racing and training Training ones, comfort over speed Racing, speed over comfort Correct tightness Nose clip adjustment Named !!! Buy the same style, as parts are interchangable

13 Need I say more??

14 Speedo Speed Sockets

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