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ICS World Continence Week

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1 ICS World Continence Week
Proposed suggestions on how to setup a WCW event First of all think globally, act locally! The main aim is to improve the quality of life for people affected by urinary, bowel and pelvic floor disorders. By taking action in our hands we can raise awareness and help to prevent due topics. Setup a Conference It’s a good opportunity to present the expectations and demands for changes in continence related issues. Think of a boardroom or a local conference centre (capacity of around 100 people)- maybe you can get it for free? Speak to your local hospital to see if they have a space available. It’s for a worthy cause and they may be able to help. Invite various experts in the field of incontinence to conduct the conference. For example You can talk about: the socio- economic costs of incontinence in Your country place for a patient suffering from incontinence; Incontinence treatment from the specialists perspective– gynecology and urology; long-term care costs Don’t forget about the logistics - catering, seating and AV equipment will be needed. Setup open medical consultations with specialists (gynecology and urology) Patients can arrange to meet with a gynecologist or urologist to get advice about their disease These would be open medical consultations lasting minutes per person. The consultations can be also combined with open medical lectures so that people can get additional information on their condition 

2 ICS World Continence Week
Gymnastic exercises (pelvic floor trainings) Such activities are always welcome among the public and often very crowded. Rent a gym for a half or full day Ask a specialist to teach appropriate exercises The exercises can be also combined with open medical lectures so that people can get some information on the way. Nationwide Info-line with two urologists’ shifts Host a national information line with 2 specialist providing one to one advise This can be promoted by advertising in the press and on local patient websites Advertisement ideas; Radio: buy time on the radiobroadcast, all-day spots announcing broadcast inform about who, where, when and why is doing such activities debate with two invited guests following the broadcast 1 hour telephone shift Internet: use popular medical and patients web sites to inform about the WCW breakfast TV Leaflets It is important to notify as many people as possible!

3 ICS World Continence Week
What kind of help will you get from ICS The ICS has useful materials on incontinence that you can request as we as the WCW resource pack. The ICS can promote your event(s) that you’ve planned by putting them on the Continence Events Worldwide webpage; You will also get the patronage of ICS which gives you the possibility to use their logo on your marketing materials and website. You/your event(s) will be highlighted in media relations activities, including press releases to media. So sign in and join the International Continence Society

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