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Description of the FPL from 15 Nov. 2012
Flight Planning Present and Future Day 3 Description of the FPL from 15 Nov. 2012 (the 2012 FPL) Andrew Hill, Eurocontrol
Introduction to the 2012 FPL
ICAO has published a State Letter AN 13/2.1-08/50, dated 25 June 2008 announcing changes to the FPL for 15 November 2012. Objective: to allow modern COM/NAV/SUR capabilities to be represented, and to remove some ambiguities. ICAO intends this to be a small step towards the new FPL (Day 4 Discussion)
Extract from Appendix to State Letter AN 13/2
Extract from Appendix to State Letter AN 13/2.1-08/50, dated 25 June 2008
Current PANS-ATM for same section
What Changes? No basic change to FPL format and fields:
Main changes are to field content. In some associated messages (CHG, DLA, etc), field 13b (EOBT) and field 18 have been added. (Field 3 – Field 7 – Field 8ab – Field 9ab / c – Field 10a / b – Field 13ab – Field 15ab c – Field 16ab c – Field 18)
Potential Impact on Stakeholder Systems and Documentation
Non-Exclusive List: Flight Planning systems of Aircraft Operators Systems used by ATS Reporting Offices to generate FPLs and associated messages Automated Flight Briefing systems Flight Plan Service Provider systems Flight Data Processing Systems of ATC Centres, Military Centres and Airports Route Charges systems On-Line Data Interchange (OLDI) Standard ATS Data Exchange presentation (ADEXP) Standard HMI of ATC Controller positions Flight plan data archive systems ICAO Doc.7030 Operational Testing will be essential
2012 FPL – Main Changes I Ability to file FPL up to 120 H (5 days) in advance. Related to use of DOF in Field 18. Field 10: More detailed indicators for COM, NAV and SUR equipment using alphanumeric characters Field 15: Bearing and Distance can now be given from a Significant Point (2, 3 or 5 characters), not just a Navigation aid (2 or 3 characters). e.g. DUBLN
2012 FPL – Main Changes II Field 18:
New indicators – SUR/, DOF/, PBN/, DLE/, TALT/, ORGN/ Changed descriptors: ATFMEXEMPTAPPROVED ATFMX NONRNAV RNAVX No longer valid in STS/: EXM833, PROTECTED, RNAVX, CPDLCX STS/FFR (Firefighting) and STS/MEDEVAC (Medical Evacuation) added to auto exemption from ATFM measures priority in IFPS processing
2012 FPL – Main Changes III Some important new restrictions:
No other field 18 indicators allowed – anything else must go in RMK/ No other STS/ indicators allowed, all must go into RMK/ Addition of Field 13b (EOBT) in CNL, CHG, ARR, RQS, RQP Addition of Field 18 in CNL, DLA, CHG, DEP, RQS, RQP Result will be some new error messages from IFPS, contained in REJ messages
Some of the New / Modified Elements
Digits in Field 10 a&b (FPL-EIN105-IS -B763/H-E3J4M2SRYWX/HB2U2V2G1 -ZZZZ1200 -N0400F100 DENUT UL610 LAM UL10 BPK UN601 LESTA UP6 MIMKU/M082F320 NATB YAY/N0464F320 N188B YRI/N0462F340 DCT NOTAP DCT TVC PMM5 -KORD0700 KATL -STS/ATFMX MARSA FLTCK PBN/A1C3L1 NAV/GBAS SBAS OTHER DAT/FREE TEXT SUR/FREE TEXT DEP/MALAHIDE 5327N00609W DOF/ REG/DAISK TYP/2F15 3F5 DLE/NTM0130 ORGN/EBBDZMFP PER/A TALT/EIDW RMK/FREE TEXT) Up to 20 chars in Field 10b New Field or Element New or Modified content
What becomes invalid on 15/11/12 ?
