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Chapter 13 Conjunctions
Level 1 Coordinating Conjunctions
Fanboys- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so So is used informally sometimes, need to replace with therefore or consequently Do not use a comma when you are joining compound verbs Stockholders are expected to attend the meeting or to send their proxies.
May also be used to connect equal sentence elements.
Conjunctive Adverbs May also be used to connect equal sentence elements. Accordingly, in fact, in other words, also, anyway, hence, etc (rest on pg 266) Semicolons are used (not commas) before conjunctive adverbs. They join independent clauses. Commas should immediately follow conjunctive adverbs of two or more syllables. Sarah did her best; nevertheless, she did not pass CPA exam the first time. Generally, no commas after one-syllable conjunctive adverbs
Distinguishing Conjunctive Adverbs From Parenthetical Adverbs
However, therefore, and consequently Used to effect transitions from one thought to another in independent clauses. Commas are used to set off parenthetical adverbs that interrupt the flow of one independent clause. We believe, however, that cellular phone sales will continue to grow. We believe that cell phones are convenient: however, they must be used responsibly. In the first sentence the adverb disrupts the independent clause. In the second it does not.
Chapter Review: Level 1 Fix the sentences or write correct.
1. Please make your decision and let me know immediately. 2. Some people are surprised to learn however that most identity theft occurs through “dumpster diving.” 3. Click fraud has become a huge problem thus a number of companies are no longer advertising on Web sites such as Google. 4. Periods of stock market growth are called bull markets and periods of stock market decline are known as bear markets.
Chapter Review: Level 1 Answered
1. Correct 2. Some people are surprised to learn, however, that most identity theft occurs through “dumpster diving.” --needs commas 3. Click fraud has become a huge problem; thus a number of companies are no longer advertising on Web sites such as Google. --semicolon or conjunction to break up independent clauses. 4. Periods of stock market growth are called bull markets, and periods of stock market decline are known as bear markets. --need comma to break up
Level 2 Subordinating Conjunctions
Connect dependent clauses to an independent clause. List on pg 267 Punctuation of Sentences With Dependent Clauses Introductory Dependent Clauses Use a comma for a sentence that starts with the dependent clause, and then the independent clause. Use comma after an introductory dependent clause even though the verb and subject are not stated (dependent clauses are fragments)
Terminal Dependent Clauses
When the dependent clause is at the end of the sentence, does not need a comma Parenthetical Clauses Add additional information to a sentence. If they interrupt the flow and not needed to complete the sentence, they are set off with commas. The motion, unless you want further discussion, will be tabled until our next meeting. Relative Clauses (Pronouns) Who, whom, whose, which, that- function as conjunctions when they introduce dependent clauses Essential (restrictive) clause- needed to identify the noun to which it refers, no commas
Any employee who wants an August vacation must apply soon.
Nonessential (nonrestrictive) clause- has information that is not needed to know by the readers. The sentence makes sense on its own. Has to be separated with commas. Bruce R. Bent, whose career was in finance, launched the first U.S. Money market fund in 1970. Punctuation Review Break down of the three common sentence patterns on page 270.
Chapter Review: Level 2 1. a. Phillip Knight who was the cofounder and former CEO of Nike was tattooed with the company's “swoosh” logo. b. Phillip Knight, who was the cofounder and former CEO of Nike was tattooed with the company's “swoosh” logo. 2. a. If you have any questions about our proposal, please them to Kris Bertrand. b. If you have any questions about our proposal please them to Kris Bertrand. 3. a. When completed the newly created Web site will enable customers to track shipments. b. When completed, the newly created Web site will enable customers to track shipments.
Chapter Review: Level 2 Answered
1. a. Phillip Knight who was the cofounder and former CEO of Nike was tattooed with the company's “swoosh” logo. b. Phillip Knight, who was the cofounder and former CEO of Nike was tattooed with the company's “swoosh” logo. 2. a. If you have any questions about our proposal, please them to Kris Bertrand. b. If you have any questions about our proposal please them to Kris Bertrand. 3. a. When completed the newly created Web site will enable customers to track shipments. b. When completed, the newly created Web site will enable customers to track shipments.
Level 3 Correlative Conjunctions
Join grammatically equal sentence elements. Always used in pairs (both...and, not only...but (also)) These are used in situations when there needs to be more emphasis made. The sentence needs to be made parallel. Either Michelle was flying into Oakland or to San Jose. (not parallel) Michelle was flying either into Oakland or into San Jose. (parallel)
Break down of sentences
Sentence Variety Advanced, great writers make sentences with variety in structure. Leila Peters founded her own dessert business. She specialized in molded containers made of French chocolate. Her 350 designs were unique. She copyrighted them. Another chocolatier copied her spiral chocolate seashell. Leila sued. She won. See the choppiness? Break down of sentences Simple: One independent clause Leila Peters founded her own dessert business. Compound: Two independent clauses Leila founded her own dessert business, and she specialized in molded containers of French chocolate
Complex: Two independent clause and one dependent clause
Since Leila Peters founded her own dessert business, she has specialized in molded containers of French chocolate. Compound-complex: Two independent clauses and one dependent clause Leila's chocolate designs were copyrighted; therefore, when another chocolatier copied one, she sued and won.
Chapter Review: Level 3 1. a. Either she will go to law school or to medical school. b. She will to either to law school or to medical school. 2. a. Our investing objectives are both to get a decent return and to protect our assets. b. Our investing objectives are both to get a decent return and protecting our assets. 3. a. Be sure to either book out tickets in first- or business-class seats. b. Be sure to book out tickets in either first- or business-class seats. Simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex? 1. U.S. Airlines reduced services and cut jobs, but they continued to lose money. 2. We have no working backup system, and other departments face similar problem.
Chapter Review: Level 3 Answered
1. a. Either she will go to law school or to medical school. b. She will to either to law school or to medical school. 2. a. Our investing objectives are both to get a decent return and to protect our assets. b. Our investing objectives are both to get a decent return and protecting our assets. 3. a. Be sure to either book out tickets in first- or business-class seats. b. Be sure to book out tickets in either first- or business-class seats. Simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex? 1. U.S. Airlines reduced services and cut jobs, but they continued to lose money. -Simple 2. We have no working backup system, and other departments face similar problem. -Compound
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