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Effects of Density and Bathymetry on Salinity Transport in the Savannah Estuary: Port Wentworth to I-95 Author: Bryan N. Riggs B.A., History, Eastern Kentucky.

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Presentation on theme: "Effects of Density and Bathymetry on Salinity Transport in the Savannah Estuary: Port Wentworth to I-95 Author: Bryan N. Riggs B.A., History, Eastern Kentucky."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effects of Density and Bathymetry on Salinity Transport in the Savannah Estuary: Port Wentworth to I-95 Author: Bryan N. Riggs B.A., History, Eastern Kentucky University, 2007 M.S., Geological Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 2013 Co-Author: Dr. Francisco Cubas Associate Professor, Georgia Southern University, Civil Engineering April 7, 2017

2 Georgia Southern University
Hypothesis The presence of deep channel geometries in the Savannah Estuary upstream of Port Wentworth causes denser salt water to flow to the bottom of the channels, removing it from the mixing process and therefore prevents the transport of salinity further upstream in the estuary. April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

3 Georgia Southern University
Agenda Hypothesis Background Savannah Estuary Savannah Harbor Expansion Project Floridan Aquifer Overpumping Salinity Intrusion into the Savannah Estuary Possible Impacts on Raw Water Impoundment Estuary types Problem Statement Criteria For Success Methodology Overview Methodology: USGS Gauging Station Study Methodology: Field Study Results USGS Gauging Station Study Field Study Salinity Profiles High Tide/ Low Tide density comparison Discussion Discussion: Data Collection Discussion: Field Study Conclusions References April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

4 Background: Savannah Estuary
Termination point of the Savannah River Part of a Deltaic System Lower Delta contains Savannah Harbor Upper Delta contains “head-of-tides” located at I-95 Figure 1, created by the author, is taken from Michels description of the Savannah Delta system April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

5 Background: Savannah Harbor Expansion Project (SHEP)
Panama Canal has been expanded Larger ships need to find a freshwater port in USA Savannah Harbor will be deepened from 42’-48’ Figure 2 is a side-by-side comparison of two container ships, one of larger TEU capacity than the other, the draft required for each vessel. The larger vessels is a cross section of the sort of cargo ships that will be entering the Savannah Harbor. (photo courtesy of April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

6 Background: Floridan Aquifer Overpumping
Floridan primary source of ground water in coastal Georgia Beufort Arch (Miocene era Ocala limestone) prevents seawater intrusion into surficial layer Overpumping by Savannah will lead to sea water intrusion City must move to surface water to provide city/industry with water Figure 3 is an infographic of pumping levels as of 2014 in Savannah and surrounding areas which rely on Floridan aquifer. Taken from April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

7 Background: Salinity Intrusion in the Savannah Harbor
Historic trend for salinity intrusion Intrusion follows Savannah Harbor Deepening Current intrusion is well into Savannah National Wildlife Refuge Figures 4-7 are documented increases in salinity in the Savannah Harbor as the channel has been deepened. E.A. Paul A. Conrads 2006, 6) April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

8 Background: Estuary types
Salt-Wedge Estuary Strong tidal forces meets strong river flow creating a wedge of salinity Partially Mixed Estuary Strong tides encounter a weaker river force and less dense freshwater causes the salt water to push down and forces some up in a mixing motion Well Mixed Estuary Weak river forces create vertical salinity columns of uniform salinity Fjord Retreating glaciers form sills which prevent the mixing of denser salt water with less dense fresh water Figures 9-12 shows all the different types of estuaries. All representations taken from April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

9 Georgia Southern University
Problem Statement Increased volume of salt water threatens the raw water intake at Abercorn Creek However, salinity levels at I-95 remain near constant Salinity levels in the downstream estuary vary with tides Therefore something is preventing the advection of salinity further north to I-95 April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

10 Georgia Southern University
Criteria for Success This study is successful if: A channel 3’-5’ deeper than ambient channel depth is located Salinity downstream of the channel has salinity levels .25 ppt higher at the bottom than at the top (partially mixed estuary) Salinity in the upstream portion has uniform levels (>.1 ppt) from surface to bottom (well mixed estuary) April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

11 Georgia Southern University
Methodology Overview This study will be conducted in two parts: 1) Data collection from stationary USGS gauging stations along the Savannah Estuary from Ft. Pulaski up to I-95 2) Field study of the area between Port Wentworth and I-95 to collect data on depth, temperature, and density April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

12 Methodology: USGS Gauging Station Study
110 days of data will be collected from USGS gauging stations Data collected will include tide data, salinity, and discharge Mean high tide data will be collected to see how salinity decreases through the estuary Table 1 is the list of USGS Gauging Stations Analysis of Bathymetry data Soundings collected by USACE in the hydro-survey will be mapped in ARC-GIS Figure 13 is a map of the data collection study area. The callout boxes name the location of the USGS gauging stations data was collected from. Map data taken from USACE REDI. April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

13 Methodology: Field Study
Seven waypoints investigated Raw USACE data highlights varied geometries Data included temperature (c), salinity (µS/cm), and depth (ft) Samples taken at 2’, 4’, and then 4’ increments Experiment will target 1 low tide, 1 mid tide, and 2 high tide events Figure 14 is a google maps image of the study area showing the 7 selected waypoints (WP’s). April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

14 Results: USGS Gauging Station Study: 110 Day Trend AUG-DEC 2016
The figure reads from left-to-right and is the high tide data from the USGS Gauging Station study. All data was collected during high tide Salinity levels in the lower estuary remained two orders of magnitude above salinity levels at I-95. The data is presented in a logarithmic scale to show the disparity in salinity levels measured in µS/cm The drastic drop in salinity from 7-9 October was due to post-Hurricane Matthew runoff and increased freshwater flow from further up river. The spike in salinity at I-95 (blue area on bottom ) was due to low flow periods from further north in the watershed Elba Islands data was unavailable from the beginning of the study until mid-September Estuary entrance Direction of Tidal Movement Figure 15 is a logarithmic chart displaying the massive disparity in salinity from Fort Pulaski to I Salinity level variations were due to storm runoff and lunar effects April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

15 Results: Mean High Tide Slope Analysis
Direction of Tidal Movement Approximately 6.5 miles between each gauging station along the Savannah Estuary from Ft. Pulaski to I-95 Salinity is measured in µS/cm and the disparity in mean tide data is shown with the drastic drop from Port Wentworth to I-95 The slope of decrease from Ft. Pulaski to Elba Island is µS/cm over 6.5 miles The slope from Elba Island to USACE Boat dock is µS/cm over 6.5 miles and the slope from USACE Boat Dock to Port Wentworth is 7915 µS/cm over 6.5 miles. So far the decrease between decreases has been over 2000 µS/cm and a gradual decrease is observed The slope from Port Wentworth to I-95 is µS/cm over 6.5 miles. The gradual decrease shown further down is now drastically different R2=.9924 Figure 16 is slope analysis of the mean levels of salinity dilution moving through the channel. The linear trend is disrupted by the time measurements are taken at I-95 with a two-fold decrease in salinity levels not seen elsewhere in the channel. April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

16 Results: Field Study Salinity Profiles
Direction of Tidal Movement Direction of Tidal Movement Figure 17 is the salinity profile of low tide data The near vertical lines indicate a well mixed estuary during low tide Salinity levels were only high at the start of the study area at Houlihan Boat Dock (HBD) and low up to I-95 Figure 18 is the salinity profile of high tide data Moving from right to left is HBD, WP 3-12, and I-95 Notice the salinity bulge or plume which is characteristic in a partially mixed estuary. However, past WP 6, the deepest part, salinity values become more uniform like a well mixed estuary April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

17 Results: Density and Salinity Comparison
Direction of Tidal Movement Direction of Tidal Movement Figure 20 During high tide salinity and density decrease gradually from HBD to WP 3 From WP 3 to WP 6 salinity levels out but density decreases due to increase in freshwater mixing From WP 6 to WP 8 salinity continues to decrease but salinity levels off WP level off in salinity and density due to increase in freshwater and failure of salinity to continue to move upstream past the deepest part of the study area, WP 6 Figure 19 Low tide density super-imposed over salinity Salinity decreases in a mostly linear fashion as the study area behaves as a well mixed estuary during low tide periods Density values vary due to temperature variations between the first day samples were collected in late November and the next samples collected in early December April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

18 Discussion: Data Collection
Linear decrease in salinity suddenly becomes non-linear (2 fold decrease) Same trend noticed by Dial Cordy, Paul Conrads (2 separate studies), and Tetratech Lower estuary’s maintenance dredging provides uniform channel bottom Varied channel geometry upstream of Port Wentworth must cause decrease in salinity April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

19 Discussion: Field Study
This trend has been noticed by other authors (Paul Conrads, Dr. Alexander, Tetra Tech, Dial Cordy) Density provided the “trail” to follow the path of the salt water Deep channels acting as a slope retard salinity, forming a “sill” similar to fjords Poggioli postulated slope affecting predicted position of salinity I95 WP12 WP10 WP 8 WP 6 WP 3 HBD Figure 21, created by David Penn, is a bathymetric map of the upper estuary created using raw bathymetric data collected by USACE Savannah District during the 2014 hydrologic study. Darker blue areas near WP’s 3-8 indicate very deep channels (in excess of 30 feet!). April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

20 Discussion: Field Study
Figure 22 created by the author to show the movement of high tide water as it encounters the slightly stronger freshwater of the Savannah River. The denser water moves toward the bottom of the deep channel at WP 6 and is removed from the mixing process. This accounts for the sudden drop in salinity and density between WP’s 6 and 8. Further effects of geometry retard the salinities movement. April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

21 Georgia Southern University
Recommendations Collecting data during summer months to look for seasonal variability Comparison with EFDC and WASP data USACE conduct feasibility study on digging channels to prevent advection further upstream Dissemination as a possible best practice to USACE April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

22 Georgia Southern University
Conclusions Horizontal channels do exist between Port Wentworth and I-95 Creates trap for salinity similar to the sills in a fjord which prevents freshwater from mixing with deeper, denser salt water These traps prevent transport of salinity upstream in the estuary Scientific contribution is the use of density to demonstrate movement of denser salt water into channels which creates the observed behavior April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

23 Georgia Southern University
Acknowledgements Dr. Francisco Cubas Dr. John Dryden USACE Savannah District, specifically; Traci Hendren, P.E. Bryan Robinson, P.E. Beth Williams, P.E. United States Army for funding my degree My loving wife, Andrea Riggs, for supporting me through all this research and being my best, most prompt, proofreader April 1, 2017 Georgia Southern University

24 Georgia Southern University
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