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Road Map To Success Materials Management

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Presentation on theme: "Road Map To Success Materials Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Road Map To Success Materials Management

2 SUCCESS TIME Where do I get the things I need to succeed at my job?
Market Office Stock Room My Service Vehicle Nearest Home Depot

3 Follow the process then you are a SUCCESS
SUCCESS TIME – Our Material Process Property ISSUE RECEIVE ORDER FROM SUPPLIER The ST issues straight to a property from their inventory. RECEIVE ORDER FROM SUPPLIER ISSUE Property DESTOCK / RESTOCK MOVE ST/HVAC/MRP ISSUE MARKET SHOP INVENTORY MRS Property MRT RRS FR ISSUE FROM MARKET SHOP INVENTORY SM SD The MRS, MRT, RRS, FR, SM, SD issues straight to a property from the market shop inventory. Property Follow the process then you are a SUCCESS

4 SUCCESS TIME What we are talking about?
Supplies/Sundries: General purpose consumable items which commonly have a shorter life span in use than equipment and machines, and which are stocked for recurring use. Examples: masking tape, caulking, disposable gloves, screws, light bulbs, Windex, 409, towels Parts: Replaceable components, sub assemblies, and assemblies identical to and/or interchangeable with the items they are intended to replace. Examples: water heater element, faucet, thermostat, lockset Tools/Equipment: Items used to complete a job. Examples: saws, hammers, screw drivers, pressure washer. Learn the meaning of these terms then you are a SUCCESS

5 SUCCESS TIME What are some additional terms that I need to know?
Location: This is where items (Parts, Supplies, Sundries and Tools) are stored. This can be a vehicle or the main market stock room. Receive: In MarginPoint, this is what we do when we get the items listed in inventory we need to do our work. Move: In MarginPoint, this is what we do when we move (transfer) items from one location to another location. Items taken from the market stock room must be destocked (deducted) from the stock room and restocked (added)to vehicle stock. Issue: This is what we do when we use an inventoried item at a property. We issue to the property identified by the Tribecca number. MarginPoint: Inventory management system sometimes known as SupplyWare used to Receive and Issue items. Rapid Pass: This is the App that allows us to get our discounts at Home Depot. It’s used anytime a purchase is made at Home Depot. FieldPro: This is the system that is used by Field Technicians to more efficiently view, track, and complete work orders. Learn the meaning of these terms then you are a SUCCESS

6 SUCCESS TIME When do I use my ComData card?
When you are purchasing individual items needed to complete a specific job or home. Things to remember: Always associate a purchase with the home the item is going to by using the Tribeca number of the home. ENTER THE TRIBECA NUMBER Never use ComData to purchase bulk for “stock” or just to have. When purchasing at HOME DEPOT always use the Rapid Pass App and scan the barcode that you receive. ENTER THE TRIBECA NUMBER when you use the ComData Card. If you are purchasing a tool then enter “Tools” when you use the ComData Card. This purchase will be separate from the items using the Tribecca number. Tool purchases must be approved by the SM, MRM, or SD. Follow the process then you are a SUCCESS

7 SUCCESS TIME How do I make purchases at Sherwin Williams?
We purchase the following at Sherwin Williams: Parts - Items to complete the job such as paint and primer. Supplies - Items that are consumed in the process of completing the painting job such as tape, paper, caulk, etc. Tools – Items that are used to help us complete the job such as paint sprayer, drop cloth, etc. Things you need to know and remember: When you get to the store give the store the following telephone number for the store to be able to look up the proper account: – You might still be asked for an account number. Your market account number is listed in the lower right corner of this slide. When you are ready to place an order, the store employee will ask to see the following: Drivers License Progress Residential ID You will be asked for purchase authorization. You will tell them one of the following: Tribeca Number of Property – Tell them this for the Parts and Supplies needed to complete the work on a property. (Place separate orders for each property number you are purchasing for.) Tools – Tell them the word “Tools” for tool orders. We need to be able to track these purchases and account for the items used. Separate orders need to be placed depending on what is being purchased. Only purchase parts and supplies required to complete the Make Ready or Service Job. For example: Parts and Supplies needed to complete the work at a property on one order. Tools would be on another order. Sherwin Williams Account Numbers Below Only purchase parts and supplies required to complete the Make Ready or Service Job. The items purchased at Sherwin Williams using this process will not be issued to the property using MarginPoint. Follow the process then you are a SUCCESS

8 SUCCESS TIME What do we purchase from Barnett?
We purchase the following from Barnett: Parts - Items to complete the job. Supplies - Items that we stock and are consumed in the process of completing the job such as cleaning supplies, tape, paper, caulk, etc. Tools – Items that are used to help us complete the job such as caulking gun, drop cloth, etc. Things you need to know and remember: There are 2 types of orders from Barnett: Replenishment Orders – These come in once a week automatically based on the min and max set up. Special Orders Special Orders: Always give your name and your store room location. You will also tell Barnett one of the following: Tribeca Number of Property – Tell them this for the Parts and / or Supplies needed to complete the work on a property. Place separate orders for each property number you are purchasing for. Example: Appliance Part Tools – Tell them the word “Tools” for tool orders. Tool purchases must be approved by the SM, MRM, or SD. Tool purchases need to be separate from parts and supplies purchases and must be approved prior to ordering. Purchase bulk stock items from Barnett, items to complete several jobs! These items are inventoried through cycle counting. Follow the process then you are a SUCCESS

9 SUCCESS TIME When do I use the MarginPoint App?
Things to remember: When an order comes in from Barnett make sure to “receive” it into MarginPoint. Items that are used from vehicle inventory to complete a job must be issued to the property using MarginPoint. Items taken from the market inventory must issued to the property directly or moved to the vehicle inventory and then issued using MarginPoint. When receiving an order to your inventory. When issuing an item to a property. Follow the process then you are a SUCCESS

10 Follow the process then you are a SUCCESS
SUCCESS TIME What do I do when I need a tool or piece of equipment to complete a job? Things to remember: Use the equipment check out form when checking out from the market stock room. Fill out all blocks on the form. When you are finished with the tool check it back in using the proper form at the market stock room. Contact the Service Manager when you do not have access to a tool that you need to complete the job. Get it from the service vehicle. Check it out from the market office stock room. Send a request to the Service Manager, Make Ready Manager or Service Director for one to be purchased. Follow the process then you are a SUCCESS

11 SUCCESS TIME – ALL TECHNICIANS What tools do I need to provide?
HAND TOOLS SUCH AS: CHANNEL LOCK PLIERs SCREW DRIVERS (6 in 1) NEEDLE NOSE PLIERS WIRE CUTTER / STRIPPERS TAPE MEASURE NUT DRIVERS (1/4" and 5/16") UTILITY KNIFE SCRAPER CORDLESS DRILL HOLE PUNCH AWL POCKET SCREWDRIVER DRILL BIT ACCESSORIES ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 6" ADJUSTABLE WRENCH 12" Things to remember: Keep tools clean. Keep tools organized. Make sure all tools are in good working order. Check for all tools before leaving a job (home). Follow the process then you are a SUCCESS

12 Thank you for your time and being part of our Team!

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