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Digital Images / Write Copy CUFIMA01A Produce And Manipulate Digital Images CUFWRT05A Write Content And/Or Copy.

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1 Digital Images / Write Copy CUFIMA01A Produce And Manipulate Digital Images CUFWRT05A Write Content And/Or Copy

2 Gareth Jay BSc (Multimedia Information Systems)

3 CUFIMA01A Produce And Manipulate Digital Images
Assess digital camera qualities Photograph and upload a digital image Incorporate digital photography into a multimedia sequence

4 Assess Digital Camera Qualities
Assess camera software compatibility with hardware systems and select appropriate software for the production Match pixel resolution of the camera to the required quality and resolution of outcome Check the RAM capacity of the camera to see that it is appropriate to the number of images required to be captured Assess shutter speed, focal lengths and camera feature modes as suitable to the quality of and use of photographic image required Handle and store lithium batteries in accordance with occupational health and safety requirements

5 Photograph and upload a digital images
Consider focus and exposure in operation of the digital camera to ensure capture of image meets production requirements Ensure correct use of digital image software including entering and exiting the selected software Save and retrieve digital photographs using designated file formats Load and operate the digital camera in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications and appropriate to the quality of image to be photographed Upload the IBM-PC or Macintosh card interface/disk onto the relevant computer and save the image on hard disk Create and store photographic image files of the computer in accordance with software procedures Enhance, crop and alter photographic images electronically to deliver the required image Check photographic images for fitness of purpose to comply with specifications Assess photographic images for the relevant delivery mode (print, CD-ROM, visual appeal and effectiveness) and deliver appropriately

6 Incorporate digital photography into a multimedia sequence
Create graphics that incorporate the principles of design using the designated software Edit, enhance, amend and save digital images using the designated software Combine digital images into a designated multimedia sequence Integrate digital images into a designated multimedia sequence Evaluate the outcome for visual impact, effectiveness and fitness for purpose

7 CUFWRT05A Write Content And/Or Copy
Plan and prepare to write the content and/or copy Write content/copy

8 Plan and prepare to write the content and/or copy
Establish production and deadline requirements of the content with relevant personnel, according to organisational procedures Determine the purpose and function of the content and explore a range of ways of achieving this purpose Gather information from various sources as required to generate and record a range of ideas to develop the content Consider and develop those ideas that have the most relevance to the purpose and function of the work Evaluate and select the most appropriate ideas relevant to the purpose and function of the work

9 Write content/copy Write the content ensuring that it is easy to read and uses accepted elements of language Ensure that the content meets all necessary timing requirements of the production Ensure that the content contains all the necessary components for the production requirements Refine and redraft the content until it meets creative, technical and production requirements Ensure that the content is written within the deadlines required Submit the content to relevant personnel for consideration and review when it is considered to be at final draft stage Document and implement any required changes to the content, when necessary, and confirm that the content meets all requirements and is ready for production

10 Assignments Assignment 1: Web Article Assignment 2: Press Release
Knowledge Test

11 Research Exercise Pixel Resolution RAM Capacity Shutter Speed
Focal Length

12 Adobe Photoshop A graphics editing program
Part of the Adobe Creative Suite You are using Adobe Photoshop CS3 The latest version is CS4

13 Adobe Photoshop Exercise: Photograph headshot

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