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Unit 10: Excretory System Disorders

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1 Unit 10: Excretory System Disorders

2 Gout: Elevated levels of Uric Acid in blood. Uric Acid crystallizes in/near joints. Very painful.

3 Urinary Tract Infection UTI: also called Cystitis
Bacteria from Urethra travel to bladder. Can travel up to kidneys through Ureters (Pyelonephritis)

4 Kidney Stones: also called Renal Lithiasis
Small, hard mineral deposits (Calcium Oxalate and Uric Acid Crystals ) that form inside your kidneys.



7 Bed Wetting: Involuntary urination during sleep Usually caused by.. - Small Bladder - UTI - Deep Sleeper - Stress - Hormone Imbalance

8 Kidney Dysplasia: Condition that can occur in babies while they are growing in the womb. Fluid filled sacs replace normal tissue in developing (baby’s) kidneys. (Babies with dysplasia in both kidneys usually don’t survive pregnancy.)

9 Tx for Kidney Failure Kidney Dialysis: 2 types-
Hemodialysis: Blood is filtered outside of body and returned. (Vein is surgically enlarged in arm for easy access for large catheter)

10 Tx for Kidney Failure Peritoneal: Solution introduced into peritoneal cavity through abdominal catheter. Osmosis/diffusion draws fluid/waste from blood. Solution is then drained.

11 Dialysis Procedure

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