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The All-Important First Day: Setting the Stage

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Presentation on theme: "The All-Important First Day: Setting the Stage"— Presentation transcript:

1 The All-Important First Day: Setting the Stage
TA/TF Orientation CUA F2016 Margaret Ann Kassen, Mod. Langs.

2 Your thoughts this morning?
What are you most looking forward to? What are you most scared of?

3 Overview 3 B’s

4 “Bee” #1 “Bee” prepared

5 “Bee” prepared Check out the classroom ahead of time
Dress professionally Arrive early Arrange the class appropriately Write your name, the course name and the number on the board Bring the textbook/course materials Start and finish class on time

6 Make the time worthwhile
Do an activity or problem that is ‘typical’ for the class Give an assignment for the next class Highlight main aspects of the course description and the syllabus Prerequisite, Learning objectives, Class policies Explain expectations for student behavior Punctuality, attendance, homework, study groups, etc.

7 “BEE” #2 “Bee” yourself

8 “Bee” yourself How do you want to be addressed?
What characteristics do you want to share about yourself and how do you plan to say them? What intrigues you about your field? What do you like about teaching this class? Show your enthusiasm!

9 “Bee”-lieve in your students

10 Believe in your students
Use students’ names Build a sense of community Do an Icebreaker

11 Collect information on student background and motivation
Do an ungraded pre-test or diagnostic writing task Ask students to fill out a profile or info card Ask students what they expect to get out of the course, what challenges they anticipate, etc.

12 Encourage student involvement
Discuss their expectations of the course with a peer Discuss with a peer what seems to most interesting or challenging about the course Read the syllabus and write 3 questions End with a One Minute Paper, where students jot down any unanswered questions they may have about the course

13 Give advice on how to do well in this course
Give pointers on how to be successful Read comments written by students in previous semesters Emphasize the importance of coming to class Emphasize that much learning also occurs out of class Explain what students can do to get extra help

14 Expect a certain level of anticipation
Excitement Nervousness New faces New roles

15 “Bee” the best you can “bee”
3 Bees Be prepared Be yourself Believe in your students “Bee” the best you can “bee”

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