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Supervisor: Blinova N.N.,

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1 Supervisor: Blinova N.N.,
THE DAY I WAS BORN Author: a pupil of the 6”A”form Berglezov Danil Supervisor: Blinova N.N., English teacher

2 Contents Introduction Theoretics. From mum’s and dad’ memory
Holidays and historical events Famous people born on the 7-th of March Events of the Great Patriotic War Conclusion Bibliography Exercises / Answers. Conclusion. Bibliography. Introduction. The theme of my work is “Colour idioms in the English language”. The aims of my work were: to improve my language; to enrich my vocabulary; to produce a pack of materials for English language classes. The methods of my work were description and analysis. What I did: I studied a number of English sources devoted to the problem of colour idioms such as books and Internet information. I systematized and analyzed the facts and materials. I compiled the glossary of colour idioms. I created some exercises which can check up the pupils’ knowledge of this topic.

3 The problem “The day I was born” was and is always very interesting for me. Every man can change his or her name or surname during his life as many times as one wants. These changes can influence on a character or even on a destiny of a person. But, the day of birth and the date of birth we can not change, and it stays with a person all his life. So, I think numbers of birth are the main numbers in our life. СЕРГЕЙ, АЛЕКСЕЙ, ВЛАДИМИР,ПЁТР, НИКИТА, ОЛЬГА, НАТАЛЬЯ, ОЛЕГ, КИРИЛЛ

4 I had a lot of questions:
I wanted to know what events had happened ? Who was born at that day? How did people live in that year? I asked my parents and my grandmothers about those days.

5 I’ve known, that there are a lot of information about my name
I’ve known, that there are a lot of information about my name. My mother named me Danil. From the ancient-jewish my name means ”God is the Judge”. I was born in the year of “ Monkey” under the sign of zodiac ”Fish” I was born in spring on the seventh of March 2004.The weather was wonderful. It was sunny. Nature was happy that I was born. I was the second child in the family but I am the only boy.

6 Mum’s memories I was waiting my baby at the ending of March, but my little son appeared on the seventh of March. When my child was born , it was the happiest day of my life.

7 Dad’s memories The seventh of March-is the day of happiness. It is a holiday forever! When my son was born I was the happiest father in the world.

8 I shared my birthday with
Andrey Mironov is a well-known Russian actor. He is famous for films: «Бриллиантовая рука, Приключения итальянцев в России, и многие другие» Anatoliy Kuznetsov is a very popular actor.He is known for films:Белое солнце пустыни,Случай на шахте восемь и другие.

9 Pupils in our school born on the 7th of March
There are only 2 pupils in our school have birthday on the 7th of March. They are: Nikishina Polina -2nd form and Kobyakova Kate -6A form. That is % from all the pupils.

10 Holidays in different countries of the world
In Albania it is a great day. They celebrate the teacher’day on the 7-th of March .

11 In the USA it is “The national day of dry breakfasts”

12 In Russia it is the day of first spring birds-rooks. They
symbolize the coming of spring in our country.

13 Great events In 1573 on the 7-th of March Ivan Fedorov made the first printer’s.

14 On the 7-th of March 1876 it is the birthday of the telephone.
In a new iPAD -3 was presented

15 In Russia in on the 7-th of March was created”ОСВОД”.

16 In Russia on the 7-th of March 1960 the first
team of cosmonauts was formed.

17 On the 7-th of March 2014 there were Paraolympic Games in Sochi.

18 The first non-stop flight from Paris to London by Anri Same

19 The 7th of March in the Great Patriotic War
th day of the war. It was Saturday.35 German planes were burnt. 1943- Kharkov’operation. th day of the war.(Проскуровско-Черновицкая операция). th day of the war(Восточно-Померанская операция)

20 On the 7th of March 2004 That event happened on the 7th
of March Stephan Kisling beat decisive goal in match against “ Groiter Furta”.

21 What is birthday for you
What is birthday for you? %-presents %-holiday 10%-fun %-tasty dishes 3%-be with relatives

22 Conclusion I enjoyed working on this project.
It was exciting and interesting for me and my parents because I have found a lot of useful information, a lot of fascinating websites and I have learned that the day I was born is a great day in the world’s history.

23 Bibliography 1.Бородина А.В. Византизм и русский национальный стиль.
М.;Основы православной культуры. 2.О.В.Третьякова»Русский народный календарь» 3. 4.Mother’s and father’s memory.’s sites

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