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Put the following 3 words into sentences:

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Presentation on theme: "Put the following 3 words into sentences:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Put the following 3 words into sentences:
Do Now: Put the following 3 words into sentences: unfamiliar agility feat You will need: A Book to Read Literature Book, p.480

2 The First Skateboard (10-17):
What is the setting (time and place) of this memoir? What do the other children think of Betsy? What is Betsy selected to do? What do the children make? What materials do they use? 2-3 sentences for each question

3 The First Skateboard (24-33):
Who gives the skateboard its name? How is Bee different from the other children? Who does Bee pick to test ride the skateboard? What do we know so far about the conflict of the story? 2-3 sentences for each question

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