Field10a : ‘E’, ‘J’, ‘M’, ‘P’, ‘Q’ Field10b : ‘D’ Field 18 : 2x the same indicator e.g. STS/XXX STS/YYY Field 18 : use of free text in STS Field 18 : STS/EMER, STS/ATFMEXEMPTAPPROVED e.g. (FPL-ABC105-IS -B763/H-SRYWEJMPQX/CD -ZZZZ1200 -N0400F100 DENUT UL610 LAM UL10 BPK UN601 LESTA UP6 MIMKU/M082F320 NATB YAY/N0464F320 N188B YRI/N0462F340 DCT NOTAP DCT TVC PMM5 -KORD0700 KATL -STS/ATFCMEXEMPTAPPROVED STS/EXM833 PRESSURISATION PROB UNABLE ABOVE F120) 11
Field 13b in associated messages CNL, DLA, CHG, ARR, RQS, RQP
What becomes mandatory on 15/11/12 ? Field 13b in associated messages CNL, DLA, CHG, ARR, RQS, RQP Field 18 in associated messages CNL, DLA, CHG, RQS, RQP (ARR-ABC105-EIDW2200-KORD0400) (CHG-ABC105-EIDW2200-KORD-DOF/ /E346/H) (CHG-ABC105-EIDW2200-KORD-0-9/E346/H) (CNL-ABC105-EIDW2200-KORD-DOF/091222) (DLA-ABC105-EIDW0100-KORD-DOF/091222) (CHG-ABC105-EIDW2200-KORD-DOF/ /E346/H-13/EIDW /DOF/091223)
New Text on Level Change at a Point
Resolving the ambiguity about where a level change begins (mentioned on day 2).
Typical Ambiguity in current PANS-ATM Point where a Level change takes place - I
PANS-ATM text: «Change of speed or level: the point at which a change of level is planned, […], followed by an oblique stroke and both the cruising speed and the cruising level, […], without a space between them, even when only one of these quantities will be changed ». e.g. level change from FL 280 to FL 350: N0397F280 TOBIS UT502 ALS UN872 KUBAT UR1 LILSI/N0398F350 UZ310 FL350 FL280 ICAO interpretation (previous point on UR1) LILSI
Field 10a – NAV/COM Equipment and Capability
Syntax: ["N"] | [ 1 { "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E1" | "E2" | "E3" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J1" | "J2"| "J3" | "J4" | "J5" | "J6" | "J7" | "K" | "L" | "M1" | "M2"| "M3" | "O" | "P1" | "P2" | "P3" | "P4" | "P5" | "P6" | "P7" | "P8" | "P9" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" } ] Description: The descriptor "N" or one or more of the listed descriptors without repetition, therefore a theoretical limit of 64 characters No longer accepted: E, P, M, J, Q. New: Letter&Digit combinations Semantics: If ‘R’ present PBN/ expected in F18. If ‘Z’ present at least one of COM/, DAT/, NAV expected in F18
Field 10a NAV/COM
Field 10b – SUR Equipment and Capability
Syntax: ["N"] | (1{ ("I" | "P" | "X") | "A" | "C"}3 | 1{ "A" | "C" | "E" | "H" | "L" | "S"}6) [1{"B1"| "B2" | "D1" | "G1" | "U1" | "U2" | "V1" | "V2"}8 ] Description: The descriptor 'N' or, either one or more of the descriptors ‘I’, ‘P’, ‘X’, ‘A’, ‘C’ with ‘I’, ‘P’, ‘X’ being mutually exclusive i.e. only one may be present, or one or more of the descriptors ‘A’, ‘C’, ‘E’, ‘H’, ‘L’, ‘S’. Plus optionally one or more of the descriptors ‘B1’, ‘B2’, ‘D1’, ‘G1’, ‘U1’, ‘U2’, ‘V1’, ‘V2’ without repetition. A total limit of 20 characters shall be applied No longer accepted: D New: Letter&Digit combinations Semantics: None
Field 10b SUR equipment
Field 18 – IFPS will Accept
