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Claiming Compensation - the basics

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Presentation on theme: "Claiming Compensation - the basics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Claiming Compensation - the basics
Penny Knight 22 September 2010

2 The starting point Location Responsibility for collision Time limits

3 The Claimant Who is the Claimant? An injured child
A brain injured person A fatally injured person

4 Funding Legal expenses insurance
Conditional Fee Agreements (“no win, no fee”)

5 The Defendant Can the other party be identified? Can he/she be traced?
Is he/she still alive? Was he/she driving for work purposes? Does any of this matter?

6 The paying party The other party The other party’s employer An insurer
The Motor Insurers Bureau The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority

7 Establishing liability
Evidence Burden of proof Balance of probabilities

8 The police investigation
Starting point Witness statements Plans, measurements, photos Vehicle examination

9 What can the injured party claim
Pain, suffering and loss of amenity Financial losses - such as: Loss of earnings Treatment costs Care and assistance

10 What can be claimed when there has been a fatality
Statutory bereavement damages Funeral expenses Claims on behalf of dependents

11 Any questions? Penny Knight Partner

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