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Colonial Maps! Label the 13 original colonies.

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1 Colonial Maps! Label the 13 original colonies.
Color each colonial region a different color. Label each color in the map key

2 Middle Colonies

3 Pennsylvania Founded by the Quakers, anther religious group that was not allowed to worship in England Quakers believed in peace, and changing society for the better 1681, King gave Penn some land in the new world Freedom of Religion in Penn’s colony

4 New York

5 Geography Rich soil, good for farming!
River and harbors (like Philadelphia and New York City)

6 Why Did People Go There? Religious Freedom Jobs
Skilled artisans (people who could build things) Entrepreneurs (people who start businesses) Small farmers

7 Economy Trading, Small-scale farming, trading in major cities like Philadelphia and New York city

8 Political/Government
Indirect Democracy (people elect their leaders to make decisions ) Based on the system in England

9 Social Immigrants from Germany, Netherlands, England, and France

10 Social Religious Freedom(any religion was allowed) Jews Quakers
Other religions

11 Guess That Region! Cold and snowy Lots of people from all over Europe
“Covenant Community” formed by the Mayflower Compact Started by Pilgrims Large cities like New York and Philadelphia Fishing, Lumber, and Manufacturing Social Status based on religious standing

12 Southern Colonies: Geography
Large farms Hot summers, warm winters

13 Why Did They Come? King Gave Land Grants to Cavaliers
Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington

14 Cavaliers Cavaliers were the nickname of the soldiers and supports of King Charles I during a civil war in England at the time He rewarded his friends with land in Virginia and other Southern colonies

15 Why Did They Come? Poor English Immigrants
Came to Virginia looking for better lives as farmers and artisans (people who make things) in the Shenandoah Valley and Western Virginia

16 Poor English Immigrants
Indentured Servants A person who agreed to work for another person in the colonies for a few years in exchange for the ship ride to the colonies and some land for a small farm after they finished their work Europeans usually, not Africans

17 Economy

18 Economy: Eastern Virginia
Large farms called plantations that grew cash crops Tobacco Rice Indigo Used slave labor (workers)

19 Economy: Western Virginia
Economy Based on small farming, hunting, and trading Poor Scotch-Irish & English

20 Politics Rich land-owning men were elected as representatives
Representative government = indirect democracy Legislative assembly (a law making group) called the House of Burgesses Today it is called the General Assembly

21 Social Social Structure based on how famous your family was back in England and land ownership Religion: Church of England Loved England

22 Great Awakening Religious movement in the mid-1700’s
Challenged traditional religions like Puritanism, Catholic Church, and the Church of England New Christian religions like Baptists, Methodists, etc.

23 Great Awakening More emotional, less formal, focused on exciting preaching and a close personal relationship with god Informal Church Formal Church

24 Great Awakening Led to the creation of the Methodist & Baptist churches Both are evangelical: they focus on trying to convert more people to their religion It made people start to question the way things were in the colonies and if they should try to change them

25 Slaves

26 Slaves Usually worked in Southern colonies on plantations
First slave ship from Africa come to Jamestown in 1619 The journey from Africa to North America was called the Middle Passage and it was very unsafe with thousands of slaves dying Only Africans were slaves, thought of as less human and treated like property

27 Indentured Servants

28 Middle Atlantic Region
Colonial Maps! Southern Region Middle Atlantic Region New England Region Warm climate Flat near water Mountains Good soil for farming Diseases such as malaria and yellow fever Warm summers and cold winters Flat near the coast Rolling hills& Mountains Good harbors for shipping. Cold winters and mild summers Land was flat close to the coastline Hilly and mountainous farther inland. Rocky soil making farming difficult.

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