Syntax: [ "0" ] | [ 1{"STS/" | "PBN/"| “EUR/” | "NAV/" | "COM/" | "DAT/" | "SUR/" | "DEP/" | "DEST/" | "DOF/" | "REG/" | "EET/" | "SEL/" | "TYP/" | "CODE/" | "RVR/" | "DLE/" | "OPR/" | "ORGN/" | "PER/" | "ALTN/" | "RALT/" | "TALT/" | "RIF/" | "RMK/" | "STAYINFOn/" | "RFP/" } ] Description: Either the descriptor "0" (zero) or one or more of the listed elements without repetition. Order of fields not important to IFPS. New: SUR/, (DOF/), PBN/, DLE/, TALT/, ORGN/, EUR/ (DOF/ was already accepted by IFPS) Semantics: If PBN/ ’R’ in F10a
Field 18 – Transmitted by IFPS
Syntax: 1{ [ "0" ] | ["STS/" | "PBN/" | “EUR/” | "NAV/" | "COM/" | "DAT/" | "SUR/" | "DEP/" | "DEST/" | "DOF/" | "REG/" | "EET/" | "SEL/" | "TYP/" | "CODE/" | "RVR/" | "IFP/" | "DLE/" | "OPR/" | "ORGN/" | "PER/" | "ALTN/" | "RALT/" | "TALT/" | "SRC/" | "RIF/" | "RMK/" | "STAYINFOn/" | "RFP/" | "AWR/" ] } Description: Either the descriptor "0" (zero) or one or more of the listed elements in the order shown above. The indicators "SRC/", "AWR/" and "IFP/" shall not be output by IFPS to unknown ‘AD’ line addressees
Field 18 – STS/ Syntax: 1{ "ALTRV" | "ATFMX" | "FFR" | "FLTCK" | " HAZMAT" | "HEAD" | "HOSP" | "HUM" | "MARSA" | "MEDEVAC" | "NONRVSM" | "SAR" | "STATE" } Description: one or more of the listed descriptors without repetition. No longer accepted: ATFMEXEMPTAPPROVED, EXM833, PROTECTED, NONRNAV, RNAVINOP, Other free text. All now to be provided in RMK/ New: ATFMX, FFR, FLTCK, HAZMAT, MARSA, MEDEVAC
ICAO (informal) explanation of MARSA and ATLRV
ALTRV: for a flight operated in accordance with an altitude reservation Purpose – inserted when all or part of the route is included in an already-approved altitude reservation. Prior coordination and approval is required with the first ATSU responsible. An altitude reservation is a temporary airspace segregated from other air traffic; the procedure can be used to accommodate civilian or military operations. Altitude reservations can be static or moving. MARSA: for a flight for which a military entity assumes responsibility for separation of military aircraft. Purpose –inserted when a military entity will assume responsibility for separating the military aircraft from other military aircraft.
Field 18 – DEPT, DEST, ALTN Description: The name of the departure aerodrome (up to 50 characters) plus optionally (for aerodromes not listed in the relevant AIP) the location of the aerodrome given either as bearing and distance from a significant point or as a latitude and longitude. Or, if the aircraft did not depart from an aerodrome, the first point on the route (given by a Nav. Aid, Waypoint or Marker Beacon designator) or by latitude & longitude. e.g. DEP/MALAHIDE DUB11015 DEP/MALAHIDE 5327N00608W DEP/BAGSO DEP/5327N00608W
Field 18 – DLE Description: a significant point followed by an indication of a time period in hours and minutes e.g. DLE/DUB0040 ; DLE/DUB A DLE/ indication will be retained by IFPS and provided to ATC Units as received regardless of the location of the DLE point (inside/outside IFPZ) The CFMU profile shall reflect the additional flight time as appropriate The STAY indication will be retained for use for flights which remain entirely within the IFPZ, as today, e.g. DUB STAY1/0040 OLN Note: STAY has 2 extra features: Allows STAY between 2 different points More than one STAY is allowed.
