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Psalm 48:8-14 ( Tune: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 48:8-14 ( Tune: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 48:8-14 ( Tune: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name)
Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 48B Music: All Hail, Oliver Holden Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 1. In our God’s cit - y we have seen what we be-fore were told,
That God who is the Lord of hosts will ev - er it up - hold,

3 That God who is the Lord of hosts will ev - er it up-hold.

4 2. With-in thy courts O God we thought up-on thy gra-cious ways,
O God ac-cord-ing to thy name through… all the earth’s thy praise,

5 O God ac-cord-ing to thy name through…
all the earth’s thy praise.

6 3. Thy hand is full of right-eous-ness, let Zi - on’s joy be great,
Let Ju-dah’s daugh-ters joy - ful - ly thy judg-ments cel - e - brate,

7 Let Jud-ah’s daugh-ters joy - ful -ly thy judg-ments cel - e - brate.

8 4. En-com-pass Zi - on count her towers and…
mark her bul-warks well; Con - si - der ye her pal - a - ces; to sons her stor - y tell,

9 Con -si -der ye her pal - a - ces; to sons her stor - y tell.

10 5. Be-cause this God will be our God to all e - ter - ni - ty;
Yes, e-ven on through death it - self our con-stant guide is he,

11 Yes, e-ven on through death it-self our con-stant guide is he.

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