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Tremors By Grace and Evie.

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Presentation on theme: "Tremors By Grace and Evie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tremors By Grace and Evie

2 Contents Volcanoes Earthquakes Photos and videos Home

3 Volcanoes can be formed in many different countries
Volcanoes can be formed in many different countries. At 6,893 m high the highest volcano in the world is Ojos del Seldado on the border between Argenina and Chile in the Andes mountains. When magma comes out of a volcano ,it is called an eruption. Eruptions happen when pressure builds up deep inside the Earth. As well as ,magma hot ash also comes out of a volcano when it eruptes. All volcanoes have the same main parts. Volcanoes

4 Earthquakes An earthquake is were the plates of the earth rubs together. There was an earthquake in California and a school broke down. An earthquake is a sudden release of this stored up energy ,mostly at weak places like faults, along or near plate bounders. Three main types of fault cause an earthquake-thrust strike – slip and normal fault.

5 Tsunamis When a Tsunami is happening don’t wait to see the Tsunami. Work men and there sniffer dogs are still searching for people because there might be still more people to find . When tsunamis happen botes are moved to land because tsunamis are strong. Tsunamis are one of the most dangerous things to happen.

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