Modifying Field 18 cont. IFPS will support use of the Field 22 mechanism when a CHG message modifies Field 18, completely replacing all existing data with the new data provided FPL: F18= PBN/B3 DOF/ REG/OOSAB (CHG-ABC123-EBBR2230-EDDF-DOF/ /REG/OOSAX) F18= PBN/B3 DOF/ REG/OOSAX i.e. PBN & DOF have been removed ! Note : When modifying a Field 18 element complete Field 18 must be provided, not just the modified element. Elements not repeated will be deleted.
Field 13b (EOBT) - Other Messages
Field 13b (EOBT) required in CNL, CHG, ARR, RQS, RQP e.g. (CNL-ABC123-EBBR1410-EDDF) IFPS will not raise an error if not present (some ANSPs may!) IFPS will ensure EOBT is always included in CNL, CHG, ARR messages sent to ATC Units. E.g. (ARR-ABC123-EBBR1410-EDDF1500)
Field 18 - Other Message – Input Examples
The following are all examples of valid message compositions: 1. (CHG-EIN105-EIDW1200-KORD-DOF/ /E346/H) 2. (CNL-EIN105-EIDW1200-KORD-DOF/100304) 3. (CNL-EIN105-EIDW1200-KORD-0) 4. (CNL-EIN105-EIDW1200-KORD-STS/ATFMX MARSA FLTCK PBN/A1C3L1 NAV/GBAS SBAS DAT/NO SPECIFIC DESIGNATORS SUR/ADDITIONAL INFO DEP/MALAHIDE 5327N00609W DOF/100305) ICAO Clarification: “It is agreed that in the messages concerned there is no useful reason to put all Item 18 information if there is no change in the referred Item. Field Type 18 in a CHG message shall not contain the changes. They go in Field Type 22. Field Type 18 with DOF specified in such messages is meant to identify the flight uniquely when the FPL is presented more than 24 hours in advance and there is no need to include all the other Item 18 information in those messages.”
Use of DOF/ FPL: F18= STS/HOSP DOF/100304 PBN/B3 F13b= 2230
Flight is delayed until 0200 i.e. a delay over midnight. (DLA-ABC123-EBBR0200-EDDF-DOF/100304) OR (CHG-ABC123-EBBR2230-EDDF-DOF/ /EBBR /STS/HOSP DOF/ PBN/B3) Note 1: The DOF (or Off Block Date) as provided in Field 18 shall always refer to the last notified Off Block Date & Time (EOBD/EOBT). Note 2: A modification to F18, via Field 22, must contain the complete F18 information, otherwise the ‘missing’ data will be removed from the FPL.
Use of DOF/ cont. A further delay until 0400 is required.
FPL: F18= STS/HOSP DOF/ PBN/B3 F13b= 2230 Flight is delayed until 0200 i.e. a delay over midnight. (DLA-ABC123-EBBR0200-EDDF-DOF/100304) * OR (CHG-ABC123-EBBR2230-EDDF-DOF/ /EBBR /STS/HOSP DOF/ PBN/B3) * Note. The ‘last’ DOF is to be provided in F18 allowing correlation with the existing FPL. Once applied to the FPL a delay over midnight is understood as an implicit modification of the DOF. A further delay until 0400 is required. (DLA-ABC123-EBBR0400-EDDF-DOF/100305)
Specification Documentation
Updates to: EUROCONTROL Specification for ADEXP V3.1 – 1 June 2010 Circulated 9 June 2010 for informal review CFMU 2012 Requirements (URD) V1.3 – 23 December 2010 Circulated 29 December 2010 CFMU Interface Manual for ICAO 2012 V1.2 – 23 December 2010 IFPS & RPL Dictionary of Messages (DOM), ICAO 2012 Special Edition V1.002 draft – 8 June 2010
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