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Adventure Literature 2017.

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1 Adventure Literature 2017

2 Learn and earn credits outdoors!
Adventure Literature students not only read Thoreau, but like him, they travel to the mountains, the river, or the seashore; they hike and climb and kayak; and they write about their experiences. These courses provide the opportunity to learn, have fun, have the experience of a lifetime, and get credits to satisfy General Education requirements for graduation.

3 “Exploring the Literature of American Wilderness” (Sp. 2017)
A total of 4.5 credits: 3 credits of ENGL 181D and 1.5 credits of KINES 001 (these credits count for GH, US, and GHA requirements) Class begins on February 1 and meets each Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 p.m. March 19 Rock climbing instruction and climbing at the Milton Rock Gym Apr Backpacking trip to the Dolly Sods Wilderness in West Virginia April White Water Weekend at Ohiopyle, PA. Overnight at Trillium Lodge Course Fee of $340, which covers all transportation, fees, gear rental, and food during the backpacking trip

4 “The Beach: Exploring the Literature of the Atlantic Coast” (Sp. 2017)
A total of 6 credits: 4.5 credits of ENGL 181C and 1.5 credits of KINES 001 (will count for GH, US, and GHA requirements) Class meets each Tuesday from 6:00 to 7:30p.m. Feb. 26: Kayak training in the McCoy Natatorium on campus Spring Break (Sat. March 4-Sun., March 12) expedition to the South Carolina coast for a week of paddling and learning, featuring meetings with local writers, visits to historical sites and exploration of Low- Country ecology, from swamps and tidal marshes to barrier island beaches Course Fee of $360 covers transportation, fees, gear rental, and food in South Carolina

5 “Eating Your Ecology: Current Trends in Food Writing and Environmentalism” (Sp. 2017)
3 credits of English 179 which count for the GH and US requirements March 18: Blue Rooster Farm—Tour a working organic meat farm and sustainable forest April 1: Villages Acres Farm—Help with spring farm chores on an organic farm Apr. 29: Mountainside Homestead—tour the 230 year old farm house and learn how the owners work to feed themselves and live sustainably TBA: Class meal prepared with local food from the various farms we have visited Class Fee of $175 pays for all transportation and food *N.B. Trips dates and locations are tentative

6 “Exploring the Literature of the Chesapeake Bay and Its Watershed” (Fall 2017)
4.5 credits of English 181A(you can petition to have these credits count for GH and US requirements) Class meets each Wednesday from 6:00-7:30p.m. Sept. 23 : Paddle the main stem of the Susquehanna River at Harrisburg with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Sept. 28-October 1 Weekend on the Bay on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, where we immerse ourselves in waterman culture Oct. 14: Explore the Safe Harbor petroglyphs with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. Nov. 4: Float the West Branch of the Susquehanna. Course Fee of $400 , which covers all transportation, fees, gear rentals, room and board

7 “Exploring the Literature and Nature of Cape Cod”
>4.5 credits of ENGL 181B that will satisfy GH and US requirements for graduation. >Class meets each Tuesday from 6:00-7:30 To enhance classroom discussion and reading, there is a week-long field trip to Cape Cod, November (Thursday-Wednesday). The trip includes the following: Walking in the footsteps of the writers we will read, including the Old King’s Highway and other sites associated with Thoreau’s three visits to the Cape; Coast Guard Beach, where Henry Beston lived and wrote; Provincetown, the cultural center of the Cape, and the home of many writers, like Norman Mailer, Mary Oliver, and Eugene O’Neill. Helping to comb the beaches of Cape Cod Bay for stranded sea turtles, which will then be rehabilitated and returned to the sea. Exploring historic Provincetown, where you will have an afternoon on your own to shop and eat. Meeting and interacting with several of the writers whose work we will read: poet Elizabeth Bradfield, novelist Heidi Jon Schmidt, and the naturalist Robert Finch. >The course fee of $450 covers all transportation, fees for all activities, room and food while we are on the Cape. You only need pocket money and an adventurous spirit.

8 “This was the most amazing class I have ever taken. I learned so much
“This was the most amazing class I have ever taken. I learned so much.” --Adventure Literature Student from “The Beach”

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