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Effective Communication

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1 Effective Communication
District Convention 2017 Ethan Xu, Division 30 South Executive Assistant Vivian Bui, Division 30 South Lt. Governor Elect

2 How frequently are you messaging someone?

3 What is COMMUNICATION? [com· mu· ni· ca· tion] noun
Flow of information between people. The successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings. Produces desired or intended results.

4 Forms of Communication
Social Media Texting Reflector Groups Website There are many different types of communication through technology. It is important to choose an appropriate medium of communication that can cover the points stated previously. Go into depth about reflector groups.

5 Effective vs. Weak Inclusive vs. Exclusive Concise vs. Redundant
Thorough vs. Brief Professional vs. Careless

6 Etiquette Start with a greeting: Don’t dive in straight to the purpose! Address your audience out of common courtesy. State your purpose: Start off with a brief summary/bullet points. Explain what any and all attachments are to maintain a professional manner.

7 Etiquette Highlight: In lengthy and informative s, highlight for emphasis. End with a closing and thank the recipient: State your farewells and wish them a good day - it is common courtesy! Also, include information so that they can follow up.

8 Tips! Check the time: Even though you can send s out at 3 AM, it doesn’t mean you should. If you decide to write them at 3 AM, use applications that can pre-send them out! Ex: Boomerang Always reply back: Acknowledge the sender with a prompt reply to let them know that you’ve read the content.

9 Tips! DO NOT use slang words: Although it’s tempting, remember that we are professional leaders. “yO hOmIez!!! WH3R3Z U A7!?!?!!?!?!? G1mm3 dat rostaaa” = NO Always be respectful: Keep your audience in mind, and always be considerate.

10 Formal Example Hello Vivian,
I am inquiring about __________________________. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you for your time! Best Regards, Ethan Xu Ask them what can be improved.

11 The Beauty of Social Media
Broad platform: The audience isn’t limited to just your school. Captivating: Not everyone reads s. Quick: You can easily delegate officers to publicize. Free: Electronic publicizing is green! Effective!

12 Social Media Marketing
Keep the message positive! DO include •Date, time, and location •Who’s invited • Purpose of the event • Admission requirements •Captivating photos •Graphic Standards / Branding

13 Where’s the Line? No official Key Club business (ex: planning) is to be conducted on social media Takes away the magic of the event In-person meetings and calls are more professional Advisor interactions should remain off social media

14 Communicate with Advisors!
Key Club is a branch of the Kiwanis family! Without the help of our club advisors, Kiwanians, and all adults, our organization wouldn’t be where it is today. They chaperone, bring materials, etc. They do everything out of the goodness of their hearts.

15 Benefits of Good Relations
Better understanding of our organization is established. Responsible for our safety; they should be aware of all projects and events. Can be your friend or a mentor, not just supervisors. Create those bonds to enhance efficiency of clubs. Can familiarize clubs with Key Club policies and regulations.

16 TIPS for a Healthy Bond Advisor reflectors.
Don’t embarrass yourself! Apply etiquette. Examples: Region Bee Advisor Ms. BEE vs. Beetrice Lieutenant Governor Bee vs. Bee Establish appropriate mediums and times for contact. Respect their personal time. Remember that although they are our advisors, they serve us not for income. Refrain from bothering them! Connecting back to etiquette

17 ? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Go for it! ?

18 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Ethan Xu, D30S Executive Assistant, Vivian Bui, D30S Executive Assistant, Club Secretary,

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