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ECU Visa presentation 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "ECU Visa presentation 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECU Visa presentation 2017

2 Visa Talk 2017 Q&A Who we are All the Visa categories
Different English language tests Visa Options for graduates - 485 - company sponsored/march 2018 changes - skills assessments - points test - EOI process & estimates - State sponsorships What happens to your visa if you stop study More study options Extra time to stay in Australia Common scenarios Q&A

3 Who we are

4 How many visas are there ?

5 Permanent Visas Permanent Visas Permanent Visas


7 485 visa – Post Study Stream
First student visa applied for & granted on or after 5th November 2011 Have completed a bachelor, masters or doctorate Can count a Grad Dip or Grad Cert that LEADS (packaged, nested or articulating course) to one of those above Meet 2 year study rule (92 weeks) in last 6 months Held student visa in last 6 months and aged under 50 6 average in IELTS (at least 5 in each band) unless exempt Processing around 2-4 months. Granted for bachelors degree, honours degree, masters by coursework degree masters (extended) degree  – your visa is valid for two years masters degree by research – your visa is valid for three years doctoral degree – your visa is valid for four years DIBP Fee (1 person) $1500

8 485 Visa – Graduate Stream 485 Visa
6 average in IELTS (At least 5 in each band) , unless exempt Apply for a Skills assessment in occupation on current SOL Meet 2 year study rule (92 weeks, related courses) Held student visa in last 6 months Under 50 Apply within 6 months of completing studies Processing around 2-4 months, granted for further 18 months DIBP Fee (1 person) $1500

9 457 visa 457 Visa Highly Skilled Job Offer. Job on MLTSSL - 4 year visa, STSOL - 2 year visa Wage above $53,900 and Market Rate IELTS 5 Average (at least 4.5 average in each) unless exempt Company meets 1% or 2% training, compared to payroll Labour Market Testing (unless exemptions) Trades and some other occupations may need skills assessment, else meet ANZSCO skill level Don't change ABNs in process if want 186/187 later Processing 3-6 months DIBP Fees $1080 ( 1 person) -visa $420- sponsor$330-nomination

10 New 457 replacement From March 2018
Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa From March 2018 Highly skilled job offer in STSOL or MLTSSL occupation Will need 2 years fulltime work experience in occupation IELTS 5 Average (at least 4.5 average in each) unless exempt Labour market testing unless trade obligation applies STSOL occupations give 2 year visas (no PR visa pathway) MLTSSL occupations give 4 year visas (PR after 3 years) Salary of at least $53,900* or higher of if market rate higher DIBP Fees (1 person) STSOL - $1150, MLTSSL- $2400 DIBP Training Fees $1200 per year (business t/o less than $10mill $1800 per year (business t/o more than $10mill)

11 187 RSMS 187 – RSMS (outside Perth metro area) (Direct Entry)
Two year highly skilled job offer - business operating Two weeks advertising Wage - "average for that position" Must have skills for the job (either skills assessment or ANZSCO) IELTS of 6,6,6,6 unless exempt Under 50 years of age Must stay with them for two years else risk cancellation DON'T Change ABNs in visa Process We CANNOT guarantee that if your visa is not granted by March 2018 and your occupation comes off the RSMS list in March 2018, that you will not be affected We need to talk to your employer for 10 minutes prior to signing up Processing around months DIBP Fee $3670 (1 person) State Govt $200

12 New 186/187 replacement visa NEW Permanent Visa From March 2018
Highly skilled job offer in MLTSSL occupation Will need 3 years fulltime work experience in occupation IELTS 6 in each, or similar unless exemptions Salary of at least $53,900* or higher of if market rate higher ?? DIBP Fees (1 person) STSOL - $3670 ?? DIBP Training Fees $3000 (business t/o less than $10mill $5000 (business t/o more than $10mill) Iscah Fee $4200+GST

13 187 example Retail Manager
Primary Tasks : (80% of time doing these tasks ) determining stock levels, product mix and service standards setting prices and formulating / implementing purchasing and marketing policies promoting and advertising for the establishment maintaining stock and financial records controlling selection, training and supervision of staff undertaking budgeting for the establishment. Secondary Tasks : selling goods and services to customers and advising them on product use taking inventory of goods for sale and ordering new stock ensuring that goods and services are correctly priced and displayed.  Must be the top person in the business Owner not involved 7 people fulltime = about a 70% chance Ideal qual is a business/management diploma or higher

14 Skills Assessing Bodies
A full skills assessment (not provisional) is needed for any points test application Identify the occupation your qualification relates to Who the skills assessing body is What you need to meet their criteria Some require work experience, professional year, english language marks, academic content For example : Computing graduates (ACS), Accounting (CPA etc), Nurse (AHPRA/ANMAC), teaching (AITSL), general degrees (Vetassess)

15 Example: IT graduate ACS - Australian graduates - Permanent visa
Have completed a degree or higher in Australia closely related to one of the following occupations on SOL (or additional State Sponsored Occup) ICT business Analyst Systems Analyst Analyst Programmer Developer Programmer Software Engineer Computer Network and Systems Engineer ICT Security Specialist If Australian qual is a 3 year bachelor degree then at least 33% of the course needs to be ICT content If Australian qual is a Post Grad Diploma or a Masters following an overseas bachelor degree majoring in ICT then You need 33% of ICT content in the Australian qualification. If Australian qual is a Post Grad Diploma or a Masters NOT following an overseas bachelor degree majoring in ICT then the Australian qualification needs to be at least 18 months and have at least 1 year of ICT content 65% of the above ICT content needs to closely relate to the nominated occupation used in your 485 application 1 year of relevant work experience (20 hours per week) completed after the completion date of the relevant degree, or Completion of an ACS Professional Year Program.

16 Points Test (189,489 family)

17 189 points test – IT graduate
Age (if aged 25-32) English (if PTE 79+ in each) Study 2 years in Australia Degree qualification Professional Year (ACS) ----- Total

18 EOI process  Lodge EOI  Tick State Sponsorship
Expression of Interest (EOI) is a demand driven system related mostly to the points test  Lodge EOI  Tick State Sponsorship  Receive State Govt Invitation  Apply for State Sponsorship Obtain State Sponsorship  Receive DIBP Invitation  Lodge Visa Application (within 2 months)

19 How many points do I need ?

20 Invitations 4th October 2017
Occupation ID Description Points score Visa date of effect 2211 Accountants N/A 2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 75 02/08/ am 2334 Electronics Engineer 65 26/08/2017  11.42 am 2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 23/03/2017  9.24 am 2339 Other Engineering Professionals 70 01/10/ pm 2611 ICT Business and System Analysts 04/07/ pm 2613 Software and Applications Programmers 08/04/2017  10.41 pm 2631 Computer Network Professionals 26/02/2017  7.21 am


22 Skill Select Hints Always lodge separate EOIs for each visa subclass. Don’t group 489, 190, 189 together on the same one EOI. If you update your points lodge a NEW EOI each time (they only last 2 years) Consider lodging a new EOI (even if your points don’t change) every few months. Then if you get an invite, withdraw all the unneeded EOIs

23 State Sponsorship (489 and 190)
Nearly all states and territories require you to have studied, worked, have job offers or relatives in their state WA sponsors just a few medical positions and needs 12 months fulltime work experience NSW only state that you can look to. They need generally high English marks and maybe work experience for the 190 visa

24 Students who stop study and apply for another visa
If completed course that COE was granted for - normally no cancellation of student visa Any other application DIBP would normally cancel student visa That will cancel all Bridging visas you hold Would usually be granted a bridging visa E for rest of visa process This allows no return to Australia if you travel overseas Normally has no work permission. Can sometimes apply for work if in financial hardship

25 Other study pathways - Teacher
Teacher Skills Assessment (AITSL) Early Childhood (Pre-Primary School) Teacher, Secondary School, Special Needs, Hearing impaired, Sight impaired, Special Education Teachers all on SOL 4 years degree or higher qualifications including 12 months teaching qual with at least 45 days supervised teaching practice IELTS Academic, less than 2 years old: Reading 7, Writing 7, Speaking 8, Listening 8 Or exemption if ALL the required study is University study in Australia, Canada, Ireland, NZ, UK or USA. Likely pathway to be a Masters program now in WA

26 Other study pathways - Nurse
Nurse Skills assessment - Australian graduates - ANMAC Usually a 3 year bachelor degree Can start process with AHPRA 4-6 weeks before completing studies Need english language requirements of IELTS equivalent to 7,7,7,7 or comparable marks with TOEFL, OET or PTE Marks can be spread over 2 tests within 6 months, but there is a minimum mark in each band required English results less than 2 years old Complete Australian qualification in Nursing and/or Midwifery If want to avoid english language Register with NMBA English language exemption (Australia, Canada, NZ, Ireland, South Africa, UK, USA studies at school/post schooling Complete the online modified skills assessment form.

27 Extra time to stay in Australia
Apply for a student visa Try and enrol in a college that refunds tuition fees if you are not granted a student visa If student visa refused (do not provide FALSE information) then you can lodge an appeal to the AAT (costs around $1700) and takes around 10 months After that can lodge an appeal to the Federal Court (takes around 2 years) All that time can stay on a bridging visa A which normally allows fulltime work If need to lodge a skilled application in this time then need to obtain a bridging visa B for a couple of days to lodge overseas application Then can return to Australia as part of your appeal and usually stay in Australia for the processing (bridging visa A or later a bridging visa E) Note : we are not encouraging you to lodge a student visa and be refused. Simply advising you of what happens after that…

28 How can I get extra points ?
Improved english scores. PTE is generally half to a full mark easier than the IELTS test NAATI test (may be a Hindi course in WA shortly) Professional year Work experience, partner points, state sponsorship

29 Australia wants less skilled migrants …

30 Where is the migration program heading ?
Federal Government still want 170,000 migrants each year. And again 110,000 of them skilled For political reasons only, they do not want as many of the visas given directly through company sponsorship. Hence the 2 and 3 year work rule from March 2018. This in future years will probably be relaxed back as companies simply won’t be able to find skilled labour when needed In the meantime there will be a gap in 18 months time of around 30,000 that needs to be filled through other skilled visas Likely to be a regional skilled visa of some kind to fill this gap.

31 Common Questions How many points will I need as an Accountant for a 189 visa ? 75 points if they fix the fake invites. May drop to 70 points if they fix the double/triple invites. If I apply for an RSMS visa what happens if my Occupation comes off the occupations list during processing ? Unless there is some saving provision you will be refused your application

32 If I am sponsored by NSW for a 489 or 190 visa do I need to move to that area ? No…. If I increase my EOI points from 60 to 65 points will this change my EOI effective date ? Yes

33 Iscah contact details
We will give a copy of this visa presentation to your student guild to distribute Else you can us for a copy and any visa questions to

34 Thanks